How to pierce a toilet without a plunger

Author: Sara Rhodes
Date Of Creation: 18 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Blocked toilet gracefully pierced, toilet gracefully handled when blocked
Video: Blocked toilet gracefully pierced, toilet gracefully handled when blocked


A clogged toilet can cause great inconvenience, and also flood not only you, but also your neighbors, if you do not clear the blockage as soon as possible. If you don't have a plunger, try using other available remedies to loosen the blockage. You may need a hand held toilet drill to unclog a serious blockage. When you're done, your toilet will start working again as before!


Method 1 of 3: Dish soap and hot water

  1. 1 Pour 60 ml of dish detergent into the toilet and let sit for 25 minutes. Pour liquid dish soap directly into the toilet bowl. Over the next 25 minutes, the product will make the pipes more slippery, making it easier to clear the blockage. As the blockage recedes, you may notice that the water level in the toilet will drop.

    Advice: do not use bar soap or shampoo - they contain fats that can make the blockage worse.

  2. 2 Pour about 4 liters of hot water into the toilet. Draw as hot water as possible from the bathroom tap. Slowly pour the water directly into the drain to open the blockage. Hot water and dish soap can open up the blockage and the toilet can be flushed out again.
    • Only pour hot water down the toilet if there is no risk of it overflowing.
    • You can add 1 cup (200 g) Epsom salts to the water, which will also help loosen the blockage.

    A warning: under no circumstances pour boiling water into the toilet. Sudden changes in temperature can damage the toilet, as porcelain or ceramics can crack.

  3. 3 Try flushing the toilet to check for clogging. Flush the toilet and see if all the water drains. If so, the dishwashing detergent and hot water did their job. If not, try again or try another way to clear the blockage.

Method 2 of 3: Baking soda and vinegar

  1. 1 Place 1 cup (230 g) baking soda in the toilet. Pour baking soda directly into the water.Try to distribute the baking soda evenly throughout the bowl. Wait for the baking soda to sink to the bottom of the toilet before continuing.

    Advice: if the toilet is not filled with water, pour 4 liters of hot water into the toilet as well to help unclog the blockage.

  2. 2 Pour 2 cups (500 ml) vinegar into the toilet. Slowly pour the vinegar around the perimeter of the toilet to distribute it evenly over the bowl. When the vinegar gets on the baking soda, a chemical reaction will cause it to sizzle and foam.
    • Try not to pour the vinegar too quickly, or the foam may spill over the edge of the toilet and increase cleaning.
  3. 3 After an hour, flush out the toilet. The chemical reaction between vinegar and baking soda should break through the blockage so that it can be flushed down the pipes. Use a different toilet or wait 1 hour before flushing the toilet.
    • If the water still won't run, try using the same amount of baking soda and vinegar, but leave them overnight.

Method 3 of 3: Unclogging with a hanger

  1. 1 Unwind the wire hanger, leaving the hook. Squeeze the hook firmly with pliers. Grasp the bottom of the hanger and turn it counterclockwise to unwind. Straighten the wire as much as possible without touching the hook so it can be used as a handle.
  2. 2 Tie a rag to the end of the hanger that doesn't have a hook. Wrap a rag around the hanger and tie it in a knot to keep it from falling off. The rag will protect the toilet bowl from damage as you push the wire into the pipes.
    • Take a rag, which is not a pity, since when cleaning the blockage it will get very dirty and will need to be thrown away.
  3. 3 Pour 60 ml of dishwashing liquid into the toilet. The product should settle to the bottom of the toilet. Wait 5 minutes before using the hanger. During this time, the soap will soften the blockage, making cleaning easier.
    • If you don't have dishwashing liquid, use any other liquid detergent like shampoo or shower gel.
  4. 4 Insert the end of the wire hanger and rag into the toilet. With your non-dominant hand, grip the hook of the hanger firmly. Insert the end of the hanger with a rag straight into the drain. Continue pushing the hanger down the drain until you feel a blockage or the wire runs out.
    • Wear rubber gloves if you don't want the water to spill on you from the toilet.

    A warning: A wire hanger can scratch the bottom of the toilet. If you want to avoid this, use a hand held toilet drill.

  5. 5 Push the hanger into the pipes to break through the blockage. Clear the blockage with quick up and down strokes. When the blockage loses, the water level in the toilet should drop. Continue pushing the hanger down until you break through the blockage.
    • If the hanger doesn't bump into anything, then the blockage is deeper.
  6. 6 Flush the toilet. Remove the hanger from the drain and try flushing the toilet. If the hanger breaks through the blockage, then the water should drain off without problems. If not, try again to better clear the blockage.
    • If the hanger doesn't help the second time, call a plumber to assess the problem.


  • Never pour boiling water down the toilet, as a sudden change in temperature can cause the porcelain to crack.
  • If you have tried all of the above methods and the toilet is still clogged, contact your plumber as soon as possible so that he or she understands the problem.

What do you need

Dishwashing liquid and hot water

  • Dishwashing liquid
  • A bowl

Baking soda and vinegar

  • Baking soda
  • Vinegar

Unclogging with a hanger

  • Wire hanger
  • Pliers
  • Rag
  • Liquid dishwashing detergent
  • Latex gloves