How to apply feng shui in the bedroom

Author: William Ramirez
Date Of Creation: 21 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Feng Shui Do’s and Don’ts for the Bedroom | Avoid these Taboos! | Julie Khuu
Video: Feng Shui Do’s and Don’ts for the Bedroom | Avoid these Taboos! | Julie Khuu


The ancient Chinese feng shui method helps us balance our homes and make our lives more successful and happier. The bedroom is a kind of refuge in which we can relax and recharge. The right bedroom feng shui can help your love life as well as improve your ability to relax and be in control. Feng Shui will show you how to keep the chi energy circulating and how to neutralize negative energy that can enter your room - and your life. If you want to know how to apply the principles of feng shui in your bedroom, read this article.


Part 1 of 4: Applying Feng Shui Principles to the Bed

The correct feng shui bed can be the most important factor in proper feng shui in the bedroom. For this reason, Feng Shui principles should be applied primarily to the bed. Although the shape of the bed and bedroom imposes certain restrictions, you can still apply the basic principles of feng shui to the bed..

  1. 1 The bed should have a solid headboard. Solid wood or soft padded headboards are most suitable, the latter have a very good combination of durable and soft energy. When you fall asleep, your body is hard at work renewing energy on many levels. Subconsciously, when you sleep, you need support and protection for your head, just like your back when you sit for a long time.
  2. 2 Choose a good mattress. Choose your mattress wisely and invest in the one that will best promote sleep and relaxation. It's simple: the better you sleep at night, the better you feel during the day.According to the principles of feng shui, you should not buy used mattresses - you do not know how much energy they have accumulated from previous owners.
  3. 3 The bed must be of the correct height. To ensure a balanced flow of energy under the bed, the bed must be at a reasonable height above floor level. Beds with built-in drawers are considered bad from a feng shui perspective because energy must circulate around your body while you sleep, which is impossible if the space under the bed is blocked.
  4. 4 Place the bed as far away from the door as possible. Place the bed against the opposite wall or diagonally to the door, but not in a straight line with the door. In other words, you should be able to see the door while in bed, but not be in line with the door. Whether it is the bedroom door, balcony / terrace door, bathroom or storage room door, the bed must not be in line with any of the bedroom doors, or too much qi will flow towards the bed. Ideally, the bed can be located diagonally to the door in the opposite corner from the door.
    • If your bed is too close to the door, it can lead to surprises in your life. The further you are from the door, the more prepared you will be for the events to come. For the same reason, the bedroom should be located as far from the front door as possible.
    • However, when you wake up, ideally, the door should be in your field of vision or close to it so that you feel in control of your life.
  5. 5 There should be a good load-bearing wall behind the bed. In addition to a good headboard, it is best to have a solid wall behind the bed. If you sleep under a window, your personal energy weakens over time as it has neither proper support nor protection.
  6. 6 Balance the energy on either side of the bed. Place two nightstands on either side of the bed to create balance while sleeping. Ideally, you can also place the same lamps on both bedside tables to add soft lighting. This balance is essential for your concentration and especially for maintaining equality in the relationship if you share a bedroom with your partner.
    • Ideally, bedside tables should be round rather than square to cut down on negative energy from corners that can be directed at you and which can also be seen as a "poison arrow."
  7. 7 Keep your bed away from a TV, desk, or other distractions. Ideally, you should remove the desk and TV from the bedroom, then it really becomes a place to relax and unwind. However, if you have limited space and need to place a TV or desk in the bedroom, place them as far away from the bed as possible so that they do not interfere with its positive energy. Throw a scarf or blanket as light as possible over your TV or desk, or hide it with a folding cabinet.

Part 2 of 4: Avoid Negative Energy

In fact, very few bedrooms have perfect feng shui. If you are not fortunate enough to design and build your home according to the principles of feng shui, you are likely to run into some problems when creating a good feng shui bedroom. It is important to know what to avoid in the bedroom and how to make the most of what you already have..

  1. 1 Do not place a mirror or wardrobe with mirrored doors in front of the bed. If you can't get rid of these mirrors, drape them. It is believed that mirrors can disrupt sleep. Try not to place mirrors in the bedroom at all, especially if you are sharing it with a romantic partner, as they can open up spaces for infidelity. Mirrors also have too much energy for a resting place.
  2. 2 Do not place the bed directly under the beam. The beam can cause pressure sensations and disrupt sleep.If you have no other options, cover the beam with a cloth or hang two bamboo flutes from it with the mouthpiece down. This will help block unwanted energy from above. The idea is not to feel in danger in your sleep.
  3. 3 Do not place fountains or water containers in the bedroom. Also, do not hang pictures or paintings of water, or place an aquarium in your bedroom. These items can provoke financial loss or robbery.
  4. 4 Avoid placing plants and flowers in your bedroom. It is believed that there is too much energetic and active yang in plants, which prevents good rest. If you have no other place for the plants, try to keep them out of your field of vision when you are lying on your bed.
  5. 5 Do not fill the space around the bed with unnecessary items and do not place the bed with one side of the bed against the wall. Qi then cannot circulate, and this can cause problems in your intimate life. If the bed is against the wall, then one of the partners will be literally "trapped" in this relationship.
  6. 6 Get rid of the TV. Television creates an unhealthy magnetic field that can disrupt sleep, cause tension in a relationship with a partner, or lead a third party into the bedroom. If you need to keep the TV in the bedroom, cover it with a cloth when not in use. If you're serious about business, you can also hide the TV in a cabinet or on a retractable shelf when not in use.
  7. 7 Don't keep books in your bedroom. You can keep a few books in your bedroom if you're reading before bed, but too many books will be overwhelming. A bedroom is a place to rest and relax, and if there are too many books in it, it will be more like a place to work.

Part 3 of 4: Balancing with Color

Having the right colors in the bedroom is one of the easiest ways to balance energy through feng shui. The colors represent yin and yang. Each color is an expression of one of the five elements: fire, earth, metal, water and wood. The elements are used in specific areas in accordance with the energy map (ba-gua) of the room or house. It is generally recommended to use bright reds to bring passion and energy into the bedroom, earthy colors for a calming effect, and pastels for a sense of calm and serenity..

  1. 1 Use the colors of the element of fire for passion and energy. A balanced fire element will bring auspicious energy into all your career endeavors and help you gain recognition. It will also bring passion and romance into your life and into your bedroom. The colors of fire in feng shui are:
    • Red
    • Orange
    • Purple
    • Pink
    • Rich yellow
  2. 2 Include earthy tones for prosperity and stability. A strong and harmonious earth element will help provide stability, prosperity, and protection to all your relationships. The colors of the earth in feng shui are:
    • Light yellow
    • Beige
  3. 3 Include metallic colors for clarity and precision. The metal element brings certainty, precision, clarity and efficiency; its balanced presence will help you live with clarity and ease. The colors of metal in feng shui are:
    • Grey
    • White
  4. 4 Include pastel colors to add peace and tranquility to your bedroom. After all, the most important thing is to feel comfortable in your own bedroom and get a good night's sleep. Calm, soft pastel colors in the bedroom can add serenity and peace of mind. Here are some of the colors you can use:
    • Blue
    • Light pink
    • Light green
    • Light lilac

Part 4 of 4: Other Considerations

  1. 1 Treat your bedroom like an oasis. The bedroom should be your refuge, allowing you to escape the stress of everyday life, which can include work, children, health, etc.It shouldn't be a place where you put things that you can't find a place for in the rest of the house. On the contrary, it should be your oasis in the middle of the desert, a place you can come to when you want to relax - or just when you need to take a break.
  2. 2 Choose soft lighting for your bedroom. Avoid bright, harsh light and ceiling lights above the bed. Instead, use table lamps with soft lighting and try to make the most of the natural light from the window. It will give you a sense of calmness and ease.
  3. 3 Consider the location of the windows. If possible, do not place the bed between a window and a door, or you will find yourself in the Qi path between them. If you can't avoid it, use beautiful blackout curtains to block out some of the negative energy. It is also better not to sleep facing the window, otherwise you will not be able to fully rest.
  4. 4 Place art that inspires you in your bedroom. Hang pictures of calming nature scenes or specific places that inspire you. Choose a neutral landscape, an image that motivates you to pursue your dreams, or something that sets you up for a calm and peaceful mood. Too graphic, frightening, disturbing images have no place in the bedroom. Place the most inspiring image in front of your bed so that it is the first thing you see when you wake up.
  5. 5 Strive for equality. Try to leave equal space on either side of the bed and other furniture. Within reason, you should be able to walk easily to both sides of the room. Of course, a piece of furniture can upset the balance, but in general, try not to overload one side of the bedroom, or you will create an imbalance in the most important room of the house.
  6. 6 Get rid of the clothes you no longer wear. Check your closet and dresser drawers and remove any clothing that you haven't worn in the last year. Donate it to a charity or give it to friends or family. Even if you don’t see old clothes, keeping them in your bedroom can prevent you from taking advantage of new opportunities.
  7. 7 Do not post pictures of relatives or friends in your bedroom. You can hang a few key family photos, but don't hang pictures of people all over your bedroom or you will feel like you are being watched. The same goes for religious leaders.
  8. 8 Don't overload your bedroom with decor items. The bedroom should be as free and simple as possible. Do not add chairs, lamps or paintings unless you are sure they are actually needed. The more things there are, the more difficult it can be to find a balance.
  9. 9 Get rid of junk and knickknacks. To have optimal feng shui in your bedroom, you have to get rid of unnecessary paperwork, rubbish, old knickknacks, silly photographs, useless gifts, just anything that is not really necessary. If you have special sentimental feelings about certain items, you can put them in the closet or another room, but try to minimize the amount of items in the bedroom. A free and uncluttered bedroom will lead to an uncluttered and fulfilling life.


  • Slide in drawers and close cabinet doors at night for better energy circulation.