How to make a stuffed tortilla

Author: Clyde Lopez
Date Of Creation: 24 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Egg stuffed tortilla: the perfect dinner ready in 5 minutes!
Video: Egg stuffed tortilla: the perfect dinner ready in 5 minutes!


Many restaurants serve tortilla with different fillings (sometimes even salad). Although it takes a little bit of culinary skill to make a stuffed tortilla, everyone can do it. Therefore, by staying at home, you can save money and make healthy and tasty tortilla with different fillings at home.


  1. 1 Choose your ingredients. Next time you go to the market, buy your favorite foods. The advantage of a tortilla that can be wrapped around ingredients is that you can use toppings that you cannot use in regular bread sandwiches.
  2. 2 Lay out the tortilla. Typically, a wheat flour tortilla is used for making sandwiches, however you can use a corn flour tortilla if you prefer more of it. You can opt for colorful fillings such as tomatoes or spinach. If you don't want to buy tortillas, or if it is difficult to get them in your area, remember that you can make the tortilla yourself.
    • Whichever tortilla you use, place it on a plate or on a clean cutting board and prepare the filling.
    • Heat the tortilla in a skillet with a little oil if you want it to be warm.
  3. 3 Add meat if you eat it. You can use cold cuts, grill meats, pan-fry, or any other way. Remember to use different spices if you are cooking the meat yourself. Chicken, turkey, beef, ham, and pork are excellent choices.
  4. 4 Add seafood if you like. Shrimp and fish are a healthy and light sandwich filling. You can also use canned tuna or salmon.
    • As a rule, they use meat or seafood for making sandwiches. Seafood has a more delicate taste and texture, which cannot be said about the meat filling.
  5. 5 Add vegetables. Use many different vegetables. This is a great way to serve healthy and tasty vegetables in one meal. You can make a salad and wrap it in a tortilla.
    • Make a salad with a variety of vegetables such as spinach, kale, chopped peppers, broccoli (pre-steam if you prefer), tomatoes, olives, mushrooms, and your favorite vegetables.
  6. 6 Use fruits, fresh or dried. Although fruit is not often used as a filling for sandwiches or salads, you can discover new flavors. Try chopped pears or apples, grapes, raisins, or whatever fruit you think would work for the filling.
  7. 7 Add nuts and / or seeds. Almonds, chopped walnuts, sunflower seeds, or sesame seeds can add a nice crunch and flavor to your sandwich.
  8. 8 Add cheese, sauce and spices. If you are on a diet, be careful when choosing your ingredients. If you like mayonnaise, cheese, cream cheese, or gravy, you can compromise on just a few of your favorite ingredients. Use mustard, barbecue sauce, low fat sour cream, yogurt, kefir, light salad dressings, oil, and vinegar.
  9. 9 Add any seasoning you like. Salt and pepper are the choices of many, but don't forget other fresh or dried herbs and spices like basil, oregano, cinnamon, or chili powder.
  10. 10 Roll up your filling. Divide the cake visually into three strips. Place the filling on the middle strip. Fold 7 cm from each end towards the middle. Then wrap the rest of the tortilla around the filling. Wrap tightly.
  11. 11 For a restaurant look, cut the resulting sandwich in half diagonally.
  12. 12 Ready.


  • Don't try to cook everything at once. Start with traditional combinations if you're unsure of where to start. Try tomatoes and basil or apples and cheese. Use strong scents combined with simple and neutral ones.
  • Sandwiches can be eaten hot or cold. Choose the option that suits your filling.
  • If you have a favorite filled tortilla that you order at a restaurant all the time, next time take a look at the ingredients used to make it. You can repeat the recipe at home, or even improve on it.
  • Try boiled rice for the base. Rice tastes better with hot tortillas. However, it can also be eaten with cold ingredients such as crab meat or tofu.
  • Overlapping tortillas. If your tortilla is small, you can use two, covering each other.


  • Handle food properly, especially meat. Make sure the meat is completely cooked. If you take a sandwich to work, refrigerate it. Use a lunch box and ice.