How to overcome erectile dysfunction

Author: Mark Sanchez
Date Of Creation: 4 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to FIX erectile dysfunction for good! - Doctor Explains!
Video: How to FIX erectile dysfunction for good! - Doctor Explains!


Are you having trouble maintaining an erection during sex? More than 50% of men over the age of forty face this. Millions will confirm that erectile dysfunction can cause deep dissatisfaction and negatively affect relationships and self-esteem. The good news is that there are tons of ways to get rid of this problem, from simple lifestyle changes to herbal medications. If you want to know how to overcome erectile dysfunction and re-experience the joy in the bedroom, read on.


Method 1 of 3: Lifestyle Changes

  1. 1 Leave your dislike for doctors in the past. Every year, millions of men facing erectile dysfunction are also embarrassed to talk to a doctor about it. This is a very common disorder, but this does not mean that it is an integral part of this age. Erectile dysfunction (ED) is usually an indication of hidden problems that require treatment. Before you start trying to get rid of this disorder on your own, it is very important that you see your doctor for possible reasons that may be affecting your ability to maintain an erection.
    • Talk to your doctor about your vascular health. If you have high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or high sugar levels, it is possible that one of these conditions is damaging the blood vessels of the heart, which can lead to ED.
    • Heart disease and diabetes are two serious conditions that lead to ED. If you have one of these conditions, treating it will cure ED as well.
  2. 2 Exercise regularly. Seriously. Prioritize yourself to go outside or to the gym and walk, run, swim, ride a bike, or do weightlifting - at least 4 times a week. According to a Harvard University study, walking for half an hour daily reduces the risk of ED by 41%. Do cardio regularly to stimulate your heart to pump blood throughout your body. When it's time for an erection, good circulation throughout the body is the key to success.
  3. 3 Avoid being overweight. A large waist is associated with a high risk of ED. By doing weight loss work, you can make huge improvements to your bedroom. Make sure to eat healthy foods filled with fruits, vegetables, whole grains, unsaturated proteins, and healthy fats.
    • Avoid processed foods and processed foods made with refined sugar and flour.
    • Replace high-calorie drinks with water and sugar-free tea.
    • Snacks should also be healthy: nuts, carrots, and apples instead of food in bars or fast foods that are high in sugar.
  4. 4 Quit smoking. Smoking greatly exacerbates erectile dysfunction as it damages the circulatory system and leads to diseases that cause ED. If you are having trouble maintaining an erection, it might be time to quit cigarettes for your health.
    • If it is not possible to quit smoking right now, try to reduce the number of cigarettes as much as possible. If you can reduce to a few cigarettes a day, it will be significantly better than smoking a pack.
  5. 5 Avoid alcohol. Alcohol is another substance that can cause huge damage to your erection. Many older men notice that it is much more difficult to maintain firmness after a few drinks.
  6. 6 Exercise your pelvic floor muscles. The pelvis helps the penis stay firm during an erection by providing pressure on the vein, thus preventing blood from flowing out until the erection is complete. Men who exercise their pelvic muscles have better results than those who rely solely on lifestyle changes. So how do you strengthen this inner muscle? Kegel Exercise.
    • To locate the pelvic floor muscles, tense as if you are trying to control urination.
    • Tighten and relax your muscles 8 times, then rest, then do 8 more times. Continue until you've done 3-4 sets of 8 times.
    • Do the Kegel exercise at least once every day.

Method 2 of 3: Getting Rid of Anxiety

  1. 1 Eliminate stressors from your life. Anxiety is one of the main culprits in ED. If you can find a way to relieve stress, you can probably maintain an erection much better. Think right now what is the source of the most stress and anxiety in your life. What can you think of to give yourself a break?
    • If your daily routine is busy from morning until evening, consider how you can arrange for yourself more free time.

    • Unplug electronics at least before bed. You will get better sleep, which is necessary to cope with stress.
    • Spend more time outdoors. Fresh air and the closeness of nature are a great way to relieve stress and anxiety.
  2. 2 Practice mindfulness. Have you noticed that instead of living the moments of your sex life, you are distracted by anxiety and excitement? You need to train yourself to be fully in the present moment, to live it both physically and mentally. Clear your mind and focus on the sensations your body is experiencing during sex.
    • If sex has become a routine and is no longer arousing as it used to be, add new scents, textures and sounds to it. For example, use massage oil and play music to tune your partner in the right way.
  3. 3 Chat with your partner. Do you feel comfortable when it comes to your sex life. If you are worried that your partner may have high expectations or standards, it is very difficult to maintain an erection - this is called action anxiety. If you have any suggestions that potential criticism from your partner may be affecting your ability to obtain sexual gratification, you should discuss your needs and find ways to make your sexual environment more seductive.
  4. 4 Learn more about sex. If your anxiety or guilt about sex is deeply rooted, these negative emotions can be the cause of dysfunction. Learn more about how sex can be a good way to learn to accept your body and how to better understand each other's sexual needs. Read about sexual techniques, or attend a sex positive workshop, open your mind to new possibilities, and increase your comfort in bed.

Method 3 of 3: Trying Medicines and Therapy

  1. 1 Take ED medications. Viagra and similar medications can help men maintain an erection for several hours at a time. They work by enhancing the action of nitric oxide naturally produced by the body to relax and increase blood flow to the penis. If you are interested in drugs that specialize in treating ED, talk to your doctor for a prescription.
    • It is important to heal not only ED, but also the primary problems causing the dysfunction, rather than relying solely on a drug solution to the problem.
    • ED medications may not work, or may even be dangerous if you are taking certain other medications, or if you have had a stroke or heart disease.
  2. 2 Consider using an injection or suppository. If you do not want to take medication, it is possible to inject alprostadil directly into the penis just before you want to get an erection. Side effects can include pain and build-up of fibrous tissue in the penis.
  3. 3 Explore the possibilities of testosterone therapy. If your doctor has determined that your ED is caused by low testosterone levels, then this may be the right decision for you. Discuss this program with your doctor.
  4. 4 Try a penis pump. This device is a hollow tube with a hand pump. A tube is placed on the penis and a pump is used to create an erection. The ring is placed at the base of the penis to prevent blood from flowing out. If you are interested in this device, talk to your doctor about which model will suit your needs.
  5. 5 Consider the possibility of implantation. Inflatable or semi-rigid implants are placed in the penis and provide excellent erection control. Since implantation always carries a risk of infection, the doctor usually advises it only if all other means have failed.
  6. 6 Look for natural remedies. If you are not interested in medications and devices, seek out a practicing homeopath who can advise you on a natural remedy that may be effective.Some men have benefited from acupuncture, herbal medicine, and herbal viagra can be effective.
    • Do not take supplements or extracts without talking to your physiologist.
    • Korean red ginseng, dehydroepiandrosterone, and L-arginine complex have given some men great results.


  • If modern treatment (Viagra, Cialis, etc.) is ineffective in your problem, refer to the drugs that are currently being developed. For example, unlike drugs like Viagra, which work situationally and on the symptom, a drug called Bremelanotide is designed to target the libido and arousal aspects of sexual intercourse. This drug, which has also been tested on women with arousal disorders, has been found to be suitable for men who are not physically impaired but have difficulty getting emotionally aroused.
  • You can start a conversation with your doctor with simple words: "I think I have a problem in bed," or "My sex life is not as good as I would like." ED is very common. You will not say anything that the doctor has not heard before. Remember, 50% of men over 40 have ED. You are not alone!
  • You can always try drugs like Viagra if your doctor thinks they are safe for you. Remember that the doctor is the person who knows and can tell you which medications are worth taking and which ones are not harmful to you. He / she may even have a sample. You can also contact the official representatives of Viagra. There are specialists there who will answer you any questions and provide all the educational information. There is nothing to surprise them, so do not hesitate. Every day they talk to hundreds of men facing EXACTLY THE SAME PROBLEM!


  • Be sure to check with your doctor before taking any medications.
  • REAL Viagra can only be obtained with a doctor's prescription. Don't fall for online advertisements and newspaper sales. These are fake illegal pills. Plus, they can be dangerous because you don't know what's in them.