How to prevent oily hair

Author: William Ramirez
Date Of Creation: 17 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


Sebum is an oily substance secreted by the sebaceous glands of the skin. The largest sebaceous glands are found on the scalp, so hair can become oily. This is due to the excessive production of sebum. In addition, this situation can be exacerbated by the fact that many who already have a problem with excessive sebum production use mousses, gels and similar styling products. Instead of hiding your hair under a hat or tucking it up in a ponytail trying to hide the greasy strands, you can solve the problem of excessive sebum production by changing your approach to hair care and by making adjustments to your diet.


Method 1 of 3: Washing Your Hair Properly

  1. 1 Wash your hair less often. While this may seem counterintuitive, washing your hair frequently can cause the sebaceous glands to produce more oily substance. Washing your hair removes the sebum layer. The scalp immediately reacts to this and tries to replenish what it has lost by producing more natural oils. In addition, some shampoos and conditioners, especially those containing silicone, contribute to excessive sebum production.
    • If you are used to washing your hair every day, try gradually reducing the frequency of washing your hair. Skip one day a week to start, and then you can take longer breaks of two to three days.
  2. 2 Use the right shampoo. Look for a gentle cleansing shampoo that won't completely wash off natural oils. This will prevent the sebaceous glands from producing more sebum. Also, occasionally use a shampoo that contains salicylic acid, selenium sulfide, or ketoconazole. These substances deeply cleanse the scalp, making it healthy, and also reduce the production of sebum.
    • Use shampoos with tea tree oil, as this oil helps to normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands.
  3. 3 Rinse your hair thoroughly. Regardless of which shampoo you use, you must rinse your hair thoroughly. Do this for at least 30 seconds. In this case, the advice is relevant: "The longer, the better."
  4. 4 Apply conditioner to the ends of your hair. Avoid applying conditioner to your scalp, as your hair will get greasy faster. Conditioner is designed to treat brittle and dry ends.
    • Use products specifically for oily hair in moderation.
  5. 5 Use home remedies. In addition to the aforementioned tips, you can also use various home remedies to make your hair less greasy. You can make great remedies with what you have at your fingertips. In addition, you can purchase some of the ingredients in the store. You may need aloe vera, baking soda, baby powder, and tea. Below are some simple but very effective examples of home remedies:
    • Rinsing hair with vinegar or lemon juice: Mix 2 tablespoons of white vinegar or the juice of one lemon with one glass of water. Wash your hair with shampoo, then rinse with the resulting mixture and warm water.
    • Beer rinse: Alcohol is a drying agent, so try mixing 1/2 cup of beer with 2 cups of water, and after shampooing your hair, rinse your hair with the mixture. Then rinse your hair with warm water to remove unpleasant odors from your hair!
    • Oatmeal Remedy: Cook the oatmeal and let cool. Then apply it on the scalp and leave it on for 10-15 minutes. After that, wash your hair as usual.

Method 2 of 3: Changes to the styling rules

  1. 1 Avoid thermal treatments. Heat promotes sebum production, so avoid thermal treatments such as a hair dryer.Also, use a hair straightener, curling iron, and hot curler as little as possible if you have oily hair.
  2. 2 Touch your hair as little as possible. By touching the roots of your hair with your fingers, you spread the oil along its entire length and also stimulate the production of sebum.
    • Also remember that by touching your hair with your hands, you transfer oils that are on the surface of the skin of your hands to your hair (for example, if you ate something the day before or used a cream).
    • This tip also applies to brushing your hair: every time you run the comb through the strands of your hair, you spread the oily substance secreted by the sebaceous glands of the skin along the entire length of the hair. Of course, you cannot do without a comb, but try to use it as little as possible.
  3. 3 Use dry shampoo. Dry shampoo helps to get rid of the oily hair at the roots and also increases hair volume. Use dry shampoo on days when you don't wash your hair with regular shampoo.
    • Dry shampoo is a great product that you can use from time to time. Don't use it every day. Dry shampoo blocks hair follicles and also disrupts sweat glands.
    • Cornstarch, cornmeal, and blotting paper are alternatives to dry shampoo. The aforementioned products are capable of absorbing the oily substance that the sebaceous glands of the skin secrete.
  4. 4 Do not use oil-based products. Styling products with silicone or a high oil content will make your hair look greasy. Before using this or that product, carefully read its composition.

Method 3 of 3: Changing Your Diet

  1. 1 Include foods high in vitamins B2 and B6 in your diet. These vitamins regulate sebum production.
    • Sunflower seeds are an excellent source of vitamins B2 and B6. In addition, foods such as fish, poultry, red meat, and beans also contain vitamin B6. ...
    • If you are not getting enough B vitamins from your diet, you can take supplements. You can buy supplements over the counter without a doctor's prescription.
  2. 2 Take vitamin A and D supplements. Like the B vitamins, vitamins A and D regulate sebum production.
    • Always check with your doctor before taking vitamin A and D supplements.
  3. 3 Follow a glycemic index diet. The consumption of foods with a high glycemic index leads to a sharp release of the hormone insulin, and, accordingly, to an increase in sebum production.
    • Eliminate refined, high-carbohydrate, and high-sugar foods from your diet. Choose non-starchy vegetables, legumes, and fruits.
  4. 4 Increase your zinc intake. Zinc regulates sebum production, which is one of the most important factors in scalp and hair health. Red meat and poultry are good sources of zinc.
    • Oatmeal contains zinc and vitamins B2 and B6. These substances normalize the work of the sebaceous glands. Therefore, include this important product in your diet.
  5. 5 Include foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids in your diet. These substances are essential for healthy hair. Fish and walnuts are excellent sources of Omega-3s.


  • In some cases, oily hair is the result of hormonal changes. This problem can affect adolescents, pregnant women, or women in the menopause. If you have oily hair and think the problem is related to hormonal changes, consult your doctor.
  • Taking oral contraceptives and steroids can also increase sebum production.
  • Do not massage your scalp too hard when washing your hair, as this will stimulate the sebaceous glands and increase sebum production.