How to prevent stress from breaking up

Author: Alice Brown
Date Of Creation: 26 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Healing After a Breakup | Processing Grief Guilt Anxiety and Depression
Video: Healing After a Breakup | Processing Grief Guilt Anxiety and Depression


Here are some ways to deal with a breakup before something happens.


  1. 1 Take a walk with your friends.
    • Remember that friends will ALWAYS make you laugh. If you want to overcome this, you need to be with friends so that they can help you forget about unpleasant moments and help you feel better.
  2. 2 Write down your feelings on a piece of paper. (It always helps.)
  3. 3 Do not become his / her friend UNTIL YOU really and completely FORGET HIM / HER!
  4. 4 Erase all notes and messages that he wrote to you or that remained on your phone. Erase his phone number. It no longer makes sense to keep his number if you decide to truly, completely and irrevocably disperse.
  5. 5 Unleash your feelings. "Cry, scream and feel sorry for yourself." Bathe in self-pity.Anyway, one day, while you're feeling sorry for yourself, you suddenly say, “Hey, I don't want to feel sorry for myself anymore. I am feeling better". And the next day, you will feel even better, and every subsequent day you will get better and better. Soon something incredible will happen - you will once again picture a smile on your face and you will sincerely laugh at who you were before. Suddenly you will be grateful for what this bitter experience has taught you.
  6. 6 Find words of wisdom and live by them. Recently, a large number of them were mentioned in the article "Breaking up is hard to pull off". You can save and read them every morning. The first line reads: 'Promise yourself to be strong so that nothing can disturb you.' It works! Reading small, strong phrases chosen by someone can have a huge impact on your worldview. It really helps, and after a couple of weeks, the pain goes away.
  7. 7 Think positively. If you think you are broken, then you are. If you think you don’t dare, it will be so. Success begins with your own desire. It all depends on the direction of your thoughts. The battle is not always won by the one who is stronger or faster. Sooner or later, the winner becomes the person who thinks he can!
  8. 8 Never be shy about your feelings. Right after the breakup, you might want to show others that you are okay. It can make you go out and show everyone that you continue to live to the fullest. You may even start dating urgently. If the relationship meant a lot to you, then it will take time for you to mourn the loss. Never assume that you need to apologize for feeling that a new path in your life is taking you for the worse. After the relationship ends, you will need to grieve. Wait to let feelings of anger, sadness, and loss pass. Once you can come to terms with your current situation, and the fact that the relationship is in the past, then perhaps you will be ready for a new relationship.
  9. 9 Find a new hobby or activity for yourself. This will allow you to focus on something new and interesting, and will free you from constantly thinking about what you can or cannot do and from frequently thinking about your ex / ex.
  10. 10 Dance!!! Turn on your favorite music and dance like no one is watching. Whatever you love: hackneyed pop or screamo, you will relieve tension a little!


  • You must do whatever brings you happiness.


  • Never use alcohol, as it will only make your problems worse and can lead to being fired from your job, going to jail, damaging your health and ruining your relationships with friends and family. If it comes to the point where you feel that you need alcohol to cope with adversity, you have serious problems, and you urgently need to seek professional help.
  • This may not work for you, but forget about her / him. There are still a myriad of people in the world waiting to meet you.