How to practice nudism

Author: Joan Hall
Date Of Creation: 2 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Nude Experiences - 3 Tips to become a Nudist
Video: Nude Experiences - 3 Tips to become a Nudist


Attention:this article is intended for persons over 18 years of age.

Nudism, or naturism, is a lifestyle that involves getting naked at home and outside. The essence of nudism is the desire to find harmony with your body and respect for yourself and other people.Contrary to popular belief, nudism is expressed in the desire for freedom, and not for sexual contacts, so this lifestyle can give a person a lot of useful things. If you are interested in nudism and want to know how you can practice it, in this article we will help you understand this topic.


Method 1 of 4: Features of nudism

  1. 1 Know that nudism can help you get closer to nature. Some nudists call themselves naturists for a reason. Nudism involves returning to your natural state and harmony with nature. Getting out on the beach, in the forest or in any other natural setting will allow you to experience a new level of connection with nature. One of the most incredible and inspiring sensations possible thanks to nudism is the touch of the waves or the sun on a completely naked body.
  2. 2 Know that nudism does not involve sexual intercourse. Of course, many are sure that if several naked people get together, this means that something must happen. However, naturists don't see anything sexy in taking off their clothes. They believe that this allows them to free themselves and return to their natural state, and only this matters to them.
    • Nudists do not associate nudity with eroticism. They get used to the sight of a naked body and may not experience arousal at the same time.
    • Don't think you need to have a perfect body to practice nudism. The body can look whatever you want.
    • While it can be difficult to explain to friends and family that nudity does not necessarily involve sex, remember that this is a lifestyle that many people choose.
    • However, there are certain trends in nudism that involve greater sexual freedom. Study the nudist lifestyle in your region or city to see if this is right for you.
  3. 3 Know that nudism can help you feel freer. Nudism allows you to go back to childhood and remember who you were before you thought about clothes and how happy you were to run naked. This feeling gives freedom. Nudism helps you return to this pure and unconscious version of yourself and feel joy and freedom in a safe environment.
    • Think about how difficult our lives have become. We have to choose clothes, jewelry, shoes and a bunch of other things, which makes it harder for us to be ourselves.
  4. 4 Be aware that nudists don't get naked all the time. It may seem that nudists go without clothes to the store, the cinema and to family gatherings, but this is not so. Many nudists have regular jobs and wear clothes like everyone else, they just also strive to take off their clothes in a safe environment.
    • If you decide to become a nudist (s), this does not mean that you will need to throw away all your clothes. This means you can get naked when you get the chance.

Method 2 of 4: How to Practice Nudism at Home

  1. 1 Respect the personal boundaries of the people you live with if you are not living alone. You may be tempted to walk naked in front of your siblings and parents, or in front of your roommates and their guests, but it’s inappropriate to practice nudism if the people around you are uncomfortable about it. If the people you live with (for example, understanding roommates) don't mind your lifestyle, go naked as often as you need to. However, if people (such as parents or siblings) are against it, take off your clothes only in your room or throughout the house, but only when no one else is home.
    • Talk openly with the people you live with to see what their reaction will be. Of course, you should live in accordance with your principles, but you should not violate other people's rights.
  2. 2 If you're looking for roommates, talk to people who share your principles. If the people you live with are interested in nudism, talk to them and offer to join you.If they know almost nothing about nudism, they will probably be wary, but if you explain to them the nature of nudism and tell them what it implies, their attitude may change.
    • If people don't want to join you, there is no point in forcing them to do so. Nudism should be practiced only if the person himself seeks to do so.
  3. 3 Make sure that neighbors do not see you. Out of respect for your neighbors, you should lower the blinds or close the curtains if you practice nudism in your home. You should also not run naked around the yard, unless you live on a farm or in another uncrowded place. You may think that this will deprive you of the pleasure of nudism, but this is the only way to follow your principles, respecting other people.
    • You should also keep a robe ready if someone suddenly rings the doorbell, otherwise your neighbor or courier may misunderstand you.
    • If you live in a private house and want to walk naked in your area, you should install a fence so that neighbors and passers-by do not see you. However, this will most likely be possible only if there are no tall buildings on your street. If you have a two-story home, plant trees and tall shrubs around the perimeter of the property and install a fence.
  4. 4 Do what you usually do, only in the nude. And now it's time for the fun! If there is no one at home or no one objects to your desires, and also if the neighbors do not see you, go about your usual business, but only naked. Make breakfast, watch TV, prepare for exams, talk on the phone, play with your cat, dance, and whatever else you are used to doing. This is the whole point: do what you usually do and feel free.
    • At the same time, of course, you still need to take a shower, wash your hands and maintain personal hygiene, whether you wear clothes or not. It is important to keep the body clean under all conditions.
  5. 5 Sleep without clothes. One of the benefits of nudism is the ability to sleep naked and feel the coolness of the bed linen and mattress with your whole body. Even people who do not practice nudism love to sleep naked. If you want to become a nudist, this is exactly what you can do, especially if you are sleeping or living alone. Adjust the room temperature or open a window if necessary. Enjoy the freedom as you fall asleep.
    • If you live with people and do not want to scare them when you go to the toilet at night, hang a robe on the door so that it is convenient for you to throw it on.
  6. 6 Move to another place if you find it difficult to practice nudism in the current environment. If you have tried to practice nudism at home but are being disturbed by other people in the house, judging neighbors, or lack of freedom, consider moving to a more secluded place with fewer neighbors around you, or where you can connect with people who share your views.
    • Of course, if you are too young to live on your own, you will have to wait until you can support yourself and move.

Method 3 of 4: How to Practice Nudism in the Family

  1. 1 Be aware that the issue of nudism in the family setting is considered controversial. Perhaps you want to practice naturism in your family because you want yourself, your spouse, and your children to feel free and love your body. This is a great reason, but before deciding on this, you should know that many people consider it unethical to raise children as nudists. Some even call it sexual assault. Either way, you yourself must decide what is right for your family. However, do not force children to do what they do not like.
  2. 2 For starters, try to encourage nudity. If you want everyone in your family to become nudists, especially if you have young children, you should prepare everyone for this. Don't ask everyone to take off all their clothes at once.Encourage family members to start wearing less clothes and being naked more often so that you can all gradually get used to each other's nudity.
    • When bathing children, do not emphasize that they are now naked.
    • Allow children to spend more time naked if they like it.
    • You will need to explain to the children that your family will strive for this lifestyle, but the outside world may be against it. Tell the children that it is okay to be naked at home, but not in all situations outside the home.
  3. 3 Help your family members feel confident. If you want to practice nudism in the family, you will need to help family members feel confident in themselves and in the way they look. Help them feel beautiful. Don't make fun of their bodies. Compliment them to make them feel good inside and out. While nudism is not sexual, and is not needed so that you can tell your husband that he looks good without clothes, you should teach your family to be who they are and not apologize for who they are.
    • Try to maintain a positive atmosphere in your home to make it easier for family members to transition to nudism. While healthy criticism is helpful, try to focus more on the positive than the negative, and encourage the spiritual and creative growth of your loved ones.
  4. 4 Try to achieve natural nudism in your home. Try to create an atmosphere in your home that makes nudism the norm. If people are walking around without clothes, don't focus on it or talk about how great it is to take off their clothes. Treat it as something completely ordinary. This will help your family members stop being shy and feel that this is their natural state.
    • If you and your family are sitting naked at the table, take it for granted. Don't emphasize that you are all naked, which is great. If something happens naturally, there is no need to draw attention to it.
  5. 5 Make nudism comfortable. You can show your family members that nudism is not only natural, but also convenient. No need to think about what to wear at home. You don't need to buy a huge amount of clothes - you can limit yourself to only what you have to go out of the house. If it's hot outside, you don't have to set the air conditioner to 0 degrees because it will be cooler when naked.
  6. 6 Practice nudism with your whole family. If there are a lot of you, it will be easier for you to practice nudism and not worry about anything. If you are all comfortable and walk around naked in your home, the bonds between family members will grow stronger because you will all appreciate the freedom that nudism provides. At the same time, children should be able to say that they do not approve of your lifestyle or do not want to follow your example. Respect the needs and beliefs of children and do not impose your values ​​on them.

Method 4 of 4: Nudism Outside the Home

  1. 1 Join the nudist community. If you are serious about becoming a nudist, you might want to meet people who are interested in protecting their rights to be naked and practice nudism safely. Find out if there is such a community in your city. Many countries have national associations. Search the internet for information. Community members will tell you about fitness centers, gated communities, beaches, and other places where you can safely practice nudism.
    • Connecting with like-minded people will also help you to shed feelings of isolation and meet new people.
    • Although most nudists strive for freedom and unity with nature, there are separate communities that emphasize the sexual side of nudity. If that doesn't suit you, be careful when choosing a company.
  2. 2 Find a nudist beach or resort. You don't need to join a nudist club to enjoy a nudist beach.If you can find a place that suits your beliefs about self-acceptance and respect for your identity, you can practice nudism elsewhere and meet like-minded people there.
    • If you practice nudism with the whole family, make sure you can bring children to the beach.
  3. 3 Go on a nudist vacation. In recent years, the popularity of this type of recreation has been growing. Many people are uncomfortable with being naked in the place where they live, but they are ready to go to another country or city and practice nudism there. Try to step out of your comfort zone and find a resort where you can only be nude. Spend a week there enjoying your new lifestyle.
    • You can search for nudist spots on regular travel sites, or use special sites that will allow you to find the right place.
    • Some people are embarrassed to practice nudism in the city in which they live because they are afraid to meet someone they know. If you are away from home, it will no longer be a problem.
  4. 4 Look for opportunities to walk outside without clothes. Of course, you should always think about other people so as not to accidentally scare a passing tourist in the forest or a neighbor with your appearance, but if you manage to find a secluded place in nature where you can be without clothes, this will be very useful for your lifestyle. Try naked swimming in a lake where no one is around, going on a hike to a remote location and practicing nudism there (if allowed there), or walking naked on a secluded farm or farm. In 1997, women in Canada secured permission to walk bare-chested in public, as long as there was no sexual context to do so. In addition, no one will be able to hold you accountable if you walk around without clothes in a deserted place. You will not be punished if others need to try to see you, including on your own territory.
    • But it is important not to violate the laws of the country. Nudism is completely banned in the US state of Arkansas and in Muslim countries.


  • If you are a man and have an erection, you can go to the pool, jacuzzi or pond, throw a towel over yourself, or apologize and wait until the erection wears off.
  • If any of your family members are religious, respect their wishes and do not force them to engage in nudism.
  • If children want to go naked for a while, do not forbid them to do so.


  • Nudism is prohibited in the US state of Arkansas. If you are planning to travel to this state, do not practice nudism there.
  • Do not impose your beliefs on people who do not understand nudism or are conservative.