How to tell if you can see ghosts

Author: Mark Sanchez
Date Of Creation: 8 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Can You See GHOSTS?
Video: Can You See GHOSTS?


Wondering if you can actually see spirits and ghosts? If so, read on and find out more!


  1. 1 Test your senses. Go to the building where you heard there are ghosts. But DO NOT go alone. (Make sure you are allowed to enter this building.)
  2. 2 Go to every room in the building and see which room is the coldest. (If all rooms feel cold, choose at random.)
  3. 3 Enter the room you have chosen, but do not close the door. Make sure your friends are with you. (If the room has windows, see if they are tightly closed.)
  4. 4 Sit in the middle of the room, relax and see if there is a draft. If so, you have passed the first test.
  5. 5 When all your friends are seated, look around the room. If you see ghostly human figures, don't look away, just keep looking at them. (If you see colored balls, then this is the same as perfume.)
  6. 6 Tell your friends to be very quiet because this is a very important part. Listen for any noise such as heavy breathing, footsteps, etc. If you hear something, and your friends swear they weren't making noise, then you've passed another test.
  7. 7 Try talking to him or them. If you have a necklace, a chain bracelet, or just something to hang around, get it out. Pinch the object between your fingers and ask if someone wants to talk to you. If it starts to wobble, it means that someone is here. This means that you can communicate with the spirits.


  • Don't show that you are afraid.
  • Be prepared for anything that might happen.
  • Don't be alarmed if you hear a spirit or ghost trying to speak to you. Try to answer him.
  • Be prepared for the unexpected.
  • Begin communication only when you are ready.
  • Be open, but not naive.
  • Bring a dangling bead or bracelet.


  • Don't go alone.