How to know when it's time to let a person go

Author: William Ramirez
Date Of Creation: 20 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Thirty Seconds To Mars - The Kill (Bury Me) (Official Music Video)
Video: Thirty Seconds To Mars - The Kill (Bury Me) (Official Music Video)


Letting go of a loved one is very difficult. Change takes effort, especially if it requires letting go of loved ones. If you realize that such a moment has come, take action and move forward to a new life!


Method 1 of 2: Analyze Your Condition

  1. 1 Face it. It is unfortunate that in most cases people really they are aware of when to let go of a person, but they are afraid of the consequences and do not dare to act. Face the truth to understand the need for change.
    • Try to imagine that you are observing your situation from the outside. What would an outsider think of the situation? Is the correct answer obvious to him? In this case, you probably already know what to do.
    • If you find it difficult to assess the problem from the outside, try changing the names of all the actors. Get yourself a fictitious name and make minor traits look like yours. The point is to create an imaginary distance between you and another person who is so similar to you. Do the same trick with the person you are trying to let go.
    • Imagine things are happening with your girlfriend and her boyfriend. What advice would you give in such a situation? Would you tell her it's time to move on?
  2. 2 Ask other people for their opinion. Talk to your friend (parent, school counselor) about how he would act in your situation and whether he has had similar problems in the past.
    • Reassure your friend that you will not be offended by any answer, because you want to find the truth, not get a reassuring answer.
    • Ask if he really thinks your plan of action is warranted. Have you really played a role in the withering of the relationship?
    • See a school psychologist or find a specialist in your city.
  3. 3 Analyze the situation. Write down your feelings in a journal. Write honestly, because no one will read it but you. Look for repetitive motives in your thoughts. Do you constantly blame yourself for the situation? Consider whether you are really at fault or whether your partner played a more serious role.
    • Try asking yourself specific questions to clarify the situation. Does your partner often state that they are afraid of responsibility, or threaten to leave you in order to influence your decisions? Is he jealous, not happy about your success? Cheating on you? Do you need a different level of intimacy with him? If the answer is yes to any of these questions, a decision should be made - it's time to move on. Write down any thoughts you have about the relationship in a journal to help you get through the breakup if you decide to do so.
    • Write down and analyze your thoughts, and then put the journal aside and come back to it tomorrow for a fresh perspective. If your opinion has not changed, then you are not mistaken.
  4. 4 Make sure you don't hurt yourself in pursuit of the ideal. For example, if you want an ideal relationship and are not ready to settle for less, then the problem is probably not in your partner, but in you. Think about how you should change to save the relationship.
    • Be sincere with your partner and communicate that you are trying to give up false ideals for the sake of a relationship. Perhaps he will respect your sincerity and want to move in your direction.
    • Seek advice from unbiased friends, family, or acquaintances. Let them evaluate the objectivity of your views on the relationship or the partner's "flaws".
    • You can also ask yourself the following questions:
    • Do you hold the (unrealistic) opinion that your sexual needs must be met at the first call?
    • Do you hold the (unrealistic) opinion that your partner is obligated to grant any request you make?
    • Do you expect a partner to meet your every need?
  5. 5 Understand that lack of care is a signal of danger. If you don’t want to spend time with your partner, you don’t care about his problems or you don’t respect his opinion, you have probably stopped loving the person. These signals can tell you it's time to break up.
    • Letting go of a person is not easy, but you don't need to shackle yourself with guilt. Better to let him find a better partner than to stay together out of guilt.

Method 2 of 2: Analyze the relationship

  1. 1 Watch for warning signs. The danger signals can be different, although some will definitely tell you that it's time to let the person go. Notice recurring signs of jealousy, insecurity, discord, boredom, general discomfort, or unhappiness.
    • All of these signals are signs of an unhealthy relationship. Arguing is normal and even helpful at times, but there is a subtle line between normality and abnormality.
  2. 2 Constant quarrels. If you always fight for ridiculous reasons, chances are that you are no longer attracted to the person or their feelings have faded. This is not a clear sign of trouble as many couples fight, but it could indicate a deep breakdown in the relationship. Don't let a couple of disagreements become the reason for the breakup, but if fights happen all the time, it is better to let the person go.
    • If you want to break up because of regular fights, ask yourself a few questions. Why are you fighting? What causes quarrels? Have you already quarreled over this reason or are there new disagreements? If you are trying to hurt your partner or have big fights over little things and keep fighting because you are having trouble getting over your differences, pay attention to these signals.
  3. 3 Constant irritation. If partners annoy each other, they show no interest or signs of affection. If your partner is not satisfied with your efforts, your behavior in public makes him awkward or ashamed (and he used to love you for such actions), it is obvious that you annoy him.
    • Only constant irritation or repetitive situations should be considered, and isolated signs should not be taken into account, since we all from time to time experience disappointment in a partner.
  4. 4 Lack of communication. It is important for a relationship that both parties discuss issues and concerns. If your partner has stopped talking to you, then it's time to think (since everyone should openly express their feelings and thoughts). Lack of emotional expression and communication can be a sign of the need to let the person go.
    • If you love a person, but are faced with big problems in a relationship, you should go to pair consultations with a specialist and sort out the emotions of each partner.
  5. 5 Listen to your partner. If he is courageous enough to say that he does not want to continue the relationship, then listen to your partner. Hearing such words is very painful, but the truth still hurts less than deception. If your partner respects you so much that he is willing to tell the truth, it is better to show respect in return and let the person go.
    • Hearing the truth is unpleasant and painful, but in the end it’s better to find someone who truly loves you.
  6. 6 Signs of treason. If your partner is texting a girl you don't know, comes home late with the smell of someone else's perfume, has updated his profile on a dating site, or flirts frequently on Facebook, he may be cheating on you or thinking about it.
    • No need to humiliate yourself and stay with the wrong partner. At the first confirmation of infidelity, you should leave. You deserve the best. Move forward and try to forgive him, otherwise he will retain his emotional impact.
    • If you are unhappy with your partner, the relationship does not bring you joy, and you are connected only by shared memories, then talk about the situation. Always try to get to the bottom of the truth and choose the best solution for each of you.


  • Do what you think is right and don't listen to your friends' advice.You know the situation better than anyone else, so other people's recommendations, including this article, should not play a decisive role in your decision.
  • Take your time and make the most balanced decision. If you are not ready to leave or think the reasons are insufficient, then it is better not to destroy the relationship.
  • Letting go of people is painful, but you have to face the truth. You desire happiness, but it is difficult to find it with a person who does not love or offend you.
  • Try not to hesitate. One quick way to lose respect is to make a statement and then back down from your decision. If you've drawn a line in the sand, be prepared to never cross it.
  • It's okay to yearn after a breakup. It will take you a while to recover.
  • If the relationship brings more grief than joy, then it is better to let the person go.
  • First of all, it is important to love yourself and take care of yourself. Breaking up can be painful, but you need to think about yourself.


  • There is no need to grovel in front of a person, otherwise such an emotional swing will end badly.
  • Before parting, you can discuss your intentions. There is a possibility that the partner's behavior is due to external reasons, such as work. In this case, it is better not to ruin the relationship because of the wrong conclusions, but breaking up with the abusive partner will be beneficial.