How to tell if he likes you

Author: Alice Brown
Date Of Creation: 28 May 2021
Update Date: 25 June 2024
8 Signs A Guy Secretly Likes You
Video: 8 Signs A Guy Secretly Likes You


There is a guy in your life that you like, it can be either a guy you recently met or an old friend whom you have a new look at. Whoever it is, you are dying of curiosity from the question: are you just friends, or he will feel something more for you. If you want to know if a guy likes you, you should pay attention to what he says and what he does when you are around. If you really want to know how he feels about you, just follow our tips.


Method 1 of 3: Analyze how he speaks

  1. 1 Notice how he speaks to you. The way he talks to you can tell a lot about his true feelings. The next time you interact with him, pay attention to his tone and how much attention he pays to you when he speaks. Here are some ways to see if he likes you based on how you talk to each other:
    • Notice if he looks you in the eye. Is he completely absorbed in you or is he looking around for something more interesting than to do. Or does he sometimes avert his eyes to the side, but smile because he is shy when he is next to you?
    • See if he is treating you carefully. Or is he checking his phone or talking to other people? If so, then he is most likely not trying to impress you. But if he speaks to you as if you are the only person in the world, then he is very interested in you.
    • See if he's trying to impress you. Does he tell stories in which he looks more masculine, witty, or adventurous than he really is? If so, then perhaps he wants to get your attention.
    • See if he speaks more quietly when you are around, maybe he wants you to lean in and get closer.
  2. 2 Pay attention to what he is talking about. If you are just a friend to this guy, then he will speak to you differently than if he wanted to impress you and make you understand that you are more than friends. You should also pay attention not only to how he speaks, but also to what he is talking about.
    • Pay attention to how he shares personal information. If he is open with you and talks about troubles with friends or family, it means that he appreciates your attention and likes you. But if he tells you about a new girl he likes, then chances are you are in trouble.
    • Notice if he mentions his childhood.This is a rather personal moment for most guys, if he opens up to you, then it definitely means that he is trying to get closer to you.
    • Notice if he compliments you. If he tells you that you look good, or in some other way makes you know that you are interesting and witty, then he may be carried away by you.
    • Notice if he teases you. If he's comfortable enough around you to tease you, then he might like you.
    • Notice if he's trying to be more sophisticated with you. If you noticed him belching, or he speaks rudely in the presence of his friends, but he never does this in front of you, but on the contrary, speaks politely to you, this means that he is trying to impress you.
  3. 3 Notice how he talks to other girls. If he tells you about other girls, it could be for one of two reasons. Either he likes you and wants you to be jealous, or he just sees you as a friend and wants your advice. Here's how to figure out what it means when he talks about other girls:
    • If he always complains about the women he goes on dates with or says, "None of them are what I'm looking for," he may be hinting that you are the one.
    • If he always asks for romantic advice, no matter who he's dating, he may just see you as a friend. If he says you give the best advice, you may be more than a friend to him.
    • If he often talks about his victories, but does not ask for advice, perhaps he is just showing off to win you over. But be careful, you don't want to end your relationship with another number in his notebook.
    • If he compared the girl to you, not in her favor with the words "She is cool, but not even close to being as funny as you," then he hints to you that it would be better to go on a date with you.

Method 2 of 3: Think about what it does

  1. 1 Pay attention to his body language. Body language can be very telling whether he wants to be closer to you or just sees you as a friend. If he hugs you, you need to understand if he is doing it because he likes you, or it is just a friendly gesture. Here are some ways to tell if his body language says you are more than a friend to him:
    • Notice how he sits next to you. Does he always try to move closer until your knees touch, or is he sitting far away from you?
    • Try to see if you can catch him looking in your direction. Perhaps you caught his gaze, and he even blushed and looked away, because he realized that he was caught!
    • See if he's looking for excuses to touch you. Does he often bump into you when you play volleyball or football as a friend?
    • See if his body is facing directly towards you when he speaks. Is his body turned in your direction and his arm movements are directed in your direction? If so, then he wants to give you his full attention.
    • See how he touches other girls. Does he hug every girl or just you?
    • See if he strokes your hand even when he's joking. This is a very intimate gesture and can show that he really likes you.
  2. 2 Pay attention to the things he does for you. Could he just be a good friend, or does all the favors he does to you mean something more? Pay attention to all the things he did to you and think about what they mean to you. Here's what to say:
    • See if he is caring. He brings you coffee when you are very focused on your studies, or buys movie tickets even though you only hinted that you want to go there. If so, he probably listens to your every word and just wants to make you happy.
    • See if he makes everyone happy.Is he just "Mister Nice Guy" and he likes to drive and buy meals for everyone in town, or does he just do it for you? Remember, if he likes you, he will treat you differently than others.
    • If he helps you with household chores such as laundry, for example, then he definitely wants to be your boyfriend.
    • If he offers to help with your car, he doesn't just want to be friendly, he wants to impress you with his masculinity.
  3. 3 See how he behaves with other girls. You need to check how he treats them, how he speaks to them, whether he treats them the same way he treats you, or thinks that you are special to him. You don't have to scrutinize or listen closely to see how he treats other girls, but how he treats you.
    • Pay attention to how often he flirts. Does he flirt with every girl in the room or just you? Remember, he might like you even if he's flirting with other girls, but chances are he won't make you stand out.
    • You can look at opposite signs. Does he flirt with every girl except you? Then maybe he is not flirting with you because you are the only one he likes. Perhaps he respects you too much to tease you or flirt with you like he does with other girls.
    • Does he look embarrassed or is he shy when talking to the new girl in front of you? If so, then perhaps he does not want you to know how his relationship unfolds, because it would be better if he was with you.
    • Check to see if the other girls he is friends with know about you. If he's with another girl and she tells you, “Oh, I've heard of you,” then the girl might be jealous because you are important to this guy.
  4. 4 He is always trying to communicate with you. If he likes you, then he wants to be close to you as much as possible. He may make it obvious or not obvious. Here are some signs that he wants to be with you because he sees you more than a friend:
    • He acts as if you are the only person in the room when you are in a large group. If you are at a party, concert or bar and you realize that you have been chatting with him all evening, then he definitely wants to be closer to you.
    • If you have general lectures and he is always trying to sit next to you or take your place, then perhaps he wants to take the relationship to the next level.
    • Pay attention if he occasionally bumps into you in a cafe or bar. If he is always near you, then perhaps he is just chasing you, but if you accidentally bump into him in the same territory, then it is possible that he is just hoping to meet you.
  5. 5 Analyze how you walk. Paying attention to how often and where you go can give you a great deal of insight into whether he sees you as a friend or if he wants your appointments to look more like dates. Here are a few points to consider:
    • Pay attention to where you meet. Whether you're dating in romantic places like parks, wine bars, or places where you see couples out on dates. Then he probably wants from you too.
    • Pay attention to who surrounds you when you walk, if you are always alone, this may mean that he sympathizes with you. But if he always invites a dozen of his best friends, then he just sees you as a friend.
    • Pay attention when you meet. If you only see him once a month, then maybe he isn't trying to spend more time with you. But if you feel that not a day goes by for you to see him, then, yes, most likely, he likes you.
    • Pay attention to what you do when you communicate together. Going out for coffee or lunch means more that you're just friends, but going to dinner or movie nights are more than just friendships.
  6. 6 See if he is flirting with you. It may only seem obvious, but sometimes it's harder to understand that someone is flirting than you think.Each guy has his own flirting style and there are many ways to flirt with you and show you that he likes you. Here are some signs that he is flirting:
    • If he is always trying to make you laugh, even if he just scribbles in the margin of the notebook during a lecture, then he is definitely trying to flirt with you.
    • When he puts a lot of emoticons in an SMS message, then he flirts with you.
    • When he jokingly wrestles with you or gently shoves you, he flirts with you.
    • If he likes to drag you under the water when you are in the pool, then he is definitely flirting with you.
    • He often tries to make you laugh, then he definitely flirts. If he blushes when you both laugh, then he is definitely trying to flirt.

Method 3 of 3: Ask for more opinions

  1. 1 Ask your friends what they think. If you have close friends who hang out with you, then you can ask if they think he likes you. Perhaps Cupid's arrow blinded you and you can't see the situation clearly, but one of your friends can see it from the outside.
    • Ask a trusted friend who sees you together often, she should have an opinion.
    • Ask a friend to take a detached view of you when you are together and give their opinion.
    • Pick a friend whose opinion you value. Pick someone who is good at relationships to get the best answer.
    • Ask your friends to be truthful. If they really think he doesn't like you, or even more, they know he likes someone else, you better know the truth.
  2. 2 If you are brave enough, then ask his friends. But this is a very dangerous move. It is rare that a guy will not break the “bro's code” and will not run to report a question of your sympathy. But if you don't know who else to ask, or if you really trust one of his friends, ask about your feelings of sympathy for you on occasion.
    • Although this is a risky move, his friend will have a more accurate answer than your friends, because he receives information directly from this guy.
    • If you ask his friends, it can be a tricky way to let him know about your feelings. If you are too afraid to say it yourself, then this information will come to him immediately if you give it to the wrong person.
  3. 3 Ask him yourself. When you feel confident enough that this guy likes you, just tell him how you feel and ask if he feels the same. He may just be very shy and relieved that you have taken the initiative in your own hands. Here's how to ask him if he likes you:
    • Take time when you are alone. Make sure you don't talk to him when nearby friends are looking over your shoulder.
    • Be honest and open. Just say that you like him a lot and want to know if you feel the same way. Before he answers, tell him it's not a problem if he doesn't like you.
    • You should do this if you are sure that you like it. If he also shows that he likes you, have the courage to ask him. If he's not showing signs that he likes you, then it might be worth waiting and seeing what happens.


  • Smile at him and be friendly.
  • Don't give up too easily. Guys love complexity.
  • Try to make him laugh. Guys love it!
  • Tease him, but smile as usual.
  • Always be friendly and on his side. This is a way to show him that you care about him.
  • Start a comic brawl (fight) with him. The guys love it.
  • Do not annoy him too much or get on his nerves, he may think that you are just an annoying person.
  • Don't talk about personal things if they upset him.
  • Don't try to force him to fall in love. It doesn't always work. But jealousy sometimes helps.