How to get enough calcium without eating dairy

Author: Mark Sanchez
Date Of Creation: 1 January 2021
Update Date: 27 June 2024
Mayo Clinic Minute: How to get calcium without dairy products
Video: Mayo Clinic Minute: How to get calcium without dairy products


If you are lactose intolerant, or for some other reason, you decide not to consume dairy products, you are most likely wondering how to replenish calcium in your body without consuming milk. Fortunately, you shouldn't be limited to milk alone to ensure proper calcium levels in your body. There are many non-dairy foods that are high in calcium, such as greens, beans, and canned fish. You will get the amount of calcium you need if you design your menu correctly. By changing your diet, you can get enough calcium, which is essential for good health.


Method 1 of 2: Eat Calcium-Rich Foods

  1. 1 Include greens in your diet. Dark, green leafy vegetables such as kale, turnip leaves, spinach, and kale are rich in calcium. In fact, collard greens are one of the best sources of calcium. One cup of greens contains 268 mg of calcium.
    • Collard greens are also low in oxalates, which negatively affect calcium absorption.
    • Greens are also rich in other nutrients, including vitamin A, iron, and vitamin C.
  2. 2 Include plenty of seeds in your diet. Chia seeds are an excellent source of calcium. Two tablespoons of chia contain approximately 177 mg of calcium, which is 18% of the daily requirement of the body. Adding a couple of tablespoons of chia seeds to your morning shake is guaranteed to get your daily calcium intake.
    • Sesame seeds are also high in calcium. One tablespoon contains 88 mg of calcium.
    • If you're not used to including seeds in your diet, start sprinkling them on vegetable salads or adding them to smoothies.
    • Tahini, or sesame paste, is another great source of calcium.
  3. 3 Add seaweed to your diet. Seaweed is a good source of calcium, fiber and iodine. Most of the calcium is found in Hijiki, a quarter cup of which contains 1 ½ times the RDA for calcium.
    • Dried seaweed contains 4-7% (daily value by weight) calcium, so it only takes about a couple tablespoons of dried seaweed to get about 1000 mg of calcium.
    • Fresh seaweed contains more water and therefore less calcium. However, they are still a good source of calcium.
  4. 4 Include canned fish in your diet. Canned fish does not require much effort and time to cook. Canned fish containing soft bones are the best option because they are high in calcium. For example, pink salmon and sardines are good sources of calcium, omega-3 fatty acids, and vitamin D.
    • Canned mackerel and other types of fish contain the same amount of calcium as canned salmon.
    • Include canned fish in casseroles, sandwich fillings, soups, and salads.
  5. 5 Include molasses in your diet. Two tablespoons of molasses contains 400 mg of calcium. In addition, molasses is rich in iron, magnesium, manganese and potassium.
    • Please note that molasses, including sorghum molasses, do not contain calcium.
    • Add 1-2 tablespoons of molasses to your daily diet and you will see how it will positively affect your health.
  6. 6 Include dried figs in your diet. Figs are an excellent source of calcium. Dried figs are available throughout the year. 8-10 fig fruits contain as much calcium as one glass of milk. In addition, figs are high in fiber, iron, and potassium.
    • Add dried figs to salads, smoothies, and your morning oatmeal.
    • Figs are an excellent source of antioxidants.
  7. 7 Include white beans in your diet. Legumes such as navy beans or chickpeas are high in calcium. One cup of baked beans contains about 100 mg of calcium.
    • These foods also contain magnesium, which works with calcium to strengthen bones.
    • Tofu is a good source of calcium.
  8. 8 Reduce your salt intake. Consumption of large amounts of sodium, table salt, promotes the excretion of calcium in the urine with all the negative consequences for the kidneys and the body.
    • Reduce your salt intake to one to two grams per day, and your body will not suffer from a lack of calcium.
    • Eliminate salty snacks and canned foods with added salt from your diet. Rinse canned vegetables to rinse off the salt as they are in the brine.
    • Add a small amount of salt while cooking.
  9. 9 Use non-dairy milk alternatives. Soy milk, rice milk, hemp milk, and almond milk have high levels of calcium. Pay attention to the composition of the selected product and the amount of calcium it contains.
    • Be sure to shake the box of your choice, as the calcium tends to settle to the bottom.
    • Many juices contain calcium supplements. Pay attention to the composition of the selected juice.

Method 2 of 2: Change Your Lifestyle to Get More Calcium

  1. 1 Do not smoke. Along with many other health problems, smoking negatively affects the body's absorption of calcium, which is why smoking is one of the factors that cause osteoporosis. Smoking interferes with the absorption of calcium. Vitamin D assists in the absorption of calcium, but smoking interferes with this process. Bones lose calcium and become brittle and brittle.
    • Smoking worsens bone loss after age 30.
    • Research has shown that children who are exposed to secondhand smoke are at increased risk of developing low bone mass.
  2. 2 Get enough vitamin D. For effective absorption of calcium, it is very important to use vitamin D at the same time. To ensure that the body receives a sufficient amount of vitamin D, stay in direct sunlight for 15 minutes a day.
    • If you cannot be exposed to the sun's rays or if you are at high risk of skin cancer, you can get enough vitamin D by taking a multivitamin. The ideal dose of vitamin D has not been found. However, the daily intake of vitamin D for adolescents and adults is 4000 IU.
    • Many people are deficient in vitamin D without knowing it. Consult with your doctor to conduct an appropriate examination and, if necessary, select the required rate of this vitamin.
  3. 3 Exercise regularly. People who are active tend to have good calcium levels, while less active people become calcium deficient with age. Include strength training as well as leg-supported exercises such as walking or jogging in your training schedule.These types of exercise are beneficial for bone health. The leg-supported exercises strengthen the lower body — the legs, hips, and lower spine. Strength training helps to strengthen the muscles, bones of the arms, and the upper spine.
    • Keeping your bones healthy will help your body absorb the calcium it needs more easily.
    • Swimming, cycling and exercising on machines are aerobic workouts that are just as important for strengthening your bones.
  4. 4 Don't drink too many alcoholic beverages. Research shows that drinking too much alcohol interferes with calcium absorption by the body, especially in people under the age of 35. Moderate alcohol consumption (1 drink per day) is the optimal dose.
    • Chronic alcohol consumption has a harmful effect on bones, preventing the body from absorbing calcium in full.
    • People who drink alcohol are 75% more likely to smoke. However, research is not yet fully completed, so it is difficult to say if the combination of these two factors is more negative or one of them.

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