How to show a girl that you care about her (for guys)

Author: Mark Sanchez
Date Of Creation: 8 January 2021
Update Date: 29 June 2024
5 Ways Men Treat Women They Love
Video: 5 Ways Men Treat Women They Love


It happens that you like a girl, but you don't know how to show it. Be sure to listen to her if she wants to speak out; be polite and gallant if possible; don't be afraid to confess your feelings. With your words and actions, let her feel needed.


Method 1 of 3: Listen Carefully

  1. 1 Get to know the girl better. Talk to her in class if you are in the same school. If you have mutual friends, you can start a conversation every time you gather with friends. Don't make a theatrical performance out of it - just say hello and smile at her. Ask how she is doing and strike up a friendly conversation. You need to get to know the girl better before you decide to tell her about your feelings.
    • A girl will certainly understand that you like her if you make an attempt to talk to her, and especially if you make it a habit to regularly take an interest in the state of her affairs. This is the safest way to show interest.
    • The better you get to know her, the easier it will be to express sympathy in the future. Perhaps in the process of communication you will become even more interested in her - and it is possible that she will reciprocate you!
  2. 2 Chat with your girlfriend via text messages and on the Internet. In the absence of a lot of free time, correspondence will be a wonderful way to continue communication with her. Despite the fact that you see each other every day, social media and other messaging applications are a great way to communicate closely.
  3. 3 Show a genuine interest in what she intends to tell you. Question her and listen carefully to her answers. Speak thoughtfully by asking leading questions so you can get to know the girl better. Show an active interest in her hobbies, but without undue curiosity or intrusiveness. Listen to the girl - this is how you show your interest in her person.
    • Start with basic questions like "How was your day?", "How did you spend your weekend?"
    • Go to the advanced questions: "How was [a particular event]?", "How long have you been doing this?", "Have you ever seen them live?"
    • Don't just ask, or the girl might feel awkward. Share your own experiences and joke a lot. Strike up a conversation, not an interrogation.
  4. 4 Listen to the girl if she needs to talk. Be a kind and patient listener. Encourage her when she has doubts about something, but don't give your personal opinion too often. Well-balanced advice is a great way to show concern, but sometimes people just need to talk. Listen to it because you genuinely care about the person, not to benefit from it.
  5. 5 Memorize what she tells you. Try to remember the details and features of your conversation, and if possible, reproduce them. The girl will understand that you are an attentive listener. It matters a lot, especially if she said something important! Memorize the information - this is the ability to listen.
    • A girl may feel annoyed if you are inattentive and forget the little things that she shared with you - be it requests or details from her life.
    • Memorize the little things she said, comments, favorite sayings. For example, if at some point she noted that she always wanted to go to the lighthouse, prepare an unexpected trip and take her to this place. The girl will be grateful that you remembered what was said in passing and made her dream come true.
  6. 6 Respect her values ​​and beliefs. Perhaps she does things that you do not approve of. But don't restrict her unless doing so does serious harm to her. You need to respect those values ​​that are of great importance to her and are part of her life, even if you don't like it. She will be very grateful to you for that. Respect does not mean that you have to become a follower; you just need to let the girl be herself.

Method 2 of 3: Take Care

  1. 1 Be considerate and gallant. Hold the door open in front of the girl when you enter the room together. Give her lunch if she's hungry. When you go to the store, ask if she needs anything. She needs to know that you care about her well-being and are willing to go to great lengths to make her life easier.
    • Help the girl if she is having difficulties, but always first provide an opportunity to figure things out on your own! She will notice that she is caring, even if you just offer to help.
    • Keep in mind that not all girls like it when they do all the work for them. Caring does not imply the emergence of assumptions that the girl is not able to cope with her problems without you; it just means you want to make her life easier.
  2. 2 Always say hello. Smile at the girl and ask how her day was. Let her know that you are glad to see her, and be sure to take a few minutes to talk. Be attentive and do not be distracted by the phone and conversations with other people. Her mood will improve if the girl realizes that it is she who fills your every day with bright colors.
  3. 3 Do it yourself or buy gifts for her. Choose a gift carefully and put your heart and soul into it. It doesn't have to be expensive, unless the girl prefers expensive items. It could be a letter or a poem written by you. Don't load her up too often; once every few weeks is quite enough, otherwise she will wait for the next gift, and the feeling of joy from the surprise will lose its novelty.
    • If you are musically sophisticated, try writing a song for her. Apply the artist's abilities and draw a picture, and with the syllable, compose a poem. Make a piece of jewelry with your own hands if you have golden hands. Use every opportunity to present a unique gift.
    • Buy a thing for a girl that she constantly talks about. By doing so, you will demonstrate that you have listened to her carefully. Don't give the girl what she doesn't want; she will still feel you care, but her gratitude will not be as sincere.
  4. 4 Make her laugh. Occasionally tease the girl in a friendly tone. Remember your joint barbs and release them periodically, thus demonstrating your good memory. Try to understand her sense of humor so that you can easily make the girl laugh. You will show that you care if you try your best to cheer up.
  5. 5 Try to bond with her family and friends. Your diligence will definitely be noticed; her love for you may grow even stronger if you are already in a romantic relationship. Show kindness and sincerity to the people who are dear to her, and she will show concern in return.
    • Step back if you think she is uncomfortable with your closeness with her family. Try to read between the lines and figure out exactly where the boundaries of what is permissible are.Perhaps she is not yet ready to let you go further, or there is a more serious problem in your relationship.

Method 3 of 3: Communicate Your Feelings

  1. 1 Ask your girl out on a date if you haven't met yet. When the girl realizes that you are not indifferent, and reciprocates, offer to spend more time together. Communicate your liking and ask out on a date.
    • An invitation to a date does not mean that you are in a formal relationship and should be just an invitation. This is an opportunity to openly express your sympathy and check if it is mutual.
  2. 2 Confess your feelings. Regardless of your attitude towards this girl, expressing your feelings directly is the easiest and most candid way to make it clear that you care about her. Take time when you are alone and wait for the right moment. Say, "I just want you to know that I really like you and I enjoy spending time with you." The confession should be sincere and touching.
    • If you are already familiar enough, you can confess whenever you want, but if you are just starting your relationship, then it is better to wait until a calm and romantic moment comes along. Share your feelings when you sit on the lawn, gaze at the stars, or walk together for more than a few minutes.
    • The confession doesn't have to be romantic. You can say as a friend: "I just want you to know that you can always rely on me" or "I am very glad that you are in my life."
  3. 3 Be original. Give her special compliments and attention. Tell me why you care about her, or what worries you. For example: "I really appreciate the time we spend every day at lunch" or "I think we really got close in the last few months, and I value our communication."
    • Keep it simple. There is no need to place any expectations on the girl; your liking shouldn't be more than it really is. Let her know that you mean exactly what you are talking about, and do not demand anything from her in return.
  4. 4 Talk to her about this as often as possible. If you really like a girl, make sure she doesn't forget about it. Show that you enjoy every day that you spend with her. Don't overdo it, but allow your feelings to express themselves through your actions. Find other ways to prove to the girl that you care about her, for example, through compliments ("You look great today") or by expressing gratitude ("I really appreciate your smile and good mood. You always manage to brighten my day")


  • Don't flirt too often.
  • At first, try to hide your sympathy. A girl can start to be careful if she realizes that you care about her.