How to trap cockroaches

Author: Carl Weaver
Date Of Creation: 26 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
HOW TO: DIY Cockroach Trap
Video: HOW TO: DIY Cockroach Trap


It is sometimes very difficult to get rid of cockroaches. The destruction of each cockroach separately looks very difficult or even brutal task. You can solve this problem in a different way without getting your hands dirty. The trap can be a great alternative to cockroach spray, and it costs much less than paying for a professional exterminator.


Method 1 of 3: Tape cockroach trap

  1. 1 Try making a trap with duct tape. The idea behind the trap is pretty simple: you need cockroach bait and glue to get them stuck in the trap. It may be difficult to move this trap to a different location once it has been installed, but it is a simple and highly effective method with relatively little effort.
    • You can also find a glue-based trap if you'd rather buy a ready-made version. Look for these items at hardware and garden stores, or seek advice from your local specialty service.
  2. 2 Buy duct tape. Make sure the tape is fresh and sticky enough, otherwise the cockroaches can easily break free and escape. You can use an alternative to duct tape, but make sure the glue in the trap is sticky enough. Plain or masking tape will not work. The trap should be sticky enough to hold the cockroaches out until you throw them out of your house.
  3. 3 Choose a bait. Anything with a strong sweet or oily scent will do. Onions are the most common option, although you can opt for something more aromatic.You can use a small strip of fresh banana peel or sweet, overripe fruit. Or take a small piece of bread. If you notice that cockroaches are very attracted to a certain product, try using a piece of it as bait.
    • If you want to kill cockroaches as soon as they fall into the trap, you can buy a gel bait with active ingredients that poison insects. But keep in mind that these remedies don't always attract cockroaches. They may not be as effective as advertised. Check with your nearest home and garden store or specialist service.
    • Use only a small portion of your chosen bait. Cockroaches will be able to escape if the bait goes beyond the bounds of the duct tape. Cut onions, fruits, or other foods into small but noticeable chunks.
  4. 4 Put the bait. Place fruit, onions, bread, or other bait on the sticky tape. Make sure the bait is stable and does not go beyond the adhesive tape.
  5. 5 Set a trap. Place a piece of duct tape where you have most likely noticed cockroaches, such as in the kitchen, in a dark corner, or next to a crack in the wall. Keep in mind that you will need to decide in advance how to deal with these helpless cockroaches stuck to the tape. You will have to figure out how to get rid of them and whether to free the insects.
    • Try to set the trap higher, for example, on kitchen cabinets or on the refrigerator. Cockroaches love higher places.
  6. 6 Take your time. Cockroaches love dark places and most often prefer to feed at night. Leave the duct tape in the selected area overnight and do not touch it until morning. After checking the trap in the morning, you should find many cockroaches on the tape. When getting rid of cockroaches, you can either kill the insects or come up with a more humane way.
    • For a more humane way of getting rid of cockroaches, take the duct tape outside. Carry it at a distance of at least 30 m from the house, then shake the cockroaches off the tape and discard it. If you don't want to take the trap with your bare hands, wear gloves or use the trash can. Another way is to cover the duct tape with a box, then slide the sheet under the bottom, and so take the cockroaches outside.
    • If you're going to kill cockroaches, just throw away the duct tape along with them. Tie up the bag of insects so that your efforts are not wasted, otherwise they may crawl out!

Method 2 of 3: Trapping cockroaches with a vessel

  1. 1 Try to lure cockroaches into the jar. This method is safe for children and pets, the more the container will be easier to remove later than a strip of adhesive tape. Find a two-hundred-gram jar with the narrowest neck, such as mayonnaise or prepared sauce.
  2. 2 Arrange everything so that cockroaches can get into the container. Wrap the jar with sticky or duct tape (sticky side inside the jar) leaving space on the sides for the cockroach to climb. Also, place an object next to it so that cockroaches can easily hit it inside the container.
  3. 3 Make the vessel slippery from the inside. Lubricate it inside with Vaseline (or something similar) at a distance of at least 10 cm from the neck. So cockroaches will not be able to cling to the walls with their paws to get out of the jar. You can mix petroleum jelly and gel bait to kill cockroaches instantly upon contact with the poison. But keep in mind that the gel-based bait can dry out, and pure Vaseline will provide a slippery and damp surface for a long time, increasing the chances of catching a cockroach.
  4. 4 Place bait in the trap. Place something with a scent that attracts cockroaches on the bottom of the jar. A slice of banana peel or fragrant, overripe fruits will do. Some people recommend adding a slice of onion. The bait should not be too large so that the cockroach does not climb out of the can on it!
    • Try pouring enough beer or red wine into the bottom of the can to drown the cockroach. Fruit juices, sugary sodas, or just sugar and water are also good options. These sweet-smelling drinks will lure cockroaches into a trap from which they will never get out.
  5. 5 Set a trap. Place the jar wherever cockroaches are found. Make sure cockroaches have a chance to crawl into the jar. The main idea is for cockroaches to climb up the container and fall into it, having no chance of getting back.
    • Try leaving the can in a confined space, such as a closet, garage, or nook. The luscious smell of the bait will fill the air and lead hungry cockroaches straight into the trap.
  6. 6 Empty the trap. Leave the jar overnight or even a few days. Let it stand until a couple of large cockroaches fall into it. Finally, pour some boiling water into the jar to kill the surviving cockroaches. Flush them down the toilet or throw them into the compost bin.
    • Set the trap again to ensure that the cockroach problem has been completely resolved. Put a new portion of groundbait in a jar that has been refreshed with Vaseline. Repeat the process as needed.

Method 3 of 3: Capturing cockroaches with a bottle

  1. 1 Try catching cockroaches with a red wine bottle. First, find a nearly empty bottle. Its shape is very important (high, cylindrical, with a narrow neck, and so on), since these features will prevent the cockroach from getting out of it. Any tall bottle with a narrow neck will do. A few teaspoons of wine should remain at the bottom.
    • If the bottle contains dry red wine, add a quarter teaspoon of sugar and shake.
    • If you don't want to use alcohol, add some sugar water, fruit juice, or just experiment. Boil the water first and let it cool down to prevent mold from forming in the bottle.
  2. 2 Lubricate the inside top of the bottle with vegetable oil. This will create a slippery surface leading to the bottom of the bottle.
    • Use a pipe cleaner or other long-handled brush to brush the Vaseline just below the neck of the bottle. This makes it difficult for the cockroach to climb up the slippery surface inside the bottle.
  3. 3 Set a trap. Place the wine bottle where you've spotted cockroaches, such as near a compost heap or in a dark corner of your kitchen. Leave it on for at least one night. Keep in mind that it can take a few days for the mixture to ferment, and then the smell will begin to attract cockroaches.
    • Cockroaches are attracted by the sweet smell of wine or beer. They climb to the neck of the bottle, slide off and fall to the bottom, having no chance of getting back out.
    • You can leave a "drip" of wine on the bottle. This will lure the cockroach, as it will follow the trail in search of more profit.
  4. 4 Destroy cockroaches. When you check your trap in the morning and find cockroaches at the bottom of the bottle, gently pour very hot water into it to kill the insects. Leave the hot water in the bottle for a couple of minutes and check if they really died, as cockroaches are quite tenacious. Get rid of cockroaches by pouring hot water from a bottle onto a compost heap in your garden or toilet.
    • If using the bottle alone is not enough to completely resolve the problem, repeat the process again. You can set traps with new bottles every few days. Over time, the number of roaches caught will decrease. Since there will be fewer of them in your home.
    • Using a combination of the wine bottle techniques with the vessel and masking tape, set up different types of traps in different parts of the house, and then watch which one is most effective. Keep in mind that one trap may be more effective due to a good location or well-chosen bait, rather than a better idea.


  • You don't have to use a bow; you can also use peanut butter, or something sweet.
  • You can remove the caught cockroaches from the belt with a vacuum cleaner. Or alternatively, just discard the tape.
  • Try to make your home less attractive to cockroaches. Without making the home environment less hospitable for these insects, but simply constantly destroying them, you will only get a temporary effect and soon other cockroaches will take their place.


  • The tape may dry out.
  • Keep the tape away from pets or children

What do you need

  • Very sticky tape
  • Strongly flavored foods (like onions) or wine
  • A dark place where cockroaches are likely to live