How to find compatible guppy aquarium mates

Author: William Ramirez
Date Of Creation: 22 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Top 10 Tankmates for Guppies (Poecilia reticulata, Million Fish)
Video: Top 10 Tankmates for Guppies (Poecilia reticulata, Million Fish)


Guppies are very beautiful and very common fish among novice aquarists. They are hardy, interesting and feel great under the right conditions.


  1. 1 Be careful when matching guppy aquarium mates as many fish prefer to use them as a tasty snack. The work of selecting neighbors who will neither bother guppies nor eat them is quite painstaking.You need to make sure that the fish does not grow too large, for example, you should not add scalars to them, which can easily eat guppies or nibble on their beautiful long flowing fins.
    • There is one more thing to consider when choosing neighbors for guppies. They have very long flowing fins that resemble those of cockerels, and many fish like to nibble on these fins. They will not eat the guppies themselves, but will pluck their fins. Be very careful.
  2. 2 Use the following list of fish that might be neighbors in a guppy aquarium.
    • Guppies are viviparous fish that give birth to miniature fry, rather than spawn. There are other viviparous fish that can live with guppies due to their similarities in water quality requirements and breeding methods. One of these compatible species is the platies, which are beautiful in themselves and are very brightly colored. They perfectly match the description with guppies: interesting, hardy, beautiful, brightly colored, easy to breed. Swordsmen are another species of viviparous fish that are compatible with guppies. Both those and other fish are inexpensive. But be careful, not all viviparous are compatible with guppies. For example, you should not add large mollies to guppies.
    • Honey gouramis, as strange as it may sound, are quite compatible with guppies. They are larger than them in size, but do not eat guppies or gnaw their fins. They like peace and quiet, they are timid and shy fish. They avoid fights, aggression and reproduce periodically. Gouramis are more expensive than guppies and platies, but nothing is cheaper than the latter. All other fish will cost more, but not much.
    • Neons and tetra cardinals are also great tank mates for guppies. But they have several disadvantages: they are sensitive, do not survive in a newly set up aquarium, require special attention, and rarely reproduce. These fish are not recommended for beginners.
  3. 3 Try using other creatures. There is no need to add other fish to the guppy. You can put glass shrimps with them. They are great for guppies and work as natural aquarium cleaners, they are cute, wary and peaceful. These creatures are a useful, hardy and recommended addition to any aquarium.
  4. 4 Add bottom dwellers. Guppies prefer to swim in the upper and middle layers of the water. You will balance your aquarium by adding bottom dwellers. You can use the catfish of the corridors, they are peaceful and only swim along the bottom, without touching other fish.
  5. 5 Try to plant the rassor. They are not entirely peaceful, but these two species (rasbora and guppies) tend to ignore each other, which in this case matters. From time to time they can chase each other, but without aggression. This is quite friendly behavior.
  6. 6 Find the one that suits you best. As you can see, there are quite a few fish that are compatible with guppies, so you have a lot to choose from. Be sure to collect additional information about the fish you intend to stock before purchasing them.