How to keep up a conversation with a girl

Author: Gregory Harris
Date Of Creation: 10 August 2021
Update Date: 20 June 2024
8 TRICKS to Keep a Conversation Going with a Girl - Powerful Method to Talk to Women
Video: 8 TRICKS to Keep a Conversation Going with a Girl - Powerful Method to Talk to Women


Sometimes when communicating with a girl (it does not matter, in person or on the Internet), it is difficult to come up with new topics for conversation and maintain a dialogue. If you don't want to say goodbye, find common interests and ask questions to learn more about the other person's thoughts and opinions. Remember to stay calm and speak confidently, and build on the conversation around it.


Method 1 of 3: Keep the conversation going

  1. 1 Be open about yourself. Any correspondence or personal conversation is a two-way road. You must be able to express your thoughts and opinions, while listening to the interlocutor. Tell us about yourself. For example, if you are discussing music, share your preferences and thoughts on your favorite songs.
    • It is important not to overdo it or dominate the conversation, and also not to lecture the girl on one of your favorite topics.
    • Try to balance your communication. Each of you should talk for about the same amount of time.
  2. 2 Compliment her. Everyone loves to receive thoughtful and sincere compliments. From time to time, spontaneously insert praise into the conversation with the girl. You can do this to show your interest in continuing communication and to show appreciation for the girl as a person. Say something like:
    • “You express your thoughts so competently and clearly. I like the way you phrased this answer. "
    • “You are very funny. I think we have a similar sense of humor. "
    • Of course, sincere compliments are great, but formulaic phrases for flirting and flirting are not. Avoid this kind of thing in conversation.
  3. 3 Ask the girl questions about her. Show personal interest in the other person - this will show your politeness. Asking questions will also help keep the conversation going and allow you to find common ground. Ask where she grew up, what kind of music, food and TV shows she prefers, where she would like to go during the holidays, or what books she likes to read.
    • Don't overdo it with questions. Be a little restrained. If you ask too many questions, the girl will feel like she is under interrogation and will most likely want to interrupt the conversation.
    • In addition, an overwhelming amount of questions can give the impression that you have nothing to say and that you are desperately looking for topics of conversation.
  4. 4 Remain calm while talking. At times, when interacting with a person (especially a stranger or someone we find attractive), it can be easy to get nervous or anxious that the conversation is not going well. Remain calm and take a deep breath if your heart starts to pound.
    • Perhaps your interlocutor is as worried as you are!

Method 2 of 3: Come up with topics of conversation

  1. 1 Find common interests. If you strike up a conversation with a stranger (or a girl you barely know), it is important to find common interests. For example, you may be in the same school, live in the same neighborhood, or study the same subject. Find what you have in common - this will make the further conversation more interesting. For example, ask:
    • “What area did you grow up in?”;
    • "What specialty do you study at the university?"
  2. 2 Discuss topics that she likes. During the conversation, pay attention and note what topics the girl likes the most, or in what areas she is interested. Speak about this later to continue the conversation and get to know the interlocutor better.
    • For example, if you know that she loves art, you can deliberately talk about famous artists.
    • Or, if a girl talks about her interest in football, tell us about your favorite football players or teams.
  3. 3 Ask questions that are not enough to answer only "yes" or "no". The girl will quickly get bored if she answers all your questions in monosyllables.Instead, come up with a few questions that will make her talk about her past or think about something, and also require a more common and complex answer. For example:
    • “What character in a movie or book do you like the most?”;
    • “Do you have any strange problems?”;
    • "Do you have unusual fears or phobias?"
  4. 4 Avoid controversial or sensitive topics. If you are early in the conversation with a girl and are looking for ways to continue the conversation, do not bring up topics that could lead to serious disagreements. Don't embarrass the other person by asking questions about her ex-boyfriends or past relationships, and don't share your firm political stance.
    • Of course, if you get closer in the future, you will already be able to conduct important and serious conversations on these topics.

Method 3 of 3: Chatting on the Internet

  1. 1 Ask questions that lead to mutual communication. Questions are critical to any conversation (face to face or online) as they allow both parties to participate equally and maintain interest. Avoid overly serious (or intimate) topics, and it is better to ask questions that relate to the interlocutor's hobbies. For example:
    • “What kind of music do you listen to most often?”;
    • “What's your favorite movie quote?”;
    • "What restaurant do you like to order food to take away from?"
  2. 2 Maintain a casual conversation. If you have a match on an app or dating site (like Tinder or Badoo) and you want to keep the conversation going, communicate easily and naturally. At least early in the correspondence, avoid mentioning politics, religion, or philosophical beliefs that you hold.
    • If you start with long, serious questions or statements, communication will quickly become unpleasant and boring (for both you and the other person).
  3. 3 Send her videos or photos. Communication with a girl online will allow you to apply methods that are not available in a personal conversation. Send each other multimedia messages (audio, photos, videos, etc.) to strengthen or continue communication.
    • Send a funny video in regular or GIF format and ask the girl if she has seen it before.
    • Then ask the girl to send you one of her favorite funny GIFs or a short video.
    • Offer to answer a few of each other's questions with just memes.
  4. 4 Leave room for further communication. If you want to talk to this girl again, end the current correspondence so that you can resume it in the future. Take note of the lines from the past conversation, and make it clear that you would like to chat again on a certain topic. Or, if you interrupt a conversation for a week or more, you can use a topic from past conversations as an excuse to start a conversation.
    • For example, if a girl mentions that she has an exam ahead of her, you might say, "Let me know if you survive the test!"
    • Or, if she mentions that she is going to watch a movie or TV series, say, "Give me your opinion after watching."


  • If you are planning to ask a girl out on a date, do not use banal phrases for flirting. They are tasteless and ineffective. Instead, focus on forming a personal bond.