How to peel a banana

Author: Florence Bailey
Date Of Creation: 21 March 2021
Update Date: 25 June 2024
How To Peel A Banana PROPERLY-Tutorial
Video: How To Peel A Banana PROPERLY-Tutorial


1 Hold the banana upside down. This method is also known as monkey or inverted. If the monkey is so comfortable, then you will be comfortable enough too!
  • 2 Press or squeeze the tip of the banana to break the peel. But do it carefully. If it doesn't work, pry off the peel with your fingernail. Remember that you are using this method to avoid crushing the banana, which often happens with normal peeling. But to avoid crushing the banana on the other end, do it gently anyway.
  • 3 Peel down towards the handle. Just do what you would do anyway, holding the banana right side up. Only this time you need to clean the top downward. Now enjoy the banana flavor! The best thing is that you have something to hold on to as you enjoy your favorite fruit.
  • Method 2 of 8: Clicking Method

    1. 1 Get a banana that doesn't look overripe. If it's too ripe, you may be left with a bunch of crushed gruel.
    2. 2 Hold both ends of the banana so that you have a smile shape. Make sure your banana is "smiling" or forming a "U" shape, not frowning or looking like an upside down "U". If he points in the opposite direction, it will be difficult to open the banana with a click. Remember it this way - if a banana is "frowning", you will also frown when you cannot peel it.
    3. 3 Break it in half, downward. Use your hands to crunch the banana in half, like a Kit-Kat bar. It takes strength, but not very much. Remember, if the banana is overripe, the peel will be softer and harder to break.
    4. 4 Peel every half of the banana and enjoy. Now, just peel off each of the halves and enjoy the delicious fruit. Do everything as usual, peeling the peel from top to bottom. The skin will still stick - not easily breaking in half - so peeling both halves takes some dexterity. You can first try to break open the connecting peel, then peel one half, eat it, and repeat the same process with the other.

    Method 3 of 8: Quartering Method

    1. 1 Find a sharp knife. The sharper the knife, the easier it will be to cut through the banana peel. You will also need a cutting board to cut the banana on a firm, safe surface.
    2. 2 Slice the banana from tip to stem. Place the banana on a cutting board and cut it from the top to the cutting edge. If the handle is tough enough, you can break it open with your hands at the very end.
    3. 3 Cut each half horizontally to the middle. Now place the two halves on a cutting board and cut them horizontally so that you have four pieces that are roughly the same size.
    4. 4 Peel four pieces of skin. Now just take each of the pieces and gently peel the fruit off. This is ideal if you want to treat others to a banana, or if you prefer to enjoy it more slowly, in chunks. And it looks cool too! Ready.

    Method 4 of 8: Throwing Method

    Hold the banana stalk so that it curves towards you. Grasp the tip with your dominant hand (the one you are throwing) - check that the banana is curving towards you, not away from you.Stand over a cutting board, table, or something to stop the banana from flying too far away from you.

    1. 1 Throw the banana forward as if flicking a whip. Hold the handle and push your banana arm forward in a natural forward bend. Just shake your wrist with enough force to curl the banana forward. If you did it right, you will be holding onto the stem and strip of the banana peel that has come off. If it doesn't work the first time, try again and again - this method takes a little practice.
    2. 2 Peel the rest of the banana in the usual way. Now that you have the peel off, you can peel the banana as usual, from top to bottom, before enjoying the treat. This method definitely requires creativity and some showiness.

    Method 5 of 8: Thumbnail Method

    1. 1 Make a small cut in the surface of the top of the banana. Snip off the inside of the banana fold (inside the "U" shape). This works best if your banana is medium to avoid crushing it too much. And the sharper your nails, the better.
    2. 2 Peel the banana so that the skin cracks at the cut, and peel it further down. If you do it right, don't crush the banana. Once you've made the cut, just use this hole to peel off the rest of the skin. This is a fun variation on the usual banana peeling.

    Method 6 of 8: Twisting Method

    1. 1 Hold the banana with both hands. Leave about 5-7.5 cm between your hands so you have some room to twist.
    2. 2 Roll the banana gently so you don't crush it. You need to twist it just a little - just enough for the peel to burst.
    3. 3 Peel the banana. Now that you have uncovered the banana, you can peel the sides and enjoy your meal.

    Method 7 of 8: Cut and Peel Method

    1. 1 Hold the banana horizontally with one hand. If you hold it correctly, you need to put it on the cutting board like that.
    2. 2 Slice off each side of the banana. Using one quick cut, cut off the ends on each side of the banana.
    3. 3 Slice the entire length of the banana peel and then remove the entire peel. Be careful at this stage. Carefully cut the peel so you don't cut through the entire banana or cut the hand you are supporting it with. Once you have cut it, simply peel it off.
    4. 4 Enjoy. This method works great if you plan on slicing bananas into a salad, or if you just love eating a banana without having to peel it.

    Method 8 of 8: The Traditional Way

    1. 1 Hold the banana in your hand, handle up. It will be easier to pull off the stalk if the banana is positioned this way.
    2. 2 Tear off the stalk and peel down. Once you've done that, continue peeling the rest of the banana down, with one or two more strips. This is the most common way to peel a banana, so you are probably already familiar with it.
    3. 3 Enjoy. Now eat your delicious banana, biting and peeling it further and further until you have eaten everything.


    • Not sure how to eat your freshly peeled banana? Check out our website for fun ideas.
    • Don't throw away the banana peels! Use it as a fertilizer - check our website for details.

    What do you need

    • Bananas are better when ripe, although not fully ripe is better for some methods.
    • Sharp knife (if needed)
    • Cutting board