How to kiss your boyfriend

Author: Marcus Baldwin
Date Of Creation: 21 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
3 Ways To Be An Unforgettable Kisser - How To Kiss A Man
Video: 3 Ways To Be An Unforgettable Kisser - How To Kiss A Man


Ever get nervous when it comes to kissing your boyfriend? Are you afraid that you are not kissing well enough? Or maybe it seems to you that you do not know how to kiss correctly? It is possible, of course, that you just want to improve your skills. Anyway, this article is for you.


Method 1 of 4: How to make him want a kiss

  1. 1 Flirt, spend time together, hug to spark a spark between you. You will never kiss if you don't know each other well. Talking, coming up with plans together, spending time together will help you bond. You will have more opportunities for kissing if you spend time often alone with each other.
    • Most of the time, people don't like kissing in front of others, so it's important to know if you're comfortable with each other. This is useful not only for kissing, but also for relationships in general.
  2. 2 With gestures, let the guy know that you want to kiss him. Cuddle up to him, turn around to him, bend over when he speaks.
    • Roll your hair around your finger, take off your jacket, look into his eyes. All this will let him know that you are open to him.
    • Do not cross your arms and legs or look at the floor - this makes you withdrawn and alienates you from it.
  3. 3 Start touching each other. It's much easier to kiss the person you've already touched, so find a way to touch the guy. Playing with his hair, grabbing his hand, or running your palm across his cheek will all indicate that you are ready to kiss.
    • Start by trying to touch your shoulders while watching TV.
  4. 4 Try to look attractive. Of course, you shouldn't throw all your energy into perfecting your appearance, but it doesn't hurt to devote a little time to your appearance for the sake of the person in whom you are interested.
    • Apply a small amount of perfume or eau de toilette to your skin. Smell forms one of the strongest subconscious feelings in both men and women, but it is important not to overdo it. Nobody likes stifling smells.
    • Apply lipstick or balm to your lips for a soft and seductive look.
  5. 5 Go to a quiet and peaceful place. If this is your first kiss, it's best to choose a spot outside or snuggle up on the couch. Relieve yourself of unnecessary stress and do not do it in front of others. The moment will come sooner or later.

Method 2 of 4: Choosing the Right Moment

  1. 1 Position yourself so that it is comfortable for you to kiss. It is easier to do this while standing, but if you are sitting, turn your body so that your shoulders are against his shoulders.
    • Roll your hips towards him.
    • Move closer so you don't have to reach for his face.
  2. 2 Say something that will let him know what you want. You don't have to say something poetic. A fairly simple and honest phrase like "you are handsome", "I really enjoy spending time with you" or "can I sit closer?"
    • If you can't think of anything suitable or daring, just ask if he would like to kiss. A lot of guys like being straightforward.
  3. 3 Bring your face to his face. This will be a hint that is hard not to understand, and that's good! Smile a little and don't be afraid to stay there for a few seconds. By his reaction, you can understand how interested he is in intimacy.
    • If he pulls away or turns away, it will mean that he does not need it.
  4. 4 Take action! If he leans over to you, looks at your lips and starts stroking your hair, kiss him first. There is no rule that tells guys to take the first step.
  5. 5 If he looks you in the eyes and then at the lips, most likely he wants to kiss you. If he leans towards you, let the kiss happen.

Method 3 of 4: How to kiss your boyfriend

  1. 1 Tilt your head slightly to the side so that your noses don't bump. This simple movement will avoid awkwardness.
  2. 2 Look him in the eye so you don't miss. Leaning towards the guy, look into his eyes. Not only does this prevent you from missing, it's also very romantic.
  3. 3 Close your eyes just before the kiss. From this moment on, it is not worth looking into the eyes.
  4. 4 Kiss him! Your lips should be soft - don't strain them.Start kissing him gently and watch his reaction.
    • Don't purse your lips. Hard lips indicate that you don't want it or don't like it. The touch should be gentle, as if you were pressing your lips against a peach.
    • Take your time, after 2-3 seconds, step back and evaluate his reaction. If all is well, continue.
  5. 5 Tell him the right movements with your body. Snuggle up to him, put your hand on the back of his head, grab his fingers with your hand.
    • If you are unsure of what to do, place your hands on his hips or shoulders.

Method 4 of 4: Other Ways to Kiss

  1. 1 Try kissing in different ways. As you get used to each other, try kissing him differently to find out what he likes.
    • Press your lips a little harder against him.
    • Kiss him 3-4 times in a row without getting too far away each time.
    • Have a long kiss. First hold for 3-5 seconds, then 5-8.
    • Kiss him on the neck, on the cheeks, on the earlobes.
    • Do not make sudden movements. Act slowly, take your time.
  2. 2 If you're both ready for a French kiss, take a chance. The French kiss is more passionate and interesting than the usual one. Try to nudge him towards this in the following ways:
    • Gently touch your tongue to his upper lip, then to his lower lip.
    • Bite him lightly on the lower lip.
    • Tilt your head to the side. It is much easier to kiss if the noses do not collide.
    • Open your mouth slightly, hinting at a continuation.
    • Gently slide your tongue into his mouth.
    • If he answers and opens his mouth, you can continue.
  3. 3 Discuss with each other what you both like. Communication is the key to success in any relationship, and kissing is no exception. It is enough to say "I liked this" or "let's try that" and both of you will have fun.


  • If you have long hair, move it away from your lips and face.
  • If you are chewing gum, throw it away, otherwise it runs the risk of ending up in his mouth.
  • Don't be afraid to spend a lot of time kissing, because each one is special.
  • Don't forget to smile at him after kissing or whisper something nice in your ear before pulling away.
  • Don't let your friends' jokes ruin your relationship. You are doing this for yourself, not for others.
  • Keep mints handy just in case to keep your breath fresh.
  • Do not kiss in front of your parents, friends, or siblings. You can do this in a secluded place or in a dark cinema, as well as in an elevator, in building lobbies and on the street.


  • Brush your teeth!
  • Your arms should not dangle at your sides. Put your arms around his neck or hold his face in your hands.
  • When you get close to it, you may start to panic. Not worth it. Think better about how much you like him.
  • If you feel like he's not good at kissing, just give him a chance to open up.
  • If you are not sure when to end the kiss, give him the initiative.