How to overcome your awkwardness

Author: Clyde Lopez
Date Of Creation: 22 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Overcome Your Awkwardness
Video: How To Overcome Your Awkwardness


Are you constantly stumbling and falling? Awkwardness is not funny at all and can sometimes even be dangerous. This article will teach you how to be less clumsy. This guide will provide some basic practical guidelines to minimize sluggish movement.By changing your environment to make it safer, and by redefining your behavior to be more careful and considerate, you can make a huge difference and become more agile in just a few steps.


Method 1 of 3: Create a Safe Environment

  1. 1 House cleaning. Creating an area with less clutter can help prevent bruises from collisions with objects or cuts. As with many situations in life, by creating an enabling environment in which it is easier to achieve your goal (to become less awkward), it will be much easier to achieve success.
    • Leave your shoes at the door so they don't get in your way at the most inopportune moment.
    • Donate, recycle or throw away old items that you no longer need. This will help reduce clutter.
  2. 2 Wear clothes that fit well. So during walks, she will not cling to anything. The length of the pants should be perfect for you. This will help you avoid stepping on or tripping over the bottom of your own pants.
    • Make sure the laces are not too long. This way you will not be able to step on and trip over them.
    • Your trousers should not be long enough to fit under the sole of your shoes. The correct length of the trousers will reduce the chances of falling.
  3. 3 Get more organized. Organizing your household items can help prevent accidents. When you know all the places where the things you want are, there is less chance of accidentally bumping into something or being caught off guard (for example, a knife on the bar that you could hurt yourself).
    • Return items after use.
    • Make sure the wires are collected and arranged in such a way that they cannot cause falls.
  4. 4 Install and use handrails on stairs. If your home already has railings, make sure they can actually support your weight and are securely attached to the wall.
    • Use the railing when walking down the stairs. Move slowly and use the available safety equipment. Railings are needed not only in order to grab hold of them during a fall, but first of all, to avoid such a situation arising.
  5. 5 Place anti-slip mats in the most dangerous places. Bathrooms, kitchens and other places with slippery floors, such as tiled floors, are fraught with danger. Anti-slip mats will help you provide a safer surface to maneuver in places like the shower or the area in front of the sink.
    • Most often, these rugs are made of rubber. They can be found in many department stores and specialty stores that deal with plumbing, kitchen equipment, and more.
  6. 6 Make sure your home is well lit. When working in a dimly lit room, it is much more difficult to cope with your awkwardness. If basic lighting is not enough, consider additional sources of lighting.
    • Overhead lighting is often the best choice for ambient lighting, as this type of illumination fills the entire room with light. This type of lighting will help you see all the surrounding objects clearly.
    • Look around the room with the lights on and look for poorly lit areas. Add additional lights to provide sufficient illumination.

Method 2 of 3: Change Your Own Behavior

  1. 1 Pay attention to your surroundings. It's easy to get lost in thought, daydream, or otherwise stop noticing things around you. If such a statement is about you, then this indicates your tendency to clumsiness. Being mindful of your surroundings will help you avoid common mistakes, such as clumsily confronting them.
    • Look around and notice small objects around you. This will help you better navigate in space and develop good habits that will reduce clumsiness.
  2. 2 Do not hurry. In a rush, the chances of making a mistake increase because you think you don't have enough time to maneuver. In a rush, it is easier to lose awareness of your surroundings, and therefore easier to stumble, fall, bump into someone, or spill a drink.
    • Practice slowly and consistently. If you're in the habit of being in a hurry, you will act at the same pace, even when trying not to fuss. Pay special attention to being measured and taking the necessary steps slowly.
  3. 3 Focus on the present moment. If you suffer from "lack of time" and from the constantly haunted feeling of being late, then most likely you will focus on the deadline, the upcoming task that you have to complete, or the next place where you have to be. Focus on a specific moment to avoid clumsy mistakes.
    • Try to take twelve deep, slow breaths so that you can focus on the present. This will allow you to collect your thoughts and focus on what is happening in this particular moment.
  4. 4 Pay attention to details. Focusing on details will help you notice things around you, as well as just focus on what is happening in the moment. This is especially important if you consistently make mistakes in the workplace.
    • Pay attention to the little things while you work to build good habits. This will help to avoid elementary mistakes in work and in other areas of life.
    • Don't bother yourself. You will not be able to concentrate on details if you are constantly worried about achieving future results.
    • Create a to-do list to stay organized and ready for a task.
  5. 5 Speak slowly and deliberately. Often times, your mouth will say things that you haven't thought of yet. Think about what you want to say first. If you have trouble stammering, the same methods as for physical awkwardness can help you get rid of the awkwardness and speak more clearly.
    • If you are unsure of what you are going to say, it is better to take a short pause than try to fill the silence. Silence may seem intimidating at first, but it will give you the opportunity to learn to speak more clearly.
  6. 6 Learn to be more confident and positive. Often clumsiness comes from being unprepared and from intense anxiety about "what people think." Confidence helps you develop yourself. The more confident you become, the less awkward and your confidence grows in the meantime!
    • Practice acting outside your comfort zone. This will help build your confidence and expand your comfort zone.

Method 3 of 3: Get rid of clumsiness by exercising your body

  1. 1 Improve your body balance. An unpleasant situation can often be avoided by having good balance to keep from falling or to prevent a collision. Doing some light exercise regularly will help improve your chances of staying on your feet when you lose your balance.
    • Practice standing on one leg. Once you get used to this exercise, try to swing forward / backward with your non-supporting leg. So you can develop the skill of maintaining balance when colliding with something.
    • Do circular motions with free weights while standing on one leg. This will help maintain balance when changing the point of weight application.
  2. 2 Check your eyesight. Poor vision or farsightedness can be one of the main causes of clumsiness. If you have problems with the perception of the surrounding world, you may need corrective lenses to improve visual acuity.
    • If you constantly bump into objects that you simply did not notice, try to pay more attention to solving this problem.Most likely, you have vision problems if you are poor at distinguishing between obstacles, even when you are as attentive and focused as possible.
    • Visit your ophthalmologist or optometrist for an eye exam. It is very difficult to assess your own vision on your own, because you are already accustomed to its deterioration. A specialist doctor will check your eyesight and prescribe suitable optics, if necessary.
  3. 3 Build strength and flexibility. As well as improving your balance, strength and flexibility will help you become more agile. Also, these skills will allow you to more gracefully get out of an awkward situation.
    • Basic strength is especially important for balance. To develop it, do squats, twists, and similar exercises on a fitball.
    • Stretch regularly to achieve good flexibility. You can sit in lotus or dog position, or press your feet together. Relax your neck and tilt your head forward. Do not overexert yourself, otherwise injury may result. Remember to breathe while stretching.