How to open a massage parlor at home

Author: Ellen Moore
Date Of Creation: 17 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Start Your Own Massage Business
Video: How to Start Your Own Massage Business


The massage is designed to relax and heal the body. Whether you are a professional masseuse looking to practice outside the home, or just want to practice with friends and family in a cozy setting, setting up a massage parlor in your home requires a calm, relaxing environment free from noise and intrusiveness. If you use the services of a visiting masseuse, you can convert an empty room for this purpose. This article will show you how to set up a massage parlor at home.


  1. 1 Check with your city government for permission to open a home massage service. In some cities there are restrictions on the room itself and on its location. Take advantage of liability insurance, if necessary.
  2. 2 Find a room in your home that is far from noise and sounds. Best of all, if the room is without windows, it is easier to get rid of unnecessary light and noise.
    • Determine the level of noise from the road, dogs, children, or appliances around you that may be disturbing for those who are not used to it.
    • If you are not planning to use the massage parlor to receive clients, it will be advisable to find a room with a separate entrance and a bathroom to separate your personal life and work while strangers are in your home.
  3. 3 There should be enough space in the selected room to set up the massage table. For these purposes, a space of 2.7 m by 2.7 m is suitable.
  4. 4 You must provide a suitable temperature range. It is best to get a thermostat. If you do not have this opportunity, then purchase a heater or install an air conditioner; however, remember that these appliances make noise that can interfere with relaxation.
    • The therapist may sweat during work, but it is important that the client's body remains at a neutral temperature, neither hot nor cold.
  5. 5 Before you start equipping the room, free it.
  6. 6 Repaint the room in a neutral, calm color. Earthy or blue hues are most soothing. Check the room for any paint odors before starting your practice.
  7. 7 If the floors in the room are cold, use a rug or carpet. Wooden floors are also acceptable for massage rooms, but then the desktop will need to be installed on pillows or a special mount so that it does not slip and damage the coating.
  8. 8 Choose furniture that suits your taste and is useful.
    • Buy a stable, medium-height massage table only if your masseuse does not plan to bring her own table to each session.
    • Place a small table for oils, candles, and other tools at arm's length from the main table.
    • Provide hangers for clothes and / or bags and a mirror nearby for the client to touch up their hair or makeup before leaving the room.
  9. 9 Add accessories that will make the room feel cozy. You can choose items of your favorite type of massage, pillows, candles, fountains and a music player.
    • Refrain from design that is intimidating or uncomfortable for those around you.
  10. 10 If you decide to use music, fountains, or candles, consider turning them off just in case. Some people may not like these special effects.
  11. 11 Cover the table with clean sheets, pillows and bolsters to support your body while you massage. Make sure to have a replacement set of clean linen in your immediate vicinity.
  12. 12 Avoid using incense to scent your room. Frankincense stays in the air for a long time and can cause headaches and asthma in some people.

What do you need

  • Free room
  • A massage table
  • Dye
  • Scenery
  • Small table
  • Hangers
  • Cushions
  • Bed sheets
  • Candles (optional)
  • Fountain (optional)
  • Music player (optional)