How to organize a Quinceaniere party

Author: Janice Evans
Date Of Creation: 4 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
13 Things You Need To Plan A Perfect Quinceanera
Video: 13 Things You Need To Plan A Perfect Quinceanera


Quinceañera is the 15th birthday for the girls when they celebrate their transformation into a woman. He is often referred to as Keynes Anjosa or Keynes, and the term “Quinceaniera” can also refer to a birthday girl. It is a Spanish tradition that is more commonly celebrated in Central America and Mexico. Many girls dream of such a holiday and want Quinceaniera to be one of the best nights of their lives - so enjoy the celebration! Read on for tips and tricks on how to organize your own fun, festive and fabulous Quinceaniere!


Method 1 of 3: Organizing logistics

  1. 1 Get permission. Discuss Quinceaniera's idea with your parents or guardians. You need to hear their approval and perhaps plan your budget for the party. Try to start planning your Quinceañera (or Keynes for short) 6 months or a year before that day. You should have enough time to take care of all social and financial issues.
  2. 2 Decide on a budget for the party. It totally depends on how much money your family can allocate for the Quinceaniera celebration. If you have enough money, and the birthday girl wants to throw an explosive party, feel free to plan a festive evening on a grand scale. If you are on a budget, no big deal, you can organize a simple house party. Consider if you will need to spend money on celebrating Quinceaniera for other girls in the next few years. If so, don't waste your entire budget on one holiday!
  3. 3 Decide on a date for the holiday. Many girls plan their Quinseaniere almost from birth. Consider the pros and cons for a specific time or season: will there be people in the city? Can you host your outdoor party? Will any other holidays, vacations or important dates coincide with the party? Your girlfriends will not be able to take part in the celebration if they are away or busy.
    • If your birthday falls on a weekday, schedule Keynes for Saturday, before or after your birthday. Keynes is traditionally scheduled for Saturday.
  4. 4 Decide if you want to perform a church ceremony. There is a tradition (but optional) to hold a ceremony or mass in a church before a party. This is called "Misa de acción de gracias" (a mass of praising farewell to childhood). Consider the following parts of the tradition:
    • Festiyada, or a young teenage woman celebrating her birthday, sits at the foot of the church's altar in an exquisite pink or white evening dress. Godparents often give jewelry as a gift to highlight a beautiful dress.
    • Damas (maids of honor) and accompanying persons sit around the birthday girl. These are usually siblings, relatives, or family friends. They are seated by age to indicate the stages a young woman goes through.
    • Mass is a solemn ceremony, like a baptism, which opens the doors to a new life for the festiad.During the Mass, mention is made of the problems and joys that Festiada faces in becoming an adult woman.
    • After Mass, a young woman leaves a bouquet of flowers for the Virgen de Guadalupe. Her cousins ​​and sisters, nieces and girlfriends give special mementos to all the guests gathered in the church.
  5. 5 Choose a location to host your Keynes. You can rent a room, organize a party in the park or just at home. Consider a banquet room as an option. Such premises are often rented for weddings, anniversaries and "sweet sixteen". Estimate the cost of renting a hall and compare its capacity to your guest list. If you are planning the party yourself, ask your parents for help with funding and organizing the event.
    • For a more modern, intimate party, invite some girlfriends and have a pajama party. Thus, only the birthday girl and her friends will remain at the party.
    • If you want to invite all your family and friends, conducting a church tradition can be very important. Consider hosting a reception (post-church party) in a spacious, convenient location such as a park or large banquet hall. If you have a large enough private home, you can host your party right there.
  6. 6 Decide on when to start and end your party. If you are planning to hold a church ceremony, schedule the start of Quinceañera late in the morning, and let the celebration continue all day or into the evening. If there is no church ceremony, start celebrating in the afternoon or evening. It may be difficult for you to decide on the end time: the holiday can be so much fun that you do not want it to end. In fact, Quinceaniera is often not assigned an end time. The length of the party depends on many factors, including: the length of the church ceremony, what time the guests will leave the party, what time the cake will be cut, how early the party starts ... Keep all this in mind when deciding on the date and time of the party!

Method 2 of 3: Couples, Costumes, and Choreography

  1. 1 Choose an escort. “Accompanying” is a boy who will be next to the birthday girl (festiada) throughout the entire holiday. Ask a friend or someone who suits you. You should be as comfortable as possible with this boy.
  2. 2 Think of a court of honor. The court of honor traditionally consists of 15 couples, including the birthday girl and her companion. The closest friends of the birthday girl, siblings and cousins ​​are invited to the court. These are the most important people in the life of the birthday girl with whom she wants to share her joy. These friends will perform several choreographic acts in pairs during the Quinceañera. These will be surprise dances. During the Quinceaniera, the court of honor can consist only of girls (the so-called ladies' one), only boys (called Chambelan, Escort or Galan) or friends and girlfriends at the same time.
    • If you are planning to get couples together, you must make sure that all parents do not mind this decision. Make sure that none of the court participants is busy on the weekend. They should also have time to attend most of the dance rehearsals.
    • Make it clear that everyone will have to buy their own dress / suit, jewelry and other items. It is also customary to give each participant in the court a small souvenir for help in organizing the Quinceaniera.
  3. 3 Don't worry if the vapor is less than 15. You can completely abandon this venture. The birthday girl should feel at ease. It is not necessary to organize couples or dance if you find it difficult to do so. You might want to have a narrower party or choose a different theme, such as a pool party, bowling alley, or a beach party. Try to combine tradition with what you really want.
  4. 4 Practice choreography and dance production. Traditionally, 15 couples are required to perform two or three dances. Start practicing at least two months before Quinceaniera. You can hire someone from your local dance studio to rehearse your dances in four to six weeks. Then you and the other fourteen couples can rehearse on your own.
    • There is also a traditional father and daughter dance. If the father is not at the party, the godfather, grandfather, uncle, older brother or the most important man in her life can dance with the birthday girl. You can skip this dance if it is inappropriate in your situation.
    • If you will be in high heels at the party, practice the dance in the same shoes. Dancing in heels is very different from dancing in ordinary shoes.
  5. 5 Choose outfits for fourteen couples and for the birthday girl. Quinceañera traditionally wears a ball gown, while couples wear dresses and tuxedos for court. The birthday girl usually also needs some elements for the ceremony: a tiara, a cross or medal, a Bible and a rosary, a scepter. Different cultures have their own traditions, for example, in Puerto Rico, a birthday girl wears a white dress, similar to a wedding one. Depending on where you live, you may need to buy a dress for the birthday girl six months before the event. You should have some time left to correct it.
    • Take all measurements, find out the height and size of the guests' shoes, if you want to rent or buy the same outfits for everyone.
  6. 6 Hire a photographer! If you want to capture the entire event, it might be worth investing in a professional photographer. This party can be a day that you will remember for years to come. Therefore, consider whether it would be better to hire a professional photographer instead of amateur photography with a smartphone.

Method 3 of 3: Invitations and Decorations

  1. 1 Prepare la ultima muñeca. La ultima muñeca is traditionally the last doll a girl receives. Dolls are usually made of porcelain and should look like Quinceaniera, although you can use what you have. You can buy the doll at a thrift store, or ask a relative to purchase it. After the birthday girl turns fifteen, she will already be too old to play with dolls. As part of the ritual, she gives the doll to her sister or other younger family members.
  2. 2 Take care of the scenery and music. Come up with a theme for the Quinceaniera, such as "masquerade" or "renaissance". In this case, choose jewelry that matches this theme. Even if your party doesn't have a specific theme, the decorations should match the color of the dress and outfit. Decorations can be either simple (for the table) or extravagant, for example, balloons, streamers, lights.
    • Choose the music of your choice. Avoid music with profanity or profanity, especially if there are young children and the elderly at the party. You can hire a DJ and try to spice up your party.
  3. 3 Plan out treats and drinks. If you are planning your own Quinceaniere, ask your parents for help in preparing traditional meals. You can cook whatever you like, although for a more formal celebration it is better to opt for the traditional dish. Your parents can tell you what is usually served at the table, what will be appropriate, what portions should be and other points. Ask your parents if alcoholic beverages can be served.
    • Consider the dietary preferences of your guests. Make a list of special dietary items and consider if guests are vegetarians or vegans, if anyone has allergies, diabetes, or religious restrictions on certain foods.
  4. 4 Send out invitations. Your invitations can be both traditional and modern, and include information about who, what, when, where and why will be doing at the party.You can add a party schedule and include the last names of fourteen couples, as well as the names of people who donated money, such as godparents. You can also include a poem or prayer in honor of a loved one who has died. Make or order invitations 3-4 months before the date of the holiday. The sooner you prepare the cards, the faster your guests will receive invitations. Send out invitations six to eight weeks (for those who live nearby) and ten weeks (for those guests who do not live so close) before Quinceañera.
    • Present the information in the invitation consistently: try to be more specific about the place and time.
    • Modern invitations often include photographs of the birthday girl, sometimes even in a dress for the Quinceaniera. You can use such photos, you do not have to adhere to certain norms.
  5. 5 Send postcards with each invitation. Response cards usually have a field or place where each invitee can indicate how many guests will come with him. It is considered impolite to indicate a time frame for a response. If you want to save on paper or think that answering postcards will make it difficult for guests, just include your phone number or email address at the end of the invitation.
  6. 6 After the party, send out thank you cards. The birthday girl must write the words by hand. It will be much more interesting if you attach the most interesting photo from Quinceaniera. Send out thank-you notes within a month of Quinceañera. If you hesitate with this question, this gesture may seem rude or ungrateful.
  7. 7 Have fun! This is your day to shine like a star! Whatever happens on Quinceaniera's day shouldn't distract you from celebrating a stunning fifteenth birthday.


  • Smile and have fun! Remember, this is your holiday. This is an important day, so make the best of it!
  • Start planning for the year ahead. Long planning will help you avoid stress and pressure.
  • Save money if necessary. If you have financial difficulties, you can start saving a year or two before organizing a holiday.
  • Don't let your parents just pay for everything. If you have close family members who are willing to help, ask them for some things for an unforgettable party. Consider borrowing or renting an item rather than buying it.
  • To save money, it's best to get some material to decorate the party and ask someone to help you decorate the venue. You can also make small souvenirs for guests with your own hands - they don't have to be expensive.
  • Don't forget about transportation for the queen of the ball and the court of honor. You need to get to a church, banquet hall or party location somehow.
  • Do what you like - this is your day. Don't let anyone ruin your holiday.
  • Prepare your court in advance (out of 14 pairs). Make sure they all come. If you really want certain people to attend the holidays, you may have to adjust to their free time.
  • If you do not have enough money, pray to God and reach out to your closest friends or relatives who can take on certain expenses.


  • Place a "meeting person" at the door. If you are afraid that someone might ruin your party - ask someone to be on duty at the entrance and check invitations.
  • There should be no disagreement between the invited friends or relatives. You don't want a quarrel between two guests to ruin your whole holiday.
  • Get the support of your parents, friends, and other family members. Planning for Quinceaniera is a big undertaking. It will be much easier for you to cope if you do not act alone.
  • If you have alcoholic drinks at your party, you must have a responsible adult, bartender, or someone over the age of 21 with you in case you need to provide paperwork.