How to organize your school bag

Author: Eric Farmer
Date Of Creation: 11 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Organize Your School Supplies | Plan With Me
Video: How to Organize Your School Supplies | Plan With Me


If this is your first time folding a portfolio or have always been careless about it, in this article you can find some helpful tips on how to make this process easier. A well-folded briefcase will make it easier for you to remember things, find them, and carry them all at once. The main thing to remember: it is not enough to pack everything once and forget about it.A school bag needs to be regularly disassembled and tidied up so that you don't end up carrying rotting bananas and a pile of pencil shavings with you.


Method 1 of 3: Preparing the portfolio

  1. 1 Take a suitable school bag. It should be the right size for you, so try it on before buying. If it's a backpack, put it on and see if it's comfortable for you. If it's a portable bag, throw it over your shoulder, reach for the handle, and feel the weight and balance of the bag. Ask the salesperson if you can fit items in your bag to get a feel for how full it will feel (you can use items from the office supply department or padding from nearby bags for this). Walk around a bit and see if this bag is right for you.
    • Check seams and locks. Does the bag seem to last until next year, or does it seem like it will fall apart the first time it is filled with books and clothes?
  2. 2 If you are using a portfolio you already have, take it apart. Take out all contents and wipe inside and out. If it's machine washable, use this and then dry naturally. Otherwise, you can achieve the desired result with a wet cloth and a vacuum cleaner. Start with an empty, clean portfolio.
    • Remove all items from your school bag, even those you need. Make sure all pockets are also empty.
    • Do not forget to throw all the trash (used napkins, wrappers / candy wrappers, etc.) in the trash can.

Method 2 of 3: Sorting things for styling

  1. 1 Sort the items you have. Divide them into two piles: what you need and what you want to take. This will help you determine what is necessary for the school and what is simply preferable. Even if some things may seem unnecessary, they can make your learning more enjoyable, so you can leave room for them too. Also put aside what you no longer need, such as a dirty eraser or a tattered and scribbled notebook.
  2. 2 Lay out what should be in the portfolio. Typically these things include:
    • textbooks (these are both textbooks and workbooks that are needed every day);
    • diary;
    • folders;
    • pencil case with two compartments for pencils, pens, ruler, eraser, text and regular marker (s), felt-tip pens, stickers, tape, scissors, glue, sharpener, compasses, protractor and more. Thanks to the two compartments, the pencil case will not be too small and you can keep all your belongings in order;
    • calculator (preferably in a case);
    • flash card (USB drive / flash drive);
    • a briefcase with a snack (something that you need every day for lunch, for example, a bottle of water);
    • money for travel / travel / pass;
    • the documents;
    • mobile phone (if allowed);
    • house keys;
    • napkins, basic first aid kit;
    • money in case of emergency;
    • personal items that you need for personal care (antibacterial gel, sanitary supplies, lip balm, etc.).
  3. 3 Add an athletic outfit if needed. It's good if you have a storage locker so you don't wear your uniform every day. But in this case, do not forget to regularly take it home to wash, and then return it back. In some cases, you may need an extra bag for sports supplies or extracurricular activities such as playing a musical instrument, drawing, or participating in a hobby group.

Method 3 of 3: Build a portfolio

  1. 1 Check your schedule. Arrange the books in order. This way, you won't be looking for textbooks while your classmates start working. You will feel more collected if you take books out of where they are supposed to lie.
  2. 2 Keep all the pieces of paper in folders. Folders are essential for order and neatness. In them, you can store your assignments and grades, homework, important notes and, in fact, anything that has any significance.
    • Create three separate folders.One will be for school, one for assignments / quizzes, and one for old drafts / drawings from classwork.
  3. 3 Use as many pockets and compartments in your school bag as possible to keep things separate. For example, put books in one compartment, pencil case and related items in another, and lunch food in another. Place your mobile phone, money, documents, house keys and more in the pockets. Get in the habit of keeping the same things in each separate section, so as not to look for them, but to know on a subconscious level where and what to get.
  4. 4 Put all your school supplies in your briefcase and double-check. Be the last to pack your lunch food, a bottle of water, and a pack of gum or mints (if you use them).


  • Try not to accumulate a pile of messy papers at the bottom of your bag. So it will be impossible to find anything, and soon it will turn into a pile of crumpled and useless paper, which will only take up space in the portfolio.
  • Sort your portfolio regularly.
  • Organize your workflow. Create folders with many compartments, stock up on loose sheets and notebooks.
  • Pack your portfolio in the evening. This will make it easier to remember what you need for the day and remove unnecessary ones. And every morning you just have to grab a bag when leaving the house.
  • Always open your briefcase when you get home to get all the papers. Then prepare your bag the next day.
  • Always check that you have collected everything the night before. If you have a little time in the morning, quickly double-check again.
  • If possible, put large items (such as your lunch) into the locker so as not to go with them to every lesson, and at the end of the day, pick them up. If you have a locker, take advantage of it.


  • Never try to stuff the bag to the eyeballs, as this will always keep it heavy and cluttered. In addition, if the briefcase is not made of durable material, it can rip. Most modern bags have a weight limit, which the manufacturer usually indicates on the label.