How to get drunk without drinking alcohol

Author: Clyde Lopez
Date Of Creation: 17 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Dude Gets Drunk Without Drinking 1 Drop Of Alcohol
Video: Dude Gets Drunk Without Drinking 1 Drop Of Alcohol


Drinking alcohol releases internal restrictions and promotes dopamine production, which makes you feel happier. Under the influence of alcohol, a person's perception of the world around them changes, something that is lacking in a "sober" life - fun and satisfaction.However, there are many potential problems that arise with drinking alcoholic beverages that affect both emotional and physical health. Moreover, the systematic use of alcohol can lead to alcoholism. Fortunately, there are several ways to experience the full benefits of alcohol without experiencing any negative effects on your body. Try to get drunk without drinking alcohol!


Method 1 of 3: Seeking Adventure

  1. 1 Go to the gym or park. Exercise helps you get drunk without drinking alcohol. Exercising regularly, such as doing cardio, helps the body produce dopamine, serotonin, and endorphins, the pleasure hormones. The high concentration of these substances in the brain causes a feeling of euphoria, similar to that which a person may experience when drinking alcoholic beverages.
    • Exercising regularly can improve your mood. Find the workout that's right for you. If you like to socialize, you can join a group such as dancing sports or hiking. This will make you more willing to practice. If you value being alone, you can go jogging.
  2. 2 Try bungee jumping. Many people see extreme sports as an opportunity to experience euphoria. If you are considering extreme sports as an option that will allow you to experience a pleasant drunkenness, then it will not be difficult for you to find a sport that satisfies all your wishes. For example, you might try skydiving, rafting, or snowboarding. These sports will dramatically improve your emotional health as well as your physical health.
    • You can join a group that loves adventure. Why not find friends who are crazy about climbing or hang gliding? Group activities will give you the opportunity to reduce the cost of extreme sports, as well as help you find new friends who share your interests.
  3. 3 Fall in love. Love is often compared to being drunk. Love affects the brain, just like alcohol does. When you are in love, dopamine levels rise, creating a sense of euphoria. In addition, love helps a person to be more generous, less depressed and stressed.
  4. 4 Experience the satisfaction of being at one with nature. Have you ever noticed how you feel while on vacation? If you have a chance to leave work and everyday affairs for a while and devote time to rest, then you will agree that nature can give a feeling of happiness. When you are on the beach, in the mountains or in the forest, the brain begins to process information in a completely different way: sounds become louder, colors become more saturated, and even the air there is different from the city. A real feeling of intoxication! Don't sit at home, go for a walk!
  5. 5 Take a roller coaster ride. Your local amusement park can be a great place to experience new sensations. If you want new emotions and vivid impressions, this amusement park is what you need. Take a roller coaster ride and you will experience a pleasant intoxication without taking a drop of alcohol in your mouth. You will feel pleasantly dizzy, you will feel unsteadiness when walking and even get a little lost in space. Try it and you won't be able to stop!

Method 2 of 3: Using your imagination

  1. 1 Listen to music. Many people have deep feelings when listening to music. Some melodies touch us deeply. It could be a favorite childhood song, a tune you danced to in your wedding dance, or a song your family loves. Some melodies can take us to another time and place. In other words, music can rip us out of the real world. This is a kind of "musical euphoria".Choose music according to your personal preference.
  2. 2 Take yourself back to childhood. Do you want to experience dizziness and a state when the ground is slipping from under your feet? Remember your childhood! Remember the thrill of spinning until you fell? Why not try it again? Fool around! Gather a group of friends and go to the park or playground. Ride the swing high as a child, roll down the hill just like you did when you were little.
  3. 3 Scare yourself. Fear produces sensations reminiscent of alcohol intoxication. When we feel fear, we lose control of ourselves. This can cause excitement. Although you can reasonably know that you are not in danger, a feeling of dizziness and carelessness can overwhelm you. Try to feel fearful.
    • There are many ways to scare yourself. Watch a horror movie or read a book that will make you shiver. Alternatively, you can spend the night outdoors in a tent with your friends. Organize a competition who will tell the worst story or make the most piercing cry.
  4. 4 Try not to sleep even when you feel like it. The condition when you feel fragile on your feet can be compared to alcohol intoxication. You can achieve the same feeling if you try to make yourself feel very tired. Try not to sleep until your eyes begin to close on their own. You will feel as drunk as after alcohol. Of course, you shouldn't use this method if you get up early for work or school the next morning.
  5. 5 Drink coffee or caffeinated drinks. Large amounts of caffeine can make you feel drunk. Caffeine also looses the tongue and makes you feel more at ease in society. However, don't overdo it, too much caffeine is harmful to your health.

Method 3 of 3: Understanding Feelings of Drunkenness

  1. 1 Change your mood. Alcohol intoxication certainly affects mood. These changes can be both for the better and for the worse. Alcohol changes chemical reactions in the brain. Similar changes can occur for other reasons. That is why we can sometimes feel drunk even though we haven't drunk a sip of alcohol. Mood changes can evoke feelings of deep inner satisfaction and delight. Sometimes we may experience opposite feelings, such as anxiety and loneliness.
  2. 2 Change your behavior. Alcohol intoxication affects the actions of people. Under the influence of new chemical reactions in the brain, we begin to behave in a completely different way. For example, under the influence of alcohol, a person may become more sociable. This is most likely because the person feels more relaxed and confident. However, some people become aggressive or withdrawn under the influence of alcohol.
  3. 3 Feel the changes in your physical condition. When you are in a state that resembles alcohol intoxication, you are likely to notice some changes in your physical condition. You may feel sleepy or weak. A drunk person is usually dizzy. You may not see objects clearly and feel unsteady when walking. In addition, a drunk person has a significantly slower reaction.
  4. 4 Enjoy new sensations. People enjoy new sensations. In addition, for many, this is an important experience that they want to have in life. Experiment with new sensations. However, remember the measure, do not overdo it in the desire to learn something new.


  • Get your friends involved! You will enjoy new forms of entertainment more if your friends are around. Laughter also makes you feel happy.


  • Be careful when doing new extreme sports. Consider your limits.Stop if you feel overstrained, dizzy, or similar.
  • Be careful when using caffeine as a stimulant. Also, do not drive if you feel dizzy or faint.