How to tell if a girl is trying to steal your boyfriend

Author: Ellen Moore
Date Of Creation: 11 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
What To Do If Another Woman Is Trying To Steal My Boyfriend | Greta Bereisaite
Video: What To Do If Another Woman Is Trying To Steal My Boyfriend | Greta Bereisaite


Agree, it's very frustrating to see another girl flirting with your boyfriend. For many girls, this situation can be a real challenge. Perhaps she laughs too loudly at his jokes, tries to touch him sensually at every opportunity, or even openly flirts with him right in public. It is difficult enough to decide how to behave in such a situation, because no one wants to slander another person, accusing him of indecent behavior or infidelity, but you also cannot tolerate behavior that brings you pain. In fact, there is a way to find out if this girl is really trying to steal your boyfriend from you - this is exactly what our article will be about. It will also help make sure your relationship is safe, loved, and desired. So, to see if this girl is trying to steal your boyfriend from you, get to the first step!


Method 1 of 4: How to Analyze a Girl's Behavior

  1. 1 Pay attention to how she flirts. If a girl flirts with your boyfriend, this does not necessarily mean that she is trying to take him away. Perhaps by this behavior she is trying to raise her self-esteem or make friends with him. Try to figure out if she's flirting with your boyfriend or with everyone she meets? If a girl herself is too flirtatious and likes to behave this way, it is hardly a matter of your boyfriend. But if a girl doesn’t have this behavior, and she makes an effort to flirt with your boyfriend, chances are that she likes him. Here are some of the behaviors to watch out for:
    • She tries to touch his hand or just touches him often.
    • She constantly maintains eye contact with him.
    • She laughs at all his jokes.
    • Her body language speaks for itself: she constantly holds herself in such a way as to be in front of him.
    • She constantly tries to speak to him.
  2. 2 Pay attention to whether this girl is trying to be alone with him. If she wants to be alone with him, this is a clear sign that her flirting is not at all limited to a desire to increase self-esteem or attract attention to herself. Take note of this if they decide to spend time together. Also watch out for the following signs:
    • She invites him to meet, assuming that they will be together (for example, in a movie or in a cafe).
    • She asks him for a favor, implying that they will go somewhere together (for example, she asks to help her change the light bulb).
    • She invites him for walks.
    • When he says that he is going to do something, for example, go to the next room for water, she goes with him.
  3. 3 Pay attention to how often she texts or calls him. Is your boyfriend being secretive when it comes to messages from this girl? Does her communication with your boyfriend (calls, messages) go beyond the boundaries of just friendly communication? Despite the fact that such behavior does not mean that she wants to become more than just friends with him, it is a sure wake-up call.
    • If you notice that your boyfriend is texting someone quite often, feel free to ask who exactly. If he answers too evasively or tries to defend himself, it is possible that he is texting this girl.
    • Remember that reading your boyfriend's correspondence is a clear invasion of his personal space, so if you think that the guy is cheating on you, it's time to start a conversation about trust.

Method 2 of 4: Dealing With Jealousy

  1. 1 Admit your jealousy. Recognition is the first step in fighting jealousy. Allow yourself to feel these emotions for a while. In small doses, jealousy can play a positive role in a relationship because it reminds you that you really want to be in that relationship and want it to be monogamous. But don't let jealousy piss you off. Admit that you are feeling jealous and try to psychologically separate your life from that feeling.
  2. 2 Remember not to let yourself be led by jealousy. Jealousy is just an emotion. Remember that feelings of jealousy quite often do not reflect what is really happening. Try to treat jealousy as a negative emotion, rather than something that happens in reality. Feelings of jealousy should be perceived by you separately from your feelings for your partner and your relationship with him.
  3. 3 Think about your best qualities. Write down three things about yourself every day. Compliment yourself whenever you feel overwhelmed. Try to increase your self-esteem and focus on your own life and your own development, on your best qualities. This behavior will remind your partner of how lucky he is to date you.

Method 3 of 4: Expressing Your Feelings to Your Boyfriend

  1. 1 Make a list of the things you don't like that make you uncomfortable. Think about what exactly bothers you in this situation? Could it be that your boyfriend is starting to pay more attention to this girl than to you? Would you like your boyfriend to spend less time with his friends and more time with you? Try to understand what exactly you do not like about this situation. Here are some of the things that might piss you off about your boyfriend's behavior:
    • Another girl touches your boyfriend, and you find such touching too intimate and unacceptable.
    • On weekends, your boyfriend spends more time with this girl than with you.
    • Your boyfriend often texts or calls another girl when he is spending time with you.
    • They're not flirting right in front of you.
  2. 2 Wait at least a day. Collect your thoughts and wait for the jealousy to cool down a little. And then check to see if the items on your list are really what worries you the most. After a day or two, take another look at your list and revise it.
  3. 3 Talk to your guy in a quiet, relaxed environment. Choose a time so that it is convenient for you to meet and talk in private. You shouldn't start such a serious conversation when you are very upset. It is best to bring this up when both of you are calm and able to reason rationally. The following are ways to start a conversation about this topic:
    • "Look, I've noticed that you've been spending quite a lot of time with this girl in the last couple of weeks, which makes me feel a little uncomfortable."
    • "I'm happy that friendship with this girl brings you joy, but sometimes she behaves too strangely towards you, I feel uncomfortable about it."
    • "I am very happy with you, but I think I could feel even more valuable and needed."
  4. 4 Set boundaries. Each pair has its own rules. In one pair it is considered completely inappropriate for a guy to go to the cinema with another girl, while in another pair such behavior (and even more intimate) will be regarded as the norm. Having a frank conversation about the expectations of each partner is the key to understanding each other. Be honest about your expectations and needs - your boyfriend may have no idea that his friendship with another girl (or even flirting with her) can upset you.
    • Concentrate on working with your partner to figure out each other's expectations and needs. You could say something like, "Of course, I am not asking you to end your friendship with other girls, but I would be very grateful if your attention is completely devoted to me when we spend time together, and not correspondence with other girls."
    • Boundaries should not be manipulative and vague. For example, you shouldn't say, “I want to spend more time with you,” because that expression isn't specific enough. Better say: "I would really like to spend more time alone with you, when it’s just you and me ... Maybe we’ll have a romantic evening?"
    • Make it clear to your boyfriend which behavior is acceptable to you and which is not. If you feel uncomfortable with a guy giving a massage to another girl, say bluntly that it is disrespectful to you and your relationship.
    • Openly and patiently listen to your boyfriend's point of view about what the boundaries of the relationship should be.
  5. 5 Use self-affirmations when talking to a guy. Try to calmly solve any problems and discuss your concerns about this girl. In no case should you immediately accuse him of treason. Concentrate on constructive ways to improve your relationship with him. If you decide to ask a guy to change his behavior in a friendly relationship with this girl, it is worth choosing the right words. Here are some examples of what can be said:
    • "I will feel terribly uncomfortable if you go to the movies with her on Friday night. I would like to go with you, or, in extreme cases, you should go with the other guys."
    • "It is very unpleasant for me when we spend time together, and you are now and then distracted by messages with her and laugh at your common jokes."
  6. 6 You need to end on a positive note. It's best to end the conversation by complimenting your boyfriend or showing your love and affection. If you are working on any relationship problems, this is exactly what you need! The following are examples of compliments:
    • "I really like spending time alone with you ..."
    • "You know, when I have problems, I feel that you are ready to listen and support me."
    • "You don't just support me, but you really make me happy."

Method 4 of 4: How to Strengthen Your Relationship

  1. 1 Try something new together. Accumulating new experiences and memories together is the best way to strengthen a relationship. So, here are a few things to try:
    • Go to a dance class together, such as zumba;
    • cook together a delicious meal;
    • on the weekend go to another city or to some interesting place where you have never been before;
    • go camping together and spend a couple of hours admiring the natural beauty;
    • go surfing;
    • volunteer at an animal shelter;
    • go to a photography lesson. *
  2. 2 Spend time doing something interesting every week. Agree with your boyfriend to sometimes spend time only together, focusing on each other (even if this time will not be so much). Prepare dinner together, watch a movie, or just talk about your day at work or school. Being together is a key way to strengthen relationships.
  3. 3 Ask the right questions. Make your partner feel loved, needed, and respected. Interesting and comfortable communication is the path to any healthy relationship. Here are some questions you can use to start a productive conversation with your partner.
    • "I can help you?"
    • "What do you like about our relationship?"
    • "Tell me, are there any little things that tell you that I love you?"


  • Don't pay too much attention to the girl who seems to be trying to steal your boyfriend away from you. Indeed, in this situation, it all depends on how strong and stable your relationship with your boyfriend is, and not on how diligently this girl will flirt with your boyfriend.
  • It's not easy, but try to be respectful and kind to your boyfriend and the girl who is trying to take him away. Even if their behavior really hurts you, keep yourself in control and do not get frustrated.


  • If your boyfriend confessed to being unfaithful himself, consider whether it's worth dating him further.
  • If your boyfriend doesn't react to your feelings or treats them with disdain and disrespect, it is worth reflecting on your relationship with him and decide how happy you are in them.