How to hunt deer

Author: Bobbie Johnson
Date Of Creation: 3 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Deer Hunting 101 for the Serious Beginner
Video: Deer Hunting 101 for the Serious Beginner


Deer hunting is always an exciting experience, whether you shoot a deer or not. Of course, you go hunting precisely in order to shoot - and without much sadism. However, sometimes the very communication with nature and the forest is already encouraging. However, if you want to increase your chances of catching a deer and have fun - read this article, it will come in handy.


Part 1 of 4: Before the hunt

  1. 1 Contact your local hunting and fishing community. Find out if it is possible to hunt deer now, how much the license will cost, and so on. Separately, it is worth finding out the following:
    • How long is the reindeer season in your area? Check for which weapon.
    • How many deer can you get?
    • What kind of deer can you get?
    • What are the other safety requirements - camouflage, hunting hours, etc.
  2. 2 Remember the firearms laws. Of course, you can hunt without a firearm, but this is not for an amateur. You need permission to have a gun. To obtain a permit for a weapon for hunting, you need to pay a fee, pass the hunting minimum and pass a medical examination, not to mention, in fact, the purchase of a gun and a safe for it. Find the phone number for your area's “licensing and permitting department” and check the requirements there.
  3. 3 Buy hunting clothes. The question may seem simple, but it is much more important than it seems at first glance. The hunt itself, the desire to beat other hunters, the need to wait for hours for the beast in ambush - all this requires the right choice of clothing.
    • Orange color... Deer do not see very well, but people should see you, and the orange color in the forest is perfect for this. Check with the hunting community how many orange items you should be wearing.
    • Camouflage... Camouflage, of course, must be appropriate for the season. Buy the complete set, you won't regret it.
    • Hunting shoes... Waterproof shoes that will keep your feet dry and warm are the hunter's choice. Check with hunting stores.
  4. 4 Collect other equipment. It is clear that the hunter is not alive with weapons and camouflage alone. And not even a faithful hunting dog. You will need a lot more, the most important of which can be called:
    • Heated chair... More precisely - just a harness that works on the principle of a heating pad. Not every hunter, you know, likes to sit in the snow or cold ground, waiting for the beast.
    • Binoculars... Let's be honest: most of the time on the hunt is waiting and looking for the beast. Binoculars, in turn, will allow you to spot the beast from a farther distance.
    • First aid kit... More precisely, not just a first aid kit, but a set for all occasions. In addition to the medication for first aid, take insect spray, a flashlight, a knife with a sharpening bar, a compass, and a small gas burner.
  5. 5 Find deer. Since you went to the deer, then you need to know where this handsome horned man grazes. By the way, keep in mind - if you decide to get a large deer, then do not underestimate the intelligence of the animal. Foolish people do not live up to impressive proportions. The larger the deer, the better he knows how to avoid meeting a man. But you can also track down this, especially if you pay attention to:
    • The densest, impassable thickets. Where a man does not pass, a deer will break. Look for traces in such places.
    • Large deer love shaded hills - it is easier for them to run away from an annoying person there.
    • However, deer are also happy to hide in the densely overgrown lowlands.There they can find water and rest in relative safety.
  6. 6 Climb the tree as needed. Sometimes the place for hunting from the tree will already be prepared by the gamekeeper. If, as often happens, there is nothing like that, then you need to do it yourself. Be aware that reindeer change their habits, so the place you find before the season may be useless during the season.
    • A place for hunting from a tree, roughly speaking, is a ladder and a small chair, which are attached to the tree. The more complex and camouflaged such a place is, the more expensive it is, of course.
    • The main thing in a hunting area from a tree is not how it looks, but how high it is and how firmly it is attached to the tree.
  7. 7 Place the bait on the ground. The bait will “strengthen” the deer into, so to speak, the idea that this or that area of ​​the forest is a good area for food. However, here it is already necessary to refer directly to the rules of hunting in a particular area. As a bait, the following will work:
    • Corn
    • Apples
    • Carrot
    • Salt stones
    • Beet

Part 2 of 4: On the Hunt

  1. 1 Invite a friend or relative to hunt. Hunting in company is more fun and safer. If you go hunting alone, be sure to:
    • Take a fully charged cell phone with you.
    • Tell someone where you are going and when you will return. Try not to disrupt this date.
    • If you do not know the area where you will hunt very well, take a navigator, a map or something like that with you. And remember not to make landmarks by streams or local attractions in case you get lost. Better is a map.
  2. 2 Look for footprints of the beast. Broken branches, footprints on the ground, feces are all footprints, and you should be prepared to remove the gun from your shoulder.
    • If you find a deer rookery, this is a good sign. And the less time has passed since the beginning of the season, the better.
    • Sometimes deer “scratch” their antlers on trees. Traces, scratches and marks remain on the bark, respectively. From the appearance of such tracks, one can conclude about the size of the deer.
  3. 3 Disguise your scent. Deer do not see very well, but their sense of smell is excellent, and their hearing is wonderful. To get close to an animal within a shot distance, you need not smell like a human.
    • A budget way to fight off your own odor is soda, regular baking soda. Take a tablespoon of baking soda, mix with regular unscented soap, go to the shower before the hunt - and order. A little soda in your shoes will not hurt either, and it will not be superfluous on clothes. Alternatively, you can even brush her teeth, she is still cheap.
  4. 4 Lure the deer. There are dozens and hundreds of ways to lure the beast, for example:
    • Decoys imitating the call of a deer. More precisely, a female deer, and during estrus. Few deer can resist this.
    • Pheromones. Actually, imitating the smell of a female during estrus. It works no less effectively.
    • Deer urine at the beginning of the season... Deer at the beginning of the season are very jealous and even aggressive towards other deer that have wandered into their territory.
    • Horned bait at the beginning of the season... The noise of antlers banging on trees acts on deer in much the same way as the smell of urine.

Part 3 of 4: pulling the trigger

  1. 1 Be patient. You have hidden your scent, used a decoy and are waiting for the deer to show up. And wait, and wait, and wait ... Wait. To shoot for sure, you need to shoot from a distance of 20-30 meters... If you shoot from afar, then there is a risk of missing or not killing the deer, and you will scare away the game. He, of course, will die anyway - but he will suffer greatly, and you will not find him either.
  2. 2 Act without delay. When the deer is just approaching, try to get up. Keep in mind that this is the largest and most visible movement you should make. If you do this too late, you can frighten the beast away.
  3. 3 Stand as quietly as possible. It is important to be quiet before you pull the trigger, otherwise you will scare the deer away.
    • Hunting with a gun or crossbow? Keep the weapon loaded, but on the safety lock, and then all you have to do is remove the safety lock and pull the trigger. Try to load the weapon in advance and not make unnecessary sounds when removing the weapon from the safety lock.
    • Bow and arrow hunting, in turn, will require you to carefully pull the arrow out. It is also better to shoot from a bow while standing - it is more convenient that way.
  4. 4 Aim for the top of the shoulders, neck, or skull. Shoot behind your front leg, about 15 centimeters above your chest. If the shot is good, the bullet will pass through the vital organs and kill the deer without causing unnecessary suffering. Alternatively, hit the neck or skull (brain).
  5. 5 If you managed to shoot a deer, look at the blood. If you are a responsible hunter, then your goal is to kill a deer with one shot, without causing him unnecessary pain. To see if this succeeded, look at the blood.
    • Brown hair and pink bubbling blood means a lung or heart is affected. This is good. Truth. This means that the deer is somewhere nearby and does not suffer ... already.
    • Brown fur and dark red blood. Most likely, the bullet hit the liver. The deer may live a little longer, but it will still die relatively quickly.
    • White hair, watery blood with traces of bile. This is a sign of a bullet in the stomach. For a deer, it means a long and painful death. Find and finish off the beast.

Part 4 of 4: After the Hunt

  1. 1 Try to pinpoint the exact spot where you shot the deer. On the bloody trail, determine where the deer ran away. Go there and do not forget to inform someone who knows that you have gone hunting.
    • Wait 30 minutes before tracking the deer. This will give the deer the opportunity to lie down and ... bleed out. If you start chasing the animal right now, then on adrenaline it will run away much further.
  2. 2 Follow the trail until you find a deer. Pay attention to the vegetation next to the trail. In order not to lose sight of the blood, you can use the following tricks:
    • Hydrogen peroxide spray. Take a can and spray a little. When the peroxide gets on the blood, it will begin to fizzle and bubble.
    • Fluorescent lamp. It is relatively cheap, but following the bloody trail at night or at dusk with it is simply priceless!
  3. 3 Once you've found a deer, make sure it's dead. Maybe it's time to call a friend and ask for help in getting the deer out of the forest.
  4. 4 Learn to skin deer in the field and forest conditions. This is a whole art, something you cannot comprehend from dusty books! Well, from the online encyclopedia too. As a rule, you need a mentor, so try to go hunting with an experienced, seasoned hunter. It is not only safer but also easier. And then, it can be the beginning of a great friendship.
  5. 5 Enjoy a well-deserved victory. Respect the animal that gave you its life, and don't let the meat go to waste.


  • In local hunting shops, you will surely find those who can tell you a lot of useful information about the peculiarities of local hunting.
  • Transceiving radios may be exclusively useful on the hunt. With their help, you can be in touch with all the hunters in the area and, having shot a deer, you will be able to call them for help. Hunters love this business! Believe me, you just need to explain the situation and describe your prey, and they will immediately appear! In addition, a conversation with friends, albeit on a walkie-talkie, will always help to cheer up. It is best to use walkie-talkies with 5 watts and at least 25 km. radius.
  • Everything should have loops or elastic bands - gloves, hats, harnesses, etc.! Otherwise, these things will be lost for one or two. Best of all are bright orange loops 2.5 cm wide and 7.5 long.
  • If the deer attacks you, run. The deer is bigger than you and stronger than you. More precisely, much stronger. So much stronger that, in the worst case, they will not carry the deer out of the hunt, but you.
  • Hunt where game shooting is allowed.


  • Always handle your weapon as if it were loaded.Do not aim the muzzle at people, make sure that no one is in the line of fire. Safety comes first!
  • They shot a deer, didn't kill him, the deer ran away. What to do? Keep your head down! Don't run after him! The pursued deer will run several kilometers! But a deer, after which no one is chasing, will lie under a nearby bush and bleed out.
  • You must have a license, a weapon permit and a hunting society ticket.
  • You can't hunt in the PARKS, even if there is game there! Only in specially designated areas, which you can find out about in the local hunting community.
  • Climb trees with care.
  • Read all hunting laws and regulations carefully. Very carefully!
  • Never enter a private property unless you have permission to do so.
  • Be careful with your weapons. Don't keep your finger on the hook before aiming. Let it become a habit.