How to communicate with people

Author: Clyde Lopez
Date Of Creation: 21 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Active Listening: How To Communicate Effectively
Video: Active Listening: How To Communicate Effectively


Chatting with people you don't know very well is likely to be a difficult task for you, especially if you are not fond of short, shallow conversations. However, if you want to get to know people better, you need to practice. Communicating with people in a specific social environment can create long lasting and deep relationships.A young man you meet at a party can be your best friend, and a woman you meet at a business dinner can offer you a good job. You can never reach your goal if you just stand in the corner!


Part 1 of 3: Find Interlocutors

  1. 1 Look around the room to find people you know. It will be easier for you to communicate with strangers if there is a person you know well, for example, your colleague or acquaintance. People you know can introduce you to other people you don't know. If you don't know anyone at a party or event you are invited to, don't worry. You can still get to know someone. However, it is perfectly normal to use the help of acquaintances in order to meet new people.
    • Don't show others that you are looking for people you know. Other people should not think that you are only communicating with people you know. In other words, be careful not to let others think that you only want to communicate with one person you know. Take a look around the room you are in with a calm and at ease. See if familiar faces are present in the room where you are.
    • If you see someone you know talking to someone, wait a bit. Then, when he's free, make eye contact with him and walk up to him.
  2. 2 Pay attention to small groups of people. When you are in an area with many people you barely know, try joining a small group of people rather than a large one. Find a company where members have casual conversations. Pay attention to the body language of your potential conversation partners. If people stand close to each other, forming a vicious circle, most likely they are closed to communication with new people. If, when you pay attention to people's body language, you see that they are open, friendly, relaxed, their arms and legs are not crossed, and there are no barriers between them, you can consider them as potential interlocutors. If you see that they are calm and open to communication, walk up to them and introduce yourself.
    • You may feel embarrassed, but remember that this is a common occurrence at parties and similar events. Most people will be friendly and happy to meet you.
    • If you come across unfriendly people, you can politely excuse yourself and try to find friendlier company.
    • Avoid people who look like they are having a heated discussion one-on-one. You risk provoking an awkward silence by your appearance. Observe the body language of these people. This will help you determine if you should approach them. If they are face-to-face, gesticulate, and maintain eye contact, it is best not to approach them.
  3. 3 Be available. If you look around and see that everyone is actively communicating with each other, do not be discouraged. Show with all your looks that you are open to meeting new people. Try to stand in the center of the room rather than hide in distant corners. Show that you are open to communication with all your appearance. Chances are, someone will come up and get to know you.
    • If someone approaches you, be polite and friendly.
    • Put your phone aside. Very often, people who feel uncomfortable with strangers pretend to be busy looking at messages on their phones. Try to avoid this. Otherwise, others may think that you do not want to communicate with them.
    • Stand in a place where a lot of people gather, for example, at the table with food, near the bar, at the huge ice sculpture in the center of the room. Thanks to this, you always have a topic for conversation.
  4. 4 Help people get to know others. There are always a few people at a party who don't know anyone and feel uncomfortable about it. Find such people and get to know them. They will certainly appreciate your efforts, and who knows, maybe these people will become your best friends.
    • If you are talking to someone and the other person comes up to you, include them in the conversation! Don't be unfriendly.
  5. 5 Don't stay in your comfort zone for long periods of time. If you meet someone you know at a party, don't give in to temptation and communicate only with this person. You will miss the opportunity to meet other interesting people, and you will also show yourself not from your best side.
    • Ask someone you know to introduce you to other people. Don't be shy when meeting new people.
  6. 6 Chat with different people. It is difficult to say with whom of those present you will be able to find a common language. So try to get to know and communicate with different people. Just do not overdo it, do not set yourself the task of getting to know every person at the party. You will already achieve a lot if you meet and communicate with only one person. Perhaps next time you talk to two or three people who are new to you.
  7. 7 Learn to end the conversation. If you want to end communication with someone, you must know how to do it tactfully. There are many ways to end a conversation. Just be friendly and polite.
    • You can politely excuse yourself and say that you need to go to the restroom or for a cocktail.
    • You can say: “Look, Andrey has come! Let me introduce you. " This will allow you to include someone else in your conversation.
    • You can also say, "I would like to continue our conversation next time."

Part 2 of 3: Know what to say and do

  1. 1 Smile. This is the easiest way to show others that you are a good person. If you don’t smile, most people will hesitate to come up and talk to you because they will feel uncomfortable. Not all people smile easily. Many are accustomed to always looking serious. If you are one of those people, step out of your comfort zone. Smiling is part of body language that lets others know that you are an open and outgoing person.
    • Smile sincerely. Smile with your entire face, including your eyes. Don't just limit yourself to your lips. Make sure your smile looks genuine. Smile with your whole face, including your eyes, not just with your lips. Your smile should be like Julia Roberts' smile, not like a pumpkin smile on Halloween.
    • Practice smiling before going to the party. A little practice will not only give you an idea of ​​what your smile looks like, but you can also make the necessary adjustments. It will also cheer you up through enjoyable practice. The smile will not leave your lips.
  2. 2 Introduce yourself. Start with a greeting and say your name. Believe me, this is by no means difficult and most people will reciprocate you. Ask your interlocutor a few questions to continue the conversation. For example, you might ask:
    • “What brings you here today? I am friends with Olga. We study together at the institute. "
    • “Great song, isn't it? I like this group. "
    • “Have you heard about the wikiHow online community? I've heard a lot of useful tips about this service. "
  3. 3 Make eye contact with the person and shake their hand. Your behavior and body language are just as important as your words. Eye contact is extremely important when meeting people. Look the person in the eye confidently when you hold out your hand. Shake the person's hand firmly (but not too hard). The handshake is the basis of your conversation.
    • Try not to look down and around, as others may think that you are not very interested in communicating with them.
    • If you are chatting with someone you know well, you can greet them more warmly.You can hug him, kiss him on the cheek, pat him on the shoulder, and so on.
  4. 4 Be prepared to make contact. This means that even if you just met someone, you should still treat them like a good old friend. Thanks to this, your interlocutor will relax, and you will not have awkward pauses during the conversation. This can speed up the dating process. Be friendly, kind, and respectful. This will make other people happy to interact with you.
    • You can skip the stereotyped questions that are often asked when meeting a person and choose an interesting topic for conversation. For example, instead of asking, "What are you doing?" ask the person for their opinion on an important current event.
  5. 5 Show your interest in the topic of the conversation. If you are meeting new people or joining a company that is discussing a specific topic, show that you are interested in the selected topic for discussion. Even if you know absolutely nothing about it, you can ask questions and listen carefully to learn something new.
    • Do not pretend that you are well versed in the topic under discussion if you do not know anything in this area. People are happy to answer questions and usually love to do it. They will not judge you for not knowing as much as they do. It will be worse if others convict you of a lie.
    • Try asking questions related to the other person's words. This will show that you are listening to the person carefully.
    • Try to direct the conversation towards something that brings you and the other person together so that both of you can participate equally in the discussion.
  6. 6 Tell us a little about yourself. Introduce yourself and introduce yourself to set the tone for the conversation. If you are too shy, it will be difficult for others to get to know you better. Tell us about your job, your hobbies and interests. Share information like other people do. Maintain a positive attitude and be friendly.
    • However, don't overdo it by going into the details of your personal life. Conversation implies mutual communication. One listens, the other speaks and vice versa.
    • Don't complain or respond negatively (especially about the party, the host, or the food), even if you're in a bad mood. Few people want to communicate with someone with a negative attitude.
    • Avoid inappropriate jokes and sensitive topics. For example, you shouldn't talk about illness or death. Otherwise, you run the risk of offending the feelings of the people around you.
  7. 7 Be yourself. There is no need to dazzle those present with your intellect or become a party organizer. You can joke a few times, but don't focus on yourself all evening. Instead, pay attention to each person individually, find common ground with the person, and you can build a close relationship with your interlocutor.
    • Treat the people around you the same way you would like them to treat you - with respect and kindness.

Part 3 of 3: Get the most out of it

  1. 1 Treat each person as a potential conversation partner. When you walk into a room full of strangers, you may be worried about how you can connect with these people. Chances are, seeing strangers talking and laughing will give you inner fear. But each person is an individual person. The goal of everyone present is to have a good time and meet new people.
  2. 2 Show your inner interest. Many people are afraid to talk to strangers. However, this fear can be overcome. If you, going to a party, set a goal for yourself to meet new people, then communication with them will be more enjoyable. Consider every party as an opportunity to meet people who have rich life experiences and interesting hobbies.
    • Remember that you can learn something from everyone. Interacting and communicating with people is "fun".For this reason, people are throwing parties!
  3. 3 Deal with feelings of awkwardness. Before you go to the party, remind yourself of some rules:
    • Choose the right clothing for the event. Thanks to this, you will not worry all evening about how you look. Wearing the right clothes will give you confidence and it will be easier for you to start a conversation.
    • Remember to brush your teeth to keep your breath fresh. This way you don't have to worry about your breathing.
    • Relax before the party. Take a nap before the event if it is taking place in the evening. Tired people find it harder to communicate.
    • Eat before the party. You will have more energy and less risk of overeating at a party.
    • Don't drink too much. Sometimes people think they can relax by drinking an alcoholic beverage. While a small amount of alcohol can actually help you relax, keep in mind that if you drink more, you will ruin your evening. Drink water between drinks.
    • Take a few deep breaths to focus on yourself. Remind yourself that you have been invited to hang out and have fun.
  4. 4 Exchange contact information with your new acquaintances. If you are lucky, you will meet at least a few people who will want to get to know you better. Exchange phone numbers so that you have the opportunity to continue the conversation! Plus, when you meet this person at your next party, you'll have someone to talk to.