How to wear shoes that chafe your feet

Author: Joan Hall
Date Of Creation: 25 July 2021
Update Date: 23 June 2024
How to Prevent Foot Blisters-Tips & Tricks
Video: How to Prevent Foot Blisters-Tips & Tricks


1 Prevent blisters, corns and sores with a corn patch in your shoes. Buy one from your local drugstore and take out one strip. Place a strip underneath the rubbing strap or heel and outline with a pencil. Cut the resulting shape with scissors and remove the bottom protective layer. Place the tape under your shoe strap or heel.
  • This also applies to other areas of chafing. If the area is inside the shoe, cut out a small circle or oval slightly larger than the rubbed area. Peel off the protective layer and stick the patch to the problem area.
  • You can also apply the patch directly to your feet and remove them by the end of the day.
  • 2 Prevent blisters and calluses by applying an anti-rubbing balm to your feet. You can get it from a pharmacy. Apply the balm directly to the skin of the feet, where calluses and blisters usually occur.
    • If corns and calluses have already formed, then you should not use such a balm. In this case, it is better to buy a corn patch. This patch will protect the corn and prevent infection.
  • 3 Try antiperspirant to reduce sweating. Sweat and moisture from rubbing can cause or worsen blistering.An antiperspirant reduces moisture, which can reduce blistering.
  • 4 Secure the position of the feet in the shoe with insoles and prevent chafing and bruising. When the feet move from side to side, rubbing against the skin can cause blisters on the toe and heel. If you find that your feet are shifting inside a platform or heel shoe, place a gel or silicone insole inside the shoe to reduce the offset.
  • 5 Ease the pain of lifting with special pillows. If soreness is felt in the arch of the foot by the end of the day, then you have chosen not the most comfortable shoes; this is especially true for studs. Buy a set of instep pads and glue them in the front of the shoe, right where the foot meets the shoe. They are usually oval or egg shaped.
    • If you have high-heeled sandals with a strap between your toes, try buying heart-shaped pads. The rounded portions of the pad will fit against both sides of the strap.
  • 6 Use silicone gels or adhesive tapes to relieve pressure on small areas. Inserts can be purchased at a shoe store, and matching tape at your local hardware store. Tabs, as a rule, are transparent - it will not be difficult to disguise them; in the case of duct tape, you will have to cut the shape and size you want.
  • 7 Use silicone pads or arch supports to soothe aching heels. If your heels hurt, it could be due to the stiffness of the back of the shoe. It could also be because your shoes don't support the inside of your foot sufficiently. Try placing silicone under the heel or using an instep support insole. Both can be cut to size. Thanks to the adhesive surface on the opposite side, neither the liners nor the instep support will slip off.
    • Look for insoles that say they are instep support. If you're having trouble finding mid-padded insoles, arch supports are the way to go.
    • If the shoes are narrow, dense insoles will not fit - they will overload the feet. In this case, get thinner insoles.
  • 8 Prevent pinching your toes in high heels by asking your shoe maker to shorten the heels for you. Sometimes the angle between the heel and the ball of the foot is too large, which causes the foot to move forward and squeeze the toes. Shortening the heel height will likely fix the problem. Don't try to do it yourself - find a shoe maker. Most high heels can be reduced by a craftsman to the amount you need (up to 2.5 cm).
  • Method 2 of 3: How to resize

    1. 1 The wrong size is often painful - learn how to avoid it. Shoes that are too large can be uncomfortable as well as too small. Large shoes are not able to support the foot in a stable position, which is why the foot is constantly shifting, which, as a result, leads to calluses and corns. Shoes that are too small will constrict the feet, and by the end of the day, the legs begin to hurt. Fortunately, it is possible to stretch the shoes a little; it is also possible to fill the shoes to make them smaller.
      • Note that some materials are easier to stretch than others.
    2. 2 Try an insole if your shoes are too big. It will provide additional cushioning to the shoe and prevent excessive movement of the foot.
    3. 3 Use heels if your shoes are too big and your foot constantly slips forward. The heel counter will add extra cushioning to the back of the shoe so that the heel is locked in place and won't chafe.
    4. 4 Fill the toe of your shoe with a little lambswool. If your new shoes are too big and your sock wrinkles, try filling it with lambswool.This breathable, airy material will be more comfortable and less likely to roll into a ball, as it usually does with a napkin. Instead of wool, you can try cotton swabs.
    5. 5 Stretch the shoe with a spacer. The spacer can also maintain the shape of the shoe or stretch it, depending on the length and width of the spacer. Place a spacer in your shoes. This technique works best for leather and suede products, but not for rubber and plastics.
    6. 6 Stretch the shoe with spacers and spray. Spray some stretch spray on your shoes, then insert the spacer into the inside of the shoe. Shoe spacers are slightly different from each other, but most have a handle and adjuster. The adjuster will adjust the length and the handle will adjust the width of the shoe. Continue turning the knob and adjuster until the shoe material is slightly taut, then leave the spacer in the shoe for 6-8 hours. After the specified time has elapsed, rotate the handle and adjuster back (to reduce the spacer) and slide the spacer out of the shoe.
      • There are various types of spacers, including those designed for high-heeled shoes. Reversible spacers work best as they can stretch the shoe both in length and width.
      • Some spacers have accommodations for conditions such as bunion. Insert these fixtures before using the spacer.
      • With the help of spacers, you can only stretch and increase the shoe so that it is not too tight and tight, but you cannot increase the size of the shoe itself.
      • Spacers work best on natural materials such as leather and suede. They are also suitable for certain types of fabric, but spacers are not very effective for synthetics and varnishes.
    7. 7 Ask the technician to stretch your shoes. This will give your toes more freedom of movement, which will reduce tightness and soreness throughout the foot. However, stretching only works for shoes made from leather and suede.
    8. 8 Use ice to stretch the shoe in the toe area. You can do this by filling two plastic bags with water and closing them tightly to prevent the water from splashing out. Place each bag in the sock section and then place the shoes in the freezer. Leave the shoes there until the water freezes, then remove them from there. Take the bags out of your shoes and then put on your shoes. The shoe will take the shape of your foot as soon as it gets warm.
      • This will help stretch your shoes to a certain extent, because the water expands when it freezes.
      • This method is only suitable for natural materials such as leather, suede or fabric. For plastic or artificial leather, it may be much less effective.
      • Please note that stains may appear on leather or suede shoes when wet. To avoid this, each shoe can be wrapped in a towel.

    Method 3 of 3: How to fix other problems

    1. 1 Buy special socks. Sometimes the right socks are all it takes to stop the chafing of your shoes. They support the foot, absorb moisture and help prevent calluses and calluses. Here are several types of special socks and what they do:
      • Sports socks wrap around the arch of the foot more tightly, thus providing support. They are great for different types of sneakers.
      • Moisture-wicking socks absorb sweat, keeping feet dry and preventing blistering.
      • Running socks have a thicker lining that cushions friction as you move.
      • Toe socks are designed like gloves, and because the toes are separated, blisters do not form between them.
      • Pay attention to the material. Some materials, such as cotton, are easily soaked in sweat, which can lead to blistering. Acrylic, polyester and polypropylene will keep your feet dry.
    2. 2 Use something soft to keep the slippers from chasing between your toes. Flip-flops with a strap between the toes are simple and comfortable shoes, but if the strap starts to cut into the skin, it is very painful. Here are some ways to fix the situation:
      • Use silicone inserts for your flip-flops. They look like regular ball pads, but with a small cylinder in front. Place this insert in the front of the flip-flops, and insert the strap into the cylinder. Thanks to it, the strap will not cut between your fingers.
      • Wrap corn plaster around the strap. This method works especially well with plastic or rubber slippers. The patch will soften them and cover the sharp edges.
      • Wrap a cloth around the strap. You can do this not only between the fingers, but also along the entire length of the strap to make it bright and unusual. Glue the edges of the fabric strip to the slippers with shoe glue.
    3. 3 Learn to get rid of unpleasant shoe odors. You can use velor insoles that absorb sweat odor, and when you take off your shoes, put tea bags in them. Tea bags absorb unpleasant odors. Remove them the next day.
    4. 4 Try tying your third and fourth toes with a flesh-colored medical tape. This will help reduce pain in the ball of the foot. The reason lies in the fact that a nerve passes between these fingers. This nerve splits when you put on your heels and put pressure on your toes. If you put these fingers together, the tension will be relieved.
    5. 5 Stretch stiff shoes by wearing them for a short time. If a new pair of shoes is too tight due to their stiffness, you can soften them by putting them on around the house. Of course, take frequent breaks and take off your shoes when they start to hurt. Over time, the shoe will expand and become more comfortable to wear.
    6. 6 Use a hairdryer to stretch your stiff shoes. Turn on the hair dryer at its lowest power and point it at your shoes. Warm up the inside of your shoes for a few minutes and then turn off the hair dryer. Put on your shoes with your socks on. As soon as the shoes are cold, take them off; it will take the shape of your foot. This is the best method for shoes made from natural materials; it is not recommended to apply it to shoes made of artificial materials, as this may ruin them.


    • Remember, foot size changes. When it is warm outside or indoors, the leg swells and, accordingly, increases. In cold conditions, everything is exactly the opposite. In addition, foot size changes with age. It is best to consult with the store clerk before buying shoes.
    • If you find blisters, soak your feet in a warm green tea bath for 10 minutes. Astringent tea kills bacteria, reducing odor and infection. The warmth will also help soothe the pain.
    • Consider changing your shoes throughout the day. Wear comfortable shoes when going to work or an event. When you come to the event, change your shoes for shoes.
    • If you take off your shoes and your feet hurt, soak them in hot water. The warmth will soothe the pain in the legs and help the legs "recover".
    • If you have bunion, choose wider shoes. Sometimes a mark of this is indicated on the shoe itself; otherwise, ask a consultant to help you choose.
    • Wear new shoes at home before going out in them. This will help you spread them and allow you to identify potential problems before the sock gets too painful.
    • Attach a clear or black protective cap to the base of the studs if you plan on walking on uneven terrain. Protective caps increase the contact area, which reduces the likelihood of heel stuck.


    • Sometimes it is impossible to fix tight shoes due to shoe shape, size, or quality. If this is the case, consider buying other shoes.