How to sneak around the house at night to eat (for kids)

Author: Bobbie Johnson
Date Of Creation: 9 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Sneak Out - In 10 Steps
Video: How To Sneak Out - In 10 Steps


Have you ever had a need for a midnight snack and your parents didn't want you to get up in the middle of the night or wake them up? Well, this tutorial will help you. This guide will teach you how to sneak into the common environment in your home.


  1. 1 Plan how and when things will happen before going out. Reckless, impromptu attempts to get out secretly rarely go as planned. It also leads to over-the-top suspicion and the assumption that people are actually listening to you or trying to catch you while secretly leaving.
  2. 2 Dress in dark. This is not necessary, but it does help, and try to wear tight-fitting clothing to avoid snagging or making noise when moving; if you intend to sneak out and want to wear something special, wear it in your backpack so you can change safely. It is advisable that everything looks as if you are still in bed during the outing; pillows may work, but this is not recommended because if someone comes in to check if you are asleep or not, it will be obvious that you sneaked out. Instead, shake the blankets, making the bed messy to make it look like you are there; but if someone comes to check and finds out that you are not there, you can say that you were just drinking water or something (note: this will not work if you are dressed; the best option is not to get caught, although in most cases it is not it depends on you, and exposure cannot be avoided).
  3. 3 Take time to turn on your air conditioner when you want to sneak away. When the air conditioner turns on, wait a minute or two (depending on how long the air conditioner will turn on), after a short wait, the air conditioner will provide a nice but limited background noise that any half-asleep person could easily mistake for noise caused by you.
  4. 4 During the sortie. Always step slowly as you step, either standing first on your toes, then gently sinking onto your heels, or first on your heels and then gently moving onto your toes. Full-foot walking creates drum sounds. Do not turn on lights anywhere unless really necessary, and make sure the light cannot be seen from another person's room. If you have animals, try not to wake them up, but if unavoidable, slowly wake them up and comfort them so they don't make a fuss, mistaking you for an intruder. Below is a list of things you may encounter:
    • If someone wakes up, do not run back to your room unnecessarily, because if you run to your room for no reason, you will have to start all over again. You need to know the layout of your house so that it is not difficult to find a place where to sneak around and hide for a few minutes. If someone goes to check on you, immediately start undressing, as quickly and as quietly as possible (unless you are already in your pajamas; also, if you are near your room, then you are more likely to be caught. ; this works best on a different floor, or at least a few rooms away); after undressing, hide your belongings and, either lie down on a chair or sofa and pretend to be asleep (so you can say that you got up to take something, but felt too tired to go back to your room). Or, if you are near the kitchen, go there and hide, even if someone comes to check in the kitchen, you can say that you are just drinking. (Note: Hide (or make excuses - it's up to you) until you hear that the awakened person has returned to their room; otherwise, they may panic, call you or someone else (this usually happens if people do not buy the bed trick) , in this case, make sure that your clothes are well hidden and either pretend to be afraid of the noise, go towards and ask for forgiveness, or pretend to be still asleep, wait until you are woken up and then apologize). If someone bought your trick or just stood up to check something, keep hiding until they return to their room, and then wait a few more minutes. When you are sure that everyone is asleep, dress back and continue your excursion.
    • If you need to go up or down, be sure to step carefully, fingers first, and always with a double step (a double step is when you quietly step on a step with one foot, then quietly put the other foot on the same step). A single step is faster and more likely to cause noise.Either grip the railing lightly, or don't grab it at all; if you grip the railing firmly, it can squeak or squeal from your hand sliding over it.
    • If you are a secret midnight eater, do not use the handle to open the refrigerator, this is often accompanied by a squeak or bang, but rather find a place where the refrigerator door contacts the body. Slowly open the door from there. Also, slowly opening a squeaky kitchen cabinet or pantry will do nothing, it will only entail a long, annoying squeak; sometimes (but not always) quickly opening a kitchen cabinet or pantry will either create a short squeak or no noise at all, in most cases this is the best choice, but be careful not to snag anything when opening these doors.
    • When opening the door, be sure to turn the handle slowly and try to apply a little pressure with your free hand (just place your hand where the door meets the door frame and press slightly to prevent noise when opening). After you quietly open the door, go out and close it slowly, pushing down on the handle until the door returns to the frame so as not to make any noise.
    • Just because you are outside the house with the door closed does not mean that you are not making noise, try to be quiet until you are a decent distance from the house, and do not talk, except in a whisper.


  • If you need to cough, find a pillow, put it on the couch, then dive into the pillow and cough.
  • As you go down the stairs, get as close to the edges of the steps as possible. The likelihood that the steps will squeak will be less.
  • Prepare ahead of time. Complete the entire route that you have planned for your outing. For example, a ladder (with its steps, which always creak, sometimes creak or do not creak at all), so that you can successfully and very quietly overcome all the way down. The same goes for doors. Practice opening them quietly. If your kitchen cabinet door opens loudly, no matter what you do (or any other door), open it during the day if possible. Just make sure you are the last person to deal with the door before everyone goes to bed, otherwise they may close that door. If your planning looks too suspicious, get ready when no one is at home, or at least inside the house.
  • You can also try using the toilet: when the water is noisy, it will muffle your actions so you can get out.
  • Wear dark clothing, such as navy blue, but not black, or you will not blend in properly with your surroundings.
  • Make a map of your home with safe hiding places marked.
  • Wear socks to muffle footsteps, the more the better. This is especially recommended for those with wood, tiled or linoleum flooring. Your feet may sometimes stick slightly to the floor, which can cause some noise. If your home is completely carpeted, you can most likely get out barefoot.
  • Keep in mind that people are more sensitive to noise during the first 30 minutes after falling asleep and 1 to 2 hours before they usually wake up. Try to sneak out / back out with this time frame in mind!
  • Make a list of excuses that are appropriate for any situation.
  • If this is a legal escape (no one will get angry if you get caught; you just leave, so you don’t annoy anyone), remember to leave a note, it will prevent a lot of problems.
  • If you need to sneeze, plug your nose and close your mouth.
  • If you are light sleepers, you can always bring a blanket or something to protect yourself (like a baseball bat if you have one). Thus, if you get caught, tell them that you heard the noise. Just act like you're really scared!
  • Go alone because other people can hinder your progress and make more noise.
  • It may be better to take (insert subject here) leaving your room after your explanations and excuses (this is in case you have already been caught, and you still intend to carry out your plan). Just grab a light blanket to replace your socks. Pick it up off the floor when you're on the carpet!
  • Don't get caught! If it does happen, come up with an excuse, but don't use the same thing every time or it will be suspicious.
  • If you have long hair, pull it up in a ponytail and lower it under your shirt from the back.
  • A dark colored robe may work if you don't have dark clothes.
  • Some refrigerators start making noise when left open for too long; if you see a button that tells the refrigerator that the door is closed, press it every 10 seconds or close the door and be careful!


  • Try not to do any tricks that immediately indicate that you are going to sneak away (for example: do not do the pillow trick under the covers, because if someone pulls your covers and sees the pillow, they will immediately guess that you are going to slip away) ...
  • Do not carry anything that is bright or loud.
  • Do not carry the included flashlight.
  • If you need to open the refrigerator for a snack, support the door with your back to avoid unnecessary noise; just in case you get caught, have a list of excuses on your wrist or somewhere else.
  • Be careful going up and down the stairs in the dark.
  • Don't leave for too long, it might make your parents think you've been kidnapped.
  • Make sure the food you eat is safe to consume, if something is lying for more than 2 hours, avoid eating it.
  • Also check if you are allergic to this food, if yes - do not eat it!