How not to be flawed

Author: Virginia Floyd
Date Of Creation: 5 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
UPDATE!!  SLS may NEVER fly, because of a NASA project that’s even more flawed than the rocket!!
Video: UPDATE!! SLS may NEVER fly, because of a NASA project that’s even more flawed than the rocket!!


Are you a boring bore? Shugazer? Ohlamon? We all sometimes do flawed things, but learning to recognize and avoid typical behaviors of a flawed person will save you from becoming a complete burden on your friends and family. You can learn to look more confident in social interactions and adjust to the image until you become that way.


Part 1 of 3: Avoid Inadequacy

  1. 1 Stop complaining. No one likes to be around someone who complains about everything all the time. It is pitiful and selfish to grab everyone's attention in a group dinner, for example by loudly complaining about your food. If you need to express dissatisfaction with something, do it privately. In general, try to look for the positive in every situation and focus on having fun, not what is holding you back from having fun.
    • If you are not enjoying what you are doing, pause before you feel the urge to express dissatisfaction. Why aren't you having fun? Will the expression of dissatisfaction change the situation without hurting anyone's feelings or ruining everyone's mood? If the answer is not yes, keep your mouth closed.
    • Avoid the nasty habit of complaining and being pity. Don't use complaints as a way to covertly work on details that will present you in a favorable light. Instead of saying, "I'm deeply saddened that they actually made a mistake and I didn't get to Harvard," just be sincere. Say, "I think I'm really lucky. It's pretty incredible to get into a school like Harvard."
  2. 2 Stop making an elephant out of a fly. Remember how excited you were about the toy you received when you were 5 years old? How much does she care about you now? Flawed people treat everything like that toy. Try to step back and look at the big picture so you don't look cut off from the rest.
    • It's great when you get excited about certain things, and it's okay when other things make you feel depressed. The difference in people who say flawed things is that they exaggerate excitement or negativity. Try to see things in their true light.
    • The flawed statement: "I'm literally going to die if I can't go to prom with someone this year. I feel like my life will end on prom night if I'm not there." Normal statement: "I hope I can go to prom. It would be great to go."
  3. 3 Do what you promised you will. There is nothing more flawed than disorderly behavior. If you tell a friend that you are on your way to lunch together, then cancel lunch at the last minute, this is flawed behavior. If you promise your brother to hang out together on Friday night and then ignore his messages and go on a date instead, that's flawed behavior. If you want to avoid flawed behavior, make your words meaningful by reinforcing them with actions.
    • Some people find it difficult to say no and commit themselves. If you already have plans with a friend and are asked out on a date, it won't be the end of the world if you reschedule the date. Be honest and have the courage to speak the truth.
  4. 4 Stop asking for comfort. What we call "inferiority" is often the result of low self-esteem. People who need constant comfort from others, or who need regular compliments to maintain their self-esteem, can become disadvantaged around more confident people. Even if you are unsure of yourself, stop looking at others for comfort and look at yourself.
    • You don't have to be the most confident person in the room to stop being a friend in need. No one feels confident and secure all the time, but it’s flawed to constantly ask people to convince you that you’re doing well.
    • Read about how to cultivate confidence in the next section.
  5. 5 Be honest with people. It's easy to tell the truth when you're right, but what if the truth isn't on your side? What if you screwed up at work and your boss is looking for someone to blame? What if your parents are waiting for an answer as to why the car is scratched? Lying to avoid problems is flawed.
    • Sometimes teenagers tend to sugarcoat the truth or make up stories to make themselves appear better. Instead of writing up what you did last weekend, think about making your next weekend fun so you can have a better story next time.
  6. 6 Say yes to more things, but also don't be afraid to say no. If you are a retarded bore, it will be difficult for others to think of you as a failure. Flawed people are more likely to find excuses why they don't, than to find reasons to act, reasons to have fun, and reasons to take risks. Instead of giving reasons why you cannot do something, find reasons why you can.
    • Being more compliant doesn't mean being reckless. Making compromises, infringing on your core principles, and becoming someone you are not in order to impress others is flawed. Don't experiment with alcohol or drugs just because other kids in your school are doing it, and don't let others talk you into doing something you don't want to do. This is inferiority.
  7. 7 Empathize. Learn to listen to others and respect them for who they are. Try to be genuinely interested in what other people are going through in their lives. Ask them questions and pay attention to the answers. When you are listening, don't just wait for your turn to speak. Really listen to other people and learn everything you can from them.
    • Flawed people are often self-centered and self-centered. If you want to avoid this behavior, learn to empathize.

Part 2 of 3: Be More Confident

  1. 1 Stop looking for excuses. If you screw it up, you can find a million excuses why you got it wrong, why you failed, or what you didn't have that could help you succeed. But this is flawed thinking. Even if the world is against you, even if the cards are shuffled in favor of others, you need to take responsibility for yourself and be responsible for your actions and do everything in your power.
    • Don't look for excuses after you've done something, and definitely don't look for them in advance. If you think that you will fail the exam because you do not know mathematics very well, you may fail the exam before you even start. It’s common for losers not to even try.
  2. 2 Speak clearly and loudly. You can show confidence, even if you feel flawed and especially insecure, just by the way you talk. Use the appropriate room volume and speak loudly enough for everyone to hear what you have to say. Be as clear and concise as possible.
    • Do not formulate your speech in a negative way. Never start with "I mean, I don't know very well what I'm saying, but ..." or "This is stupid, but ...", or "I'm sorry, but ..."
    • Confident speech has two effects. It makes you feel good - even if you pretend to voice your point of view and make your voice heard. Also, other people will respect the person supporting them, which means that they will be more respectful of you in the future, which in turn will make you more confident. Mutual benefit.
  3. 3 Only speak when you have something to say. Each of us has been in a meeting, in class, or in a group conversation with someone who doesn't know when to shut their mouths and feels the need for constant participation whenever possible. It is inferior to speak when you have nothing to say. Learn to shut up when you have nothing to add to the conversation and listen.
    • It's also important to be aware of when is the right time for you to connect. Conversation should be like a two-way street, and everyone who cannot recognize when to speak and when to listen is in some way flawed.
  4. 4 Stop comparing yourself to others. Besides being an unhealthy pastime, constantly positioning yourself against others will give you the effect of pushing the ship into damaged waters. If you do not have an inner instinct and your own worldview, but you choose to compare yourself and your achievements and skills with other people, then everything that you do, you will do for the wrong reasons. And this is inferiority.
    • "They had more opportunities than I did" is the mantra of a loser. Instead of focusing on what you don’t have and what others have, focus on overcoming obstacles in your path. Position yourself as a success story, not a failure. Put on greatness.
  5. 5 Be as skillful as possible. Everyone needs help at times, but if you constantly need to ask other people for help, then you may feel incapable and flawed. Make it a goal for yourself to learn as much of what you need to know as you can in order to cope on your own. If you want to know how to do something, learn it, and then do it yourself.
    • This is especially true for your parents. Do you need them to pay your phone bills, or can you find a half-day job and take that responsibility? If you are able to do something, do it.
    • It is also flawed to try or do something that you have no idea about because you are too proud to ask for help. Instead of rushing to fix cars, not understanding anything about it, just because of excessive pride, not to admit that you do not understand this, be brave enough to use the help you need and know how it is done next time. ...
  6. 6 Use your body in a way that makes you look proud. If you want to be proud of your own body, start using your body in this way. From what you wear to what you choose, you need to treat your body as something that you control, not something that discourages and disappoints you.
    • If you are using your body in a way that doesn't make you happy or proud, then have the courage to change that. If you want to be active, find some physical activity that you enjoy and get started. If you drink too much or abuse other substances, take a big step towards overcoming addiction. You are more than your faults.

Part 3 of 3: Look More Confident

  1. 1 Dress in a manner that makes you feel good. Trends and fashions change so quickly that there is no one-size-fits-all way to dress so that you never feel flawed. Styles can be cool one season and boring the next. But isn't it flawed to follow the little things? Lay siege to shopping malls every week to make sure you are "on top" if possible? It is best to stay above all these types of anxiety and wear clothes that make you feel good.
    • If you feel good wearing what's in fashion, do it. If you don’t understand how high-waisted pants or flat-visor caps can be cool, then don’t wear them.
  2. 2 Stand up straight. Confident people enter the halls as if they feel comfortable with who they are and where they belong.Flawed people walk in as if they would rather be anywhere but here. Even if you don't feel super-confident, train yourself to walk upright, just like people are supposed to walk. Bring your shoulders back and keep your chin higher. Walking as if everything is going to be fine will help to ensure that everything changes for the better.
  3. 3 Be physically able to do the things you want to do. All people have different bodies, and each one is capable of doing different things, but you need to know well the limits of your capabilities and move them where you need to. If you want to live a long life playing video games and working on your computer, you may not need to master 475, but you should watch your diet, make sure you do enough exercise to live long enough to see 50. anniversary of the Sony console.
    • If you want to participate in sports but don't want to run, you will be pretty flawed (literally) when the sports season comes. Get in the physical shape you need to do what you want to do.
    • Don't be ashamed to avoid the pool if you feel uncomfortable in your bathing suit. But if you really want to go to the pool, have the courage to go as you are and feel comfortable or make the changes you want to see.
  4. 4 Reduce your speed. Every time you are nervous, you tend to rush. From public speaking to interpersonal relationships, people who feel insecure want to get tested as soon as possible. So, if you want to build confidence and make others see you as a confident and cool person, pretend until you become one.
    • Speak slowly and clearly, trying to pronounce all words well and putting your words together as neatly as possible.
    • Breathe. As you speak, take a moment to catch your breath, digest what has been said and think.
  5. 5 Make eye contact. When was the last time you met someone's eyes and the other person looked away first? While it may seem secondary, by training yourself to maintain more eye contact, you can change the way people feel about you and make yourself appear more confident in one-on-one communication. Don't be the one who “looks at the shoes”. Look people in the eye and have the confidence to keep your gaze intently. This will help you be more confident and give others the impression of being confident.
    • This, of course, can reach ridiculous proportions. What will seem flawed. No need to stare.
  6. 6 Add self-esteem to your look. Again, there is no one way to look cool or flawed. It is usually ridiculous to spend either too much or too little time maintaining your appearance, but it is important to instill self-esteem in your appearance and use it as a confidence-building tool, not the mass you constantly fight with.
    • As you master your wardrobe, body, and daily grooming, you may need to take a step back and build your confidence in other aspects of your life. Appearance is not everything.
    • If you are not a ragwoman and cannot remember the last time you were at the hairdresser, that's okay, but basic grooming and self-care is important. You need to take care of yourself every day, take care of your body and keep yourself clean. Brush your teeth twice a day, wash your clothes and shower several times a week and you should be fine.


  • Be careful with secrets.
  • Don't go crazy about makeup or clothing.