How to learn to maintain light small talk

Author: Virginia Floyd
Date Of Creation: 5 August 2021
Update Date: 18 June 2024
4 Easy Ways To Make Small Talk With Anyone
Video: 4 Easy Ways To Make Small Talk With Anyone


Small talk is a very important part of socializing and meeting new people. But it's not always easy to be the life of the party, and it's easy to strike up conversations about anything with new potential friends or someone you need to impress.


  1. 1 Control your tone of voice. All your feelings and emotions can be easily understood by your voice. Breakdowns and tremors in the voice, or sprinkled words can scare anyone away. To avoid giving away your nervousness through your voice, exercise at home in front of a mirror, or learn to calm down right before engaging in conversation with a stranger.
  2. 2 Especially don't go deep. Secular talk does not involve any overly serious topics. Try not to ask serious questions, which can scare you away with their inappropriate depth for small talk. Limit your topics to a discussion of the weather and school / work.
  3. 3 Smile. Joyful people are usually attractive to society and pleasant to talk to. Practice smiling in front of the mirror at home. By smiling yourself, you can easily get the smiles of others in return.
  4. 4 Stay open to everything new. Take other people's opinions on the issues discussed. You do not want to get involved in a heated argument instead of engaging in pleasant light conversation.
  5. 5 Be generous with compliments. Make your interlocutors feel especially good in your company. You can start by saying that they look great or are funny jokes. These simple compliments can be great to cheer you up, which in turn makes your conversation easier and more enjoyable.
  6. 6 Learn to listen. Keep this in mind when you are trying to maintain these awkward conversation beginnings while standing in a room full of strangers. All that is needed is one step towards a new person and the simplest question of a broad interpretation: "So, what are you doing?" Sometimes that's all it takes. But it happens that people are not very talkative, and you need to ask a few more such broad questions in advance.
    • Concentrate on what the other person is saying. If your interlocutor even subconsciously realizes that you are not listening to him, he will immediately turn away from you. And on the contrary, if the interlocutor feels that you are actually listening to him, then he will not only appreciate your sincerity, but also feel his own importance (and that's what you need!).
  7. 7 Continue the topic you started. When your interlocutor finishes his thought, it is your turn to speak. This will not be difficult, because you have carefully listened to everything that your interlocutor said. Just keep developing the topic you started. Find ways to connect yourself or what you want to tell with the person you are talking to or with what you just heard. Maybe you come from the same area, or work in the same area, or share the same point of view. It doesn't matter what unites you, but this identification with the interlocutor can become the basis of lasting positive relationships. This will show that you have a lot in common.
  8. 8 Repeat. Usually the interlocutor answers you in the same way, that is, he will say something that unites you. This clearly means that your interlocutor began to understand that he met someone with whom you can really make friends (this is an example of how the "Three Pillars of Strong Friendship", which were described in the article "How to find friends on all my life. ”) If you feel that the topic that unites you is almost exhausted, then it's time to move on to the next step.
    • Repeat to your interlocutor what he just said to you, but in your own words. This will not only demonstrate your active listening, but will allow your interlocutor to feel their own importance.In addition, repeating the ideas just voiced by your interlocutor gives him a chance to develop his thought and give you even more reason and emotions that can potentially become common to you.


  • Be open to new acquaintances
  • Smile
  • Laugh
  • Be yourself
  • Joke
  • Rejoice and make your voice sound calm and natural. Think ahead of what you are going to say. Gesture and try to make the other person laugh, if possible and appropriate. But perhaps the most important thing here is to think over what you are going to say in advance. You may inadvertently say something unfunny or something that may offend or offend your interlocutor. Find an interesting topic for discussion and make sure that your interlocutor also has the opportunity to speak.


  • Do not try to appear to others who you really are not.
  • Don't try to force small talk into the beginning of any relationship.
  • Don't be overly strict or intrusive.