How to draw a cat using the keyboard

Author: Gregory Harris
Date Of Creation: 13 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to make a CAT using keyboard symbols
Video: How to make a CAT using keyboard symbols


It is quite easy to type a picture of a cat using the keyboard. With a few keystrokes, you can create a simple but cute cat face. And how complex your image will be, it's up to you!


Part 1 of 3: Preparing to Create a Cat Image Using the Keyboard

  1. 1 Find out how you can type from the keyboard the basic characters used to create the image. In order to depict the individual parts of the cat's body, you need different buttons with symbols. Some people use the keyboard to type more complex images of cats than others.However, they all use the same buttons.
    • The exponentiation sign (^) is good for depicting a cat's ears (to type this character, in the English keyboard layout, hold down the Shift key and press the number 6 in the top row of number keys. underscores and a dot in between, or just a dot to indicate the nose.
    • You can use uppercase or lowercase o for eyes. And if you want a surprised cat, then English letters q can represent tears in the eyes or, if desired, use the dog sign (@) for dazed eyes. Feel free to experiment with symbols in your text document yourself.
  2. 2 Use a suitable font and try not to use spaces. In most cases, emoticons do not have any spaces between characters. If you add spaces or use the wrong font, the result may not look like a cat at all.
    • If you use multiple lines of text to depict a cat with paws, the shape may not display correctly when using fonts that are not monospaced (where there is no consistent width for all letters).
    • Courier and American Typewriter fonts are examples of monospaced fonts. Many common fonts, including Times New Roman and Arial, are not monospaced. They are proportional fonts.
  3. 3 Explore the symbolic images of cats on the web. In its most complex manifestation, the creation of artistic images (both cats and other objects) from symbols has its own name. It's called ASCII graphics. This graphic design technique allows you to create images using 95 printable characters defined by ASCII encoding.
    • There are many different images of cats, and these images are gradually becoming more complex. For example, in the English layout, using the Shift key and double-pressing the number 6, you can get an everyday happy emoticon (^^), or you can create a muzzle (= ’.’ =) That speaks for itself, as well as many other images.
    • Just experiment a little and let your imagination run wild. The creation of ASCII characters is considered an art form, as there is no uniform way to draw cats or anything else with computer characters. At the same time, there are many free Internet resources with ready-made images.
    • Search online for an example of the image you are about to draw, combined with the name of the ASCII encoding, to see what other people have come up with. If you are seriously interested in symbolic drawing as an art, look for tutorials on this type of drawing. What you can create with your keyboard is incredible.
    • Also, on the keyboard, you can use the characters of the Russian alphabet and other languages ​​to expand the number of characters used, or you can simply search the Internet, with which characters are often drawn cat faces.

Part 2 of 3: Creating a Basic Cat Face

  1. 1 Draw the simplest cat face. Despite the fact that you can draw a cat on the keyboard in many different ways, the simplest face will require you to press just a few keys.
    • Create the first half of the mustache. To do this, use the equal sign. Click on the "=" button. You will have the corresponding two dashes in the text line.
    • Then print the first eye. Enter the exponentiation sign (^) in the line by holding down the Shift key in the English keyboard layout and pressing the button with number 6. After this step, the following result will appear in the text line: = ^
    • Create a mouth. Enter two points by pressing the dot key twice. Now your line will look like this: = ^ ..
    • Add a second eye and a final mustache. Put the exponentiation signs and equals.If you do everything right, the result will resemble a cat's face. The text string should look like this: = ^ .. ^ =
    • Alternatively, for the nose, one point and other signs can be used to depict the mustache:> ^. ^

Part 3 of 3: Creating More Complex Cat Images

  1. 1 Experiment with changing the base image of the cat face. You can get different variations of the image by replacing two dots with a hyphen or an underscore line: = ^ - ^ = and = ^ _ ^ =. You have plenty of room for creativity, so don't be afraid to try new options. You can also enter the following characters into the string: = ’. ’=. Note: if you remove the spaces here, the result will already be: = '.' =.
    • Supplementing the image with paws will require adding a new line. To start working on the legs, press the "Enter" key to create a new text line under the one where you have already created the muzzle. Draw the first foot: enter an open parenthesis, quotation marks, and a closing parenthesis.
    • After this step, you will have a paw: ("). Create a second paw by repeating the same steps. Now you will have two paws: (") ("). The cat's face along with the paws will look like this:
  2. 2 Try other more complex cat images. You can try other variants of the image of cats, for example, (^ ’w’ ^) (open parenthesis, exponentiation, space, apostrophe, space, letter w, space, apostrophe, space, exponentiation, close parenthesis).
    • There are many varieties of cat faces, some of which emphasize the cat's eyes.
    • Another version of the muzzle looks like this: (^ = ’w’ = ^). Equals signs have been added here to represent the mustache. At the same time, it immediately becomes clear that the exponentiation signs (^) are very important in this case, since they resemble ears.


  • Once you've mastered drawing a cat, try drawing other animals! For example, on the Internet you can find many examples of images of rabbits that are easy to type from the keyboard.