How to write a letter informing you about admission to Hogwarts

Author: Helen Garcia
Date Of Creation: 19 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


Many people admit that they would like to study at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry when asked about it. If your friend is one of those people, then there is no reason not to want to please him by sending the sufferer a letter of enrollment in a wizarding school! And for those who, in one way or another, are responsible for the younger ones, it can be especially pleasant to solemnly present such a gift to a child on his eleventh birthday.


  1. 1 Prepare materials. A list of them is presented below under the heading "What you need".
  2. 2 Find the right font. The font must be realistic so that the recipient of the gift does not doubt the authenticity of the letter. You can search for a suitable font on the Internet: just enter "Harry Potter font" into the search box and see which one is suitable for your computer's operating system.
    • Find a suitable image of the Hogwarts coat of arms on the Internet and save it to your computer.
  3. 3 Start writing a letter. If you don't know what exactly to write, find the volume of the first book in the series on the shelf or on the Internet and copy the text of the letter. Use an emerald font color: the letter Harry Potter received was written in emerald green ink on parchment paper.
    • Instead of the address given in Harry's letter, write the address of a friend, and instead of "the closet under the stairs" write a description of his room, for example, "a cluttered corner" or "a room with no windows."
    • Also, instead of "Deputy Director" under the name of Professor McGonagall, write "Director", taking into account the fact that both Dumbledore and his replacement Snape (Snape in ROSMAN translation) were killed.
  4. 4 Print your letter. You can even customize the envelope if you want; It is recommended to print the coat of arms of Hogwarts in the upper left corner (or print it separately and then stick it on the envelope). Then write your friend's address on the envelope: try to write as neatly as possible, or have someone with neat handwriting sign the envelope for you. If you have calligraphy skills, now is the time to use them.Also add the return address of the school under the coat of arms (or on the back of the envelope, which is more common in Britain).
    • If you want, you can consider artificially aging the paper before folding the letter in the envelope. Follow the links How to age paper and / or How to age paper with tea to learn more.
  5. 5 Deliver the letter. Think about creative approaches to this seemingly simple task. For example, you can put the letter in a pile of postcards, in a friend's school locker, or hang it on a barely visible thread in the middle of the room so that it seems to hang in the air.
    • The idea to make an owl out of paper is especially original. (You can find the original design by typing "origami owl bookmark" in the search box and selecting the result provided by Activity TV.) Place the letter in the paper owl's beak the way you would enclose a page in a book. The owl can then be placed in the backpack of the future wizard, on his table, etc.
    • If one way is at the birthday person's house, offer to pick up the mail and put the letter in a pile of envelopes. If you are a good actor, then pretend to be surprised at the sight of the letter, or, as if not seeing the inscription on the envelope, ask "What's this for?" and, without looking, give the letter to a friend.
    • Well, or just send a letter by mail. This, of course, is less unusual, but in any case, people like to receive letters!
  6. 6 Now you know how to write and deliver a letter of admission to Hogwarts!


  • If you want to make an unforgettable gift, consider presenting the birthday boy with a Hogwarts tie, H cufflinks, snitch or flywheel of time, etc. along with the letter.
  • When designing your letter, try to find a font that looks like a neat calligraphic handwriting.
  • Don't try to send a letter with a real owl. They usually scratch, bite, and in general are not particularly accommodating.
  • Instead of licking the edge of an envelope or using envelopes with duct tape to seal a letter, try making an actual seal. To do this, you will need a perfectly round ring without protruding jewelry and a button with the letter "H" or another thematically appropriate symbol. Make sure the ring is wider than the diameter of the button. Light a red candle and wait for the wax to melt (5-10 minutes), then drip the wax inside the ring. It is a good idea to place some waterproof paper over the back of the paper to prevent the wax from getting wet. Before (VERY CAREFULLY) removing the button and ring, make sure the wax is solid. Do not mail a wax-sealed letter.
  • If you do not use mail, you can skip the return address. The title of the chapter (in which Harry Potter receives letters) "Letters From No One" in itself suggests his absence.
  • If you cannot change your handwriting beyond recognition, it is better to ask someone else to sign the envelope.

What do you need

  • A suitable font, quirky and mysterious enough to evoke an atmosphere of magic (Search term: "Harry Potter font") (optional, but nice addition)
  • Text editor
  • Image of the coat of arms of Hogwarts (Search term: "Hogwarts coat of arms")
  • Printer
  • Two to three sheets of printer paper
  • Professor McGonagall's signature (Search term: "Minerva McGonagall signature")