How to write a book in the form of a diary

Author: Carl Weaver
Date Of Creation: 23 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Novels in Diary Form
Video: Novels in Diary Form


The most famous examples of books written in diary form include Flowers for Algernon, The Diary of Bridget Jones, and The Collector. Write a bestseller about your daily life in the form of a diary!


  1. 1 Define a topic. Will your book be about the life of a guy or a girl? A teenager or a child? An adult or an elderly person? Perhaps you want to write about yourself? Think about where your characters live, what their names are, what they are fond of. Think over the interests and characteristics of your heroes, work out the characters.
  2. 2 Come up with other characters. Relatives and friends play the most important role in people's lives. Supporting characters make the storyline interesting. Decide who your heroes will communicate and interact with. Write about parents and friends, enemies and relatives.
  3. 3 Enter a storyline. If you just want to describe life, then such a story will do, but soon you may find that you have nothing to write about, and the plot becomes boring. Better to come up with what the main character's life revolves around (pet, relative, school, friends), and then create a whole story. Consider your plan thoroughly and start jotting down ideas for the characters' lives (you can make changes later).
  4. 4 Come up with a title and cover. Draw a cover or take a photo. It is important to remember that you are creating a book in the form of a diary, so use a cartoon or detail from the hero's life. Also, a book cover can look like a diary cover. Consider illustrations for the book if necessary.
  5. 5 Start writing! Remember to number the days and start each entry on a new page. Also define the described time period - a year, a decade, or how long the pages will last.
    • Don't forget about the format of the book. Don't use chapters and sections to make the text look like a diary. Try keeping a personal journal to figure things out.
  6. 6 Publish your book! More information can be found in our article.


  • Read other diary books like Anne Frank's Diary or Bridget Jones's Diary, but don't blindly repeat after the authors.
  • Don't try to imitate other books. Write unique text!
  • Ask a friend for help, because working together is more fun (optional).
  • Add illustrations to make the book look brighter.


  • Do not use images from the Internet for your cover if they are copyrighted.

What do you need

  • Pencil
  • Notebook or notepad
  • Fresh ideas