How to find yourself a snail

Author: Carl Weaver
Date Of Creation: 23 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
FIND the SNAILS! Roblox
Video: FIND the SNAILS! Roblox


Snails can be problematic as pets. For example, they often eat the leaves of garden trees.But on the other hand, these neat little creatures can be shown to small children. So start at step 1 below for some great ways to find a snail.


  1. 1 Look for snail tracks. Sometimes its traces in the form of silvery-shining thin lines can be seen on a hard surface. This is called mucus. It happens that pine needles or other scattered surfaces can also lead you to the trail. In addition, the mucus on the needles becomes more visible. More often than not, it is best to look under plant leaves or other semi-open areas. Snails love to hide, but the best way to find one is to search in accessible locations.
  2. 2 Follow the trail. It can zigzag, but fortunately the snail is not moving fast enough to crawl far away from you.
  3. 3 Look up and down if the trail appears to have broken off. Most likely, your prey has climbed somewhere (snails are great at climbing on the surface). If you see a snail, go to the next step, if not, start tracking again.
  4. 4 Gently grab the shell of the snail to avoid getting mucus. Most snails protrude from their shells as they move.
  5. 5 Enjoy your snail. Admire her crawling, wear to school to show and talk about her ... the possibilities are endless.


  • Cover your aquarium or other area where your snail will live with a hard surface with tiny air holes. Or use a net to cover the aquarium. Snails love to crawl out and explore this beautiful world.
  • If you've got a snail, read the information about the care and nutrition of the species.
  • Sometimes snails can be trapped. Shallow beer containers attract snails and slugs, which can fall inside and drown if left unattended.
  • An earthen snail can be placed in a small fish tank filled with gravel. Since the gravel is not sharp, it will not damage the soft body of the snail. Feed her lettuce leaves (any) once a day. If the next day you find salad in the same place, skip feeding. The salad provides the snails with the necessary liquid.
  • Take a closer look at the snail when it is on the glass surface. This is very entertaining.
  • Always wash your hands after holding the snail. They can spread disease.
  • It is easier to follow the trail on a bright and sunny day.
  • The snail's footprint is better visible in ultraviolet rays. So you will understand where she disappeared.
  • Consider whether it might be easier for you to observe snails in their natural habitat than to carry them into your home.
  • If you can't find a snail, don't worry! Earthworms and earthworms are just as good and easier to find!


  • Always wash your hands after handling a snail, as they are carriers of disease.