How to start your best school year

Author: Eric Farmer
Date Of Creation: 10 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
7 Mistakes Students Make For Back To School | Start of the new School Year Right!
Video: 7 Mistakes Students Make For Back To School | Start of the new School Year Right!


Do you want to leave all the problems of the last school year behind and start from scratch? How to do it? Keep reading and you will find out!


  1. 1 Decide that this is a fresh, new school year. You can simply leave all the problems, bad grades, grievances, enemies and fights behind. Start all over again!
  2. 2 Buy all the school supplies you need. You will need a backpack, pencils, folders, etc. - all the necessary things. Buy the folders you like the most. Decorate them with stickers and designs. The more you like your folder, the more you will want to carry it around and do your homework!
  3. 3 The way people will know by your behavior is that it is a brand new you! Don't hunch over from books or shake your head when you walk. Stand up straight, proudly, walk elongated, and let your books feel like they are in the best hands. Be friendly in the hallway, greet your friends and new people you meet in class. If you are new, remember that all newbies are also new. You can all make new friends this year. Look for friendly people in class, at lunch, or near your locker (or if you don't have a locker, near your desk). Making new friends will boost your self-esteem and you will have a wonderful time at school!
  4. 4 Join teams or clubs. Do not be afraid. Everyone else is just as nervous as you are. If volleyball is really what you wanted, but all your friends are playing football, play volleyball anyway, you will make new friends on the team. You don't have to be with the same crowd all the time. Make friends in all places, so you will feel comfortable anywhere.
  5. 5 Take notes in the classroom and listen to the teacher! You've heard this many times before, but it's a good idea. If you take notes and listen to the teacher, you will save a lot of time on your homework, and you will really learn! This is what you go to school for. School is not only a place for you to sit at your desk and stare at the chalk.
  6. 6 Learn. Decide right now that you will make the effort to do so. If you find it difficult to concentrate on your studies at home alone, consider whether you can find a study partner or, better, a study group (three or four people who agree to study together). You will be surprised how much your knowledge improves when someone asks you, and how much less you worry about tests. Which brings us to ...
  7. 7 Do not panic when you hear "tomorrow there will be a test on chapters 5-7 of the math textbook." It won't help if you panic. It will only make it worse. Relax and go over your notes and textbooks. Read it once quickly. Then read it again - most likely you will understand what is being said.If you have a picture in your head, chances are you will remember it during the test.
  8. 8 Find out how to graduate with honors. It may seem strange to think about it on the first day, but the truth is that if you first ask your teachers and counselors how to graduate with honors, it will be easier for you to study with them. This will give you a goal to strive for.
  9. 9 Treat everyone equally - with respect and dignity, the way you would like to be treated. Don't let people walk through you. Be polite, but set your limits. Think of the sweetest person you know, who everyone says about "oh, she's so cute, she never says anything bad about anyone" or "this guy is great, he is very nice to everyone." Try to be like them, and remember how good you feel when someone treats you well for no reason. It will make your day, you will be able to pay up front every new day, whether it be an athlete or a class jerk. There is an old saying, “It's good to be important. But it’s much more important to be good. ” Being warm and nice to everyone in school (not even the tough kids) will be a good exercise for your future life.
  10. 10 Be open to new friends and experiences. School for knowledge. Part of this knowledge is how to interact with different personalities, and this is really something that will come in handy in your life. Don't be overwhelmed if your old friends from elementary and high school have pulled away, most likely they have made new friends too. Growing up sometimes means we have new interests, and the friends we had before don't always share them, that's okay. This does not mean that you cannot still be friendly with them, it means that you both move on and mature in different directions.


  • Don't forget about hygiene! You grow, and when you grow, you sweat (or even when you don't), and after a few hours you become STICKY. Yes you. Everyone smells, shower and sing your hair every two days (natural oils are produced on your scalp every day). Use deodorants, brush your teeth (yes, friend, you must. Sleep for 10 minutes and smell the smell, and then think about what it might be after a whole night) and wear freshly washed clothes. If your classmates smell you, a goal will appear on your back. Even if they don’t say it to your face, they’ll discuss it behind your back. Sad but true. Make sure you are fresh and clean, this gives you less reason to scoff at you.
  • You are not the teacher's pets, when you ask a question, do your homework, jot down notes, and be nice to the teachers. This is called building your future and being a kind human being.
  • Spend some time with family, friends, and pets (if you have. Just because you go to school doesn't mean you shouldn't share the company! Have fun, but again, set your limits and goals!).
  • Be kind and caring to your school and community. Participate in "stay in school".


  • Just because you are good and kind does not mean that you should let people step on you.
  • If you are being bullied, try to ignore it. Bullies usually get satisfaction if you're nervous. The less you react, the less they gain - just try to blow them up. Maybe the time will come when you have to stand on them, or they will not lag behind. However, if all your efforts to stop bullying have failed, and the bullies won't leave you alone, or things get heated, get help. If you are intimidated, talk to friends, educators, trusted teachers, or your parents. If the situation gets out of hand, you have to tell someone. Failure to do this can lead to very dangerous circumstances.

What do you need

  • Good relationship
  • School supplies
  • Good posture
  • Courage is worth a lot, trying something new, but you won't need it if it's not difficult
  • Good health and hygiene