How to caress a woman

Author: Marcus Baldwin
Date Of Creation: 14 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
A Way To Touch A Girl That Gives Her Goosebumps
Video: A Way To Touch A Girl That Gives Her Goosebumps


Perhaps you think that you know how to kiss and tenderly hold a woman's hands, like a true expert.But how close is this to the truth? Fondling is a way to show how much you love a woman; it doesn't have to be sexy. It is necessary to be able to be gentle and deep at the same time, and to give a feeling of love to every part of the female body. Make sure the woman is comfortable and then surround her with the attention and affection she so desires and needs.


Method 1 of 2: Caress her face and neck

  1. 1 Caress her lips with yours. When bending over for a kiss, you should not try to grab your lips into hers or "ram" your tongue into her mouth. Be gentle and careful, especially at first. Give her a gentle kiss and freeze in it for a few seconds, caressing her lips. Caress your upper lip and then your lower lip, showing that kissing really means a lot to you.
    • Too many men see kissing as a step towards something greater. Treat it as a unique pleasure, not letting the woman think she's just waiting for more.
  2. 2 Caress her face with your hands while kissing. When kissing a woman, touch her face with one or both hands. Do not grab onto your face instantly, but do it slowly, with ease in movement and absolute naturalness. Then gently touch your face with your hand and stroke your cheek, ear, hair and chin. This will give her a feeling of love and pleasure.
    • Don't kiss like that all the time. Better surprise her with this intimate gesture at the most sensitive moment.
  3. 3 Caress her ears. While kissing her, try to gently touch the earlobe, auricle and the area behind the ears. Do this slowly and gently, gently massaging her face. Run your hand through your hair and caress your ear as you continue kissing. A woman's earlobes receive little attention, although most women love such caresses.
    • If you are close enough, you can caress your ears with your lips - it turns women on crazy!
    • Lip caress is almost always a wonderful gesture, but make sure the woman enjoys the touch. Some women's ears are so sensitive that they prefer not to be touched.
  4. 4 Caress her neck. The neck is another place that never gets enough caresses. Pat her neck gently as you talk, kiss, or just look at each other. You can even pull her hair slightly away from her neck for more affection, simply by moving your fingers up and down her neck and from the shoulder to the earlobe.
    • While doing this while standing behind her, you can even breathe warm air around your neck for added pleasure.
  5. 5 Stroke her hair. This is another great weasel. You can gently stroke the back of her head, massage her scalp, playfully run your fingers through her locks of hair, or even pull hair away from her eyes and make eye contact that will make her want more. You can also use hair play as a way to touch her cheeks, earlobes, neck and finally kiss her gently.
    • You can even put a lock of a woman's hair behind her ear - this is a reason to caress her ears even more gently.
  6. 6 Stroke her lips. Caressing a woman's lips before kissing is another sensual gesture, they love him, and he impresses them. The next time you're ready to kiss, tease the woman by leaning back slightly and placing a finger on her lips. At the same time, smile a little before bending down and kissing her lips, which you just touched with your finger. She will be touched and amazed by such caresses.
    • You can also kiss her gently, lean back, touch her lips with your finger and kiss again.

Method 2 of 2: Caress her body

  1. 1 Caress her hands. At the beginning of a relationship, a woman's hands can become one of the most harmless and intimate places for affection. There is a difference between a sluggish handshake and a gentle touch, stroking motion, and even massaging women's fingers and palms. If your relationship has reached the stage of touching, gently touch one or both of the woman's hands, impressing her with how loving and gentle you can be. Here's what to try:
    • make a light circular motion with your finger on her palm;
    • gently hold her finger with two of yours and stroke from top to bottom;
    • massage the palms, fingers and skin of the hands.
  2. 2 Caress her shoulders. If she wears clothes that do not cover her shoulders, be sure to caress them with your hands. Gently touch your shoulders with the pads of your fingers, then slide them down with a little more force. You can also swipe one finger across her shoulder for extra light arousal. Remember that you don't have to caress her shoulders, ears, or face only when you kiss - these gestures are intimate and special in themselves.
    • Also, women love massage. If you are alone and in the mood, use both hands to massage firmly above the shoulder blades to relieve tension on some parts of her body.
  3. 3 Caress her knees. This is another part of the female body that is often overlooked. If she wears skirts or dresses, she will probably appreciate the warmth of your hands on her delicate skin. Yes, and you will want to run your finger along the curve of her knee, which is one of the many erogenous zones of the female body. Just do not try to do this in hot weather - the girl may sweat a little, and you hardly want to embarrass her.
    • You can also caress a woman's knee by lightly stroking it when you are sitting next to her, even if she is wearing pants.
  4. 4 Caress her thighs. If you are sure she wants it, slowly run your hand along the top of her leg and then down her thigh. This movement can be more sexual and lead to something more, or it can remain a gentle gesture in its own right. However, you need to be close enough to use these weasels. Don't think that a woman will like it if your relationship is only in the kissing stage.
    • Caressing the thighs, touch them very gently, instead of pressing on the skin, otherwise the woman will be unpleasant.
  5. 5 Caress her back and shoulders. To caress a woman, you don't always have to be opposite each other or kiss. You can stand behind and gently touch her shoulders, resting your head on the back of her head and caressing her neck and shoulders with gentle, loving hand movements.
    • You can also leave one hand on her shoulder, massaging it thoroughly, and slide the other hand over her back, neck, and even her arms.
  6. 6 Caress the curve of her waist. Stand behind the woman, brush her hair aside, kiss the back of her neck, touching the curve of her waist with your hand and gently moving your fingers up and down as if massaging her. Women are very fond of touching the waist at a time when an intimate atmosphere reigns between you.
  7. 7 Caress her lower back while hugging. Women love to be hugged and feel the gentle manifestations of male love. You can hug a woman for a long time, but it is important to maintain interest in the hug. Without opening your hands too much, place one of them on the woman's lower back and stroke her gently. The woman will feel loved, and if she is upset, it will help calm her down.
    • You can also place your hand on the woman's lower back while walking together. And women are very fond of such touches too.
  8. 8 Stroke the inside of her wrist. Sitting next to her and holding hands, you can gently stroke her wrist. This is a very delicate area of ​​the body, and from such caresses a woman will certainly feel a touch of pleasure. You can even make a slight circular motion with your finger across her palm and then move to her wrist. Then stroke her forearms towards the elbows.
    • Just make sure she's not tickled or she won't feel much pleasure. Touch lightly but tangibly.
  9. 9 Run your hand gently over her back. Moving along her spine from the lower back to the neck and back, you will definitely provide the woman with more than a little pleasure. This is a very intimate gesture that carries a specific message, especially when you are in each other's arms. You can do this while kissing, but, of course, it is not necessary.
    • This works best when she is wearing a dress or other garment made of delicate fabric that allows her hand to slide easily over her back.
    • When you get to the base of the neck, give her a kiss on this area of ​​the body.
  10. 10 Caress her feet. There are only a few things women love more than a good foot massage. The next time you're alone, let the girl lie down or sit down and grab one of her legs. Now gently massage your sole, bones and toes, your foot, and even the instep area. Be very gentle, at least at first, because your legs can hurt, especially if she's been on them all day. But over time, start massaging them more thoroughly, kneading the foot with your fingers.
    • For a really good foot massage, you can even apply some oil or lotion to your hands.
  11. 11 Caress her navel. This is an area of ​​a more sexual nature, but if you are in a rather intimate relationship, then at times there can be nothing better than gently caressing her navel. Gently circle the area around her navel, then slowly move your arms up or down to prolong the pleasure. You can fondle other parts of her body and then return to her navel if you really want to give her crazy pleasure.


  • Take your time when you hug and caress a woman. This will relax her and open up to more interesting things.
  • Study the location of at least some of the erogenous zones on her body. She will be grateful to you for this, and you will enjoy such a useful discovery!
  • As mentioned above, most women don't like tickling, so avoid it at all costs and ONLY use it if the woman doesn't mind.
  • Her approval is most important. If a woman doesn't like something, stop and ask what she wants.
  • Ask if she enjoys your actions. In most cases, you will receive a response. In addition, you can ask what other affection she would like to receive.
  • For caresses to have the desired effect, your hands must be warm.
  • Give the woman time to open up to you. This is possible on the first date as well. Don't rush her, or she will push you away. Talk to her - tell her to breathe, and caress her slowly. Ask if she is scared - let the woman know that you will stop at any moment, if she so wishes (and do so!). The woman will respond to your affection, but you should never rush and rush her, especially if she is not in the mood.
  • Many women find fondling and subsequent kissing in the navel area very romantic.