How to avoid dehydration

Author: Mark Sanchez
Date Of Creation: 27 January 2021
Update Date: 2 July 2024
Ways to Prevent Dehydration
Video: Ways to Prevent Dehydration


Dehydration is when your body is losing more fluids than it is consuming. This is a common problem, especially among young children, people involved in sports, and those who are sick. Fortunately, dehydration can usually be prevented.


  1. 1 Drink plenty of water! Doctors say that by the time you feel thirsty, your body is already dehydrated. So just keep drinking water. Water is calorie-free and good for your health. A good reminder is to drink a glass of water every time the phone rings, and then another.
  2. 2 Dress for the weather to be sure you don't sweat more than necessary. If the day is hot and humid, wear light clothing.
  3. 3 If you are going to play sports or strenuous work, drink before that. It is also important to drink at regular intervals (about 20 minutes) in the attraction of such activities.
  4. 4 The most common signs of dehydration are
    • Thirst
    • Chapped lips
    • Lightheadedness or dizziness
    • Dry, sticky mouth
    • Strong headache
    • Nausea
    • Less-than-usual urination or darker-colored urine
  5. 5 If you experience any of the above symptoms, rest in a cool place and drink plenty of water.
  6. 6 Dehydration can often occur due to indigestion. A person loses a lot of fluids during vomiting and diarrhea. Therefore, if you are sick, you may not feel like you are hungry or thirsty. But you are still better off drinking clear liquids at room temperature in small sips. Lollipops are also good.


  • If you find it difficult to drink that much plain water, you can try squeezing a wedge of fresh lemon, lime or orange into the water, or you can drink broth, which is also considered a moisturizing liquid. Fruit and vegetable juices, tea and coffee can also be counted in the amount of daily fluid consumed, but try not to add sugar and / or caffeine to them.
  • Another good method of assessing this is that you should urinate at least three times a day. If you do this less often, then you may need to drink more fluids.
  • Urine is a good indicator of whether you are drinking enough fluids or not. Your urine should be clear enough to be seen easily.
  • Drink plenty of water at school.
  • Consume 250 ml of water every 10-15 minutes during exercise, but if you are doing sports for 30-60 minutes, especially in a hot place, you need to consume more fluids and possibly a little sodium: (according to USA Today ")
    • If physical activity during exercise is in the range from moderate to intense or if you participate in a sports event that lasts longer than an hour, especially in the heat - you need to drink at least 300 ml 15 minutes "before" the start of the exercise, plus the recommended amount - another 250 ml every 15 minutes during training and at least 250 ml after.
    • If your body loses 2% or more fluid, you may become lethargic and irritable. Drinking just the right amount of fluids will not only hydrate your body and help your body cope with heat, but also cleanse your body's system and flush out toxins ... speed up the transport of nutrients ... lubricate your joints ... help your digestive system ... and removal of waste products from the body.
  • Eating fruits such as watermelon will increase your body's fluid levels.
  • Find out how much water you need per day, following the "30 ml per kg body weight" rule. For example, someone weighing 60 kg needs about 1.8 liters of water per day.
  • Limit the amount of salt you eat daily. Sure, salted fries may look delicious, but they can dehydrate your body. If you're going to eat something salty, make sure you have water on hand! Or just drink plenty of water!
  • Drink plenty of water on windy days because the wind blows water out of your body.


  • Not drink any alcoholic beverages to hydrate your body. This will not help and will make your body even more dehydrated.
  • Most of the symptoms of dehydration go away after drinking, but if you feel faint or dizzy for a few hours, then you may need to see your doctor.