How to get rid of waist fat (for men)

Author: Ellen Moore
Date Of Creation: 20 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
11 Simple Tricks to Lose Love Handles Fast
Video: 11 Simple Tricks to Lose Love Handles Fast


Waist fat accumulates on the sides of the lower abdomen and lower back. These fatty deposits are usually formed over many years due to high-calorie diets and a sedentary lifestyle. Unfortunately, there is no universal exercise to get rid of them. To get rid of these accumulations of fat, you need to lose weight through an appropriate diet, stress reduction and exercise. Comprehensive dietary and lifestyle changes can help you shed excess fat around your waist.


Part 1 of 3: Nutrition

  1. 1 Eat fewer calories. To lose weight and get rid of excess fat, especially in the waist area, it is necessary to reduce the total number of calories consumed.
    • Although you cannot get rid of fat in just one place in the body, you can lose weight and thereby reduce the total amount of fatty tissue. Over time, you will notice that the amount of fat in the waist area has decreased.
    • Reduce your daily intake by about 500 calories. As a result, you will be able to lose weight by 0.5-1 kilograms per week.
    • Start by counting your calories throughout the day (try keeping a food diary or using the appropriate mobile app). Use this number of calories as your starting value. Subtract 500 calories from it, and you will determine the new daily value that you need to lose weight.
  2. 2 Limit your intake of processed and fried foods. Both processed and fried foods tend to be higher in calories, and eating them regularly makes it difficult to lose weight and get rid of waist fat.
    • Processed and fried foods are known to be rich in calories. Plus, these foods are high in added sugar, unhealthy fats, additives and preservatives.
    • Limit your intake of sugary drinks, fried foods, fast food, chips, crackers, ice cream, candy, processed meats, frozen meals, canned food, cookies, pastries, cakes, and a variety of baked goods.
    • Try not to eat too many foods with added sugar. Many studies have shown that sugar-rich foods tend to accumulate fat in the abdomen and contribute to the formation of fatty deposits in the waist.
  3. 3 Replace carbohydrate-rich foods with non-starchy vegetables. According to many studies, high carbohydrate intake contributes to belly fat in men. Reduce your intake of carbohydrate-rich foods to reduce the amount of fat around your waist.
    • Carbohydrates are found in many foods. A large amount of carbohydrates is found in various desserts (cakes, cookies, pies), as well as in other grains, for example, in the bread from which you make sandwiches. At the same time, dairy products, legumes, starchy vegetables and fruits are low in carbohydrates.
    • Throughout the day, men should eat at least 5-9 servings of vegetables and fruits. One serving contains 1 cup (250 ml) vegetables, 2 cups (500 ml) lettuce, or 1/2 cup (120 ml) fruit.
    • Try to keep each main course half of non-starchy vegetables.
    • Choose fruits that are low in sugar, such as a variety of berries. Also, opt for non-starchy vegetables and limit your intake of carrots, peas, potatoes, and corn. These starchy vegetables are high in carbohydrates.
    • Minimize your intake of grains as they are the richest in carbohydrates. If you do eat them, choose 100% whole grains, which are high in fiber and protein.
  4. 4 Eat lean meat instead of fatty meat. When a man plays sports and follows a low-calorie diet, he needs protein, but not all protein foods are suitable. Low-fat protein foods can help you get rid of excess belly fat.
    • Sausage, bacon, whole milk products, and fatty beef are high in saturated fat. High levels of saturated fat have been shown to promote belly fat storage in men. Eat as little of these foods as possible and switch to lean protein foods.
    • Choose chicken, fish, turkey, and lean red meats. Also, try including salmon and tuna meat, nuts and nut butters in your diet - these foods are also rich in protein and so-called "healthy fats", which have been shown to help get rid of belly and waist fat.
  5. 5 Drink plenty of water. While water will not necessarily reduce the amount of fat around your waist, it can help you shed excess weight and fat in the long term.
    • As a rule, men are advised to drink 8-13 glasses (2-3 liters) of water a day. If you exercise a lot, you need to drink more fluids.
    • Drinking plenty of fluids can also help reduce your appetite throughout the day. Drinking a glass of water before you eat can help curb your appetite and reduce your calorie intake.

Part 2 of 3: Exercise

  1. 1 Get started with regular aerobic exercise. Cardio exercises are essential for those men who want to lose excess fat, especially in the abdomen and waist. Regular aerobic exercise can help you shed fat around your waist.
    • Men should engage in moderate to vigorous cardio exercise for 30-40 minutes 4-5 days a week.
    • Try moderate exercise such as jogging, elliptical exercise, swimming, aerobics, or cycling.
  2. 2 Do interval training. Studies have shown that alternating between vigorous and moderate to light exercise can help you burn more calories and fat than monotonous activities.
    • Sign up for a fat burning workout at your local gym. In these exercises, various simulators are used for interval training. They target muscle development and fat reduction.
    • Take yoga classes on the move. During these exercises, performing very heavy yoga poses alternates with periods of rest.
    • Sign up for a running club. Join a sprint and light jogging group. You can also train on your own: alternate 2 minutes of brisk running with 2 minutes of walking or jogging. Do a 30-second sprint every five minutes.
  3. 3 Increase your daily activity. Many studies have shown that an active lifestyle can provide men with the same health and fitness as regular, planned sports. Increase your daily activity level to get rid of belly and waist fat.
    • Daily activities can include housework, walking throughout the day, standing, and going up and down stairs.
    • Think about what you do during the day and how you can increase your daily physical activity. Try to move more throughout the day.
    • Consider purchasing a pedometer or using a matching mobile phone app. This will help you gauge how active you are throughout the day and encourage you to move more.

Part 3 of 3: Exercises for the core muscles

  1. 1 Follow crunches for the abdominal muscles. Crunch is a classic abdominal exercise that strengthens the waist and makes it thinner. These exercises target the muscles in the anterior abdominal region. Keep in mind that core exercises will not reduce overall body fat or body fat in the waist area - you need the right diet and cardio exercise to do so. Strength exercises like crunches will strengthen your core muscles, but no one will see them if they are hidden under a layer of fat.
    • Lie on your back and bend your knees. Place your hands behind your head and spread your elbows wide to the sides.
    • Raise your shoulders off the floor 5-10 centimeters until you feel the muscles tighten in the back of your abdomen. Raise yourself a couple more centimeters so that your upper back comes off the floor.
    • Slowly lower your upper back to the floor. Do three sets of 10-100 crunches each. When you feel ready to complicate the exercise, raise your legs and keep them straight in the air, or bend at the knees and place them on a chair.
  2. 2 Follow exercise "bike". This type of crunch strengthens the muscles on the sides of the abdomen and pelvis.
    • Get into the starting position for crunches. Raise your legs and bend your knees so that your shins are parallel to the floor.
    • Lift your chest until your shoulders are off the floor. Turn to your right leg. At the same time, straighten your left leg and place it on the floor.
    • Extend your right leg, bend your left leg and stretch towards it. However, you will not be able to touch the inside of the knee with your hands. Keep your elbows wide apart to keep your abdominal muscles tense, not your neck. Do two to three sets of 10-20 exercises each.
  3. 3 Do reverse crunches. Similar to regular crunches, this exercise targets the anterior and especially the lower abdominal muscles.
    • Raise your legs in the air and extend them over your pelvis. Bend your knees slightly and contract your abdominal muscles.
    • Move your legs towards your elbows. Then slowly return to the starting position. This exercise strengthens the lower abdominal muscles. Do 2-3 sets of 10 exercises each.
  4. 4 Follow the bar. This great exercise strengthens all of your core muscles.
    • Place your hands and knees on the floor. Bend your elbows at a 90 degree angle and place your forearms on the floor. Place the fist of one hand in the palm of the other.
    • Extend one leg back and straighten it. While doing this, draw in your stomach and tighten your muscles. Extend your other leg back and rest your toes on the floor so that your entire body forms a perfect straight line. Hold this position for 30 seconds to 2 minutes, while breathing evenly.
    • Do this exercise with the palm resting on your hands (starting position for push-ups from the floor) and not on your elbows. At the same time, place your straight arms directly under your shoulders. If this exercise is difficult for you at first, do it with an emphasis on the kitchen table at a 45-degree angle.
  5. 5 Follow the side planks. Like regular planks, this exercise is especially beneficial for your obliques.
    • Lie with your right side on the mat. Place your elbow on the floor just below your shoulder. Extend your legs so that your body forms a straight line.
    • Lift your pelvis and rest on the floor with your right foot and right forearm. If this is too difficult for you, bend your left leg, place your left ankle in front of your right leg and transfer some of the weight to it.
    • Extend your left arm above you so that it is perpendicular to the floor. Hold this position for 15-60 seconds. Repeat the exercise at least twice for both sides.
  6. 6 Follow the movements of the swimmer. This exercise strengthens the lower back and obliques.
    • Lie on your stomach and stretch your arms out in front of you, shoulder-width apart. Stretch your legs back with your feet up and also place them shoulder-width apart.
    • Tighten your abdominal muscles. Raise your right arm and left foot at the same time. Hold them in the raised position for 3 seconds.
    • Lower your right arm and left foot to the floor and raise your left arm and right foot. Repeat the movement 10 times for each side. Keep your arms and legs elevated for 3 to 6 seconds.
    • For additional load, after a series of slow movements, quickly move your arms and legs 20 times.


  • Reducing stress and getting good sleep will also help reduce the amount of fat around your waist. Some experts believe these measures help lower cortisol hormone levels and thereby reduce waist fat over time.
  • Wear supportive athletic shoes when doing cardio. Abdominal exercises can be done without shoes on a comfortable mat.


  • If you feel pain or discomfort while exercising, stop immediately and seek medical attention.