How to get rid of the heat

Author: Janice Evans
Date Of Creation: 26 July 2021
Update Date: 18 June 2024
Natural ways to reduce your body heat | Dr. Hansaji Yogendra
Video: Natural ways to reduce your body heat | Dr. Hansaji Yogendra


Fever is not a disease. This is a symptom indicating that an infection has entered the body, and he is fighting it. The body really needs an elevated temperature to fight infection more effectively. Therefore, by knocking down the temperature, we only remove the symptom of the body's active struggle against the virus. By our actions, we prevent the body from waging an active struggle. Depending on the reason for the rise in temperature, you can wait until it drops by itself or seek medical help. The doctor will select a treatment for the underlying disease for you, one of the symptoms of which is a high fever. If you feel like your temperature is too high or you are feeling very unwell, be sure to read this article. You will find helpful tips on how to bring down heat at home.


Method 1 of 4: Take Care of Yourself

  1. 1 Take off some of your clothing. Although a person may feel shivering when their temperature rises, do not cover yourself with a warm blanket or wear more clothing. On the contrary, take off some of your clothes. Instead of raising the temperature even higher, take off your clothes, which will lower your body temperature. Leave only your underwear and T-shirt. Cover yourself with a thin blanket or bedspread if you shiver.
    • If you have a high fever and wear warm clothes or wrap yourself in a warm blanket, you could harm your body. The body temperature can rise significantly.
  2. 2 Take care of a comfortable temperature in the room. Staying in a hot room can cause your body temperature to rise even more. However, also make sure that the room is not too cold. Shivering can raise your core temperature. Therefore, if the room you are in is too cold and because of this you experience inner tremors, the body temperature can rise significantly.
    • If the room is hot and stuffy, open a window or turn on a fan.
  3. 3 Cool your body with water. This is a great way to lower your body temperature. However, be careful not to overcool. Place a damp towel on your forehead and hands and feet, or wipe yourself with a sponge dipped in warm water. Keep the water warm. Thanks to this, you will be able to avoid inner tremors.
    • The sponge scrubber is ideal for children with high fever.
    • Some people think rubbing with alcohol helps to lower the temperature. However, it is worth noting that alcohol is rapidly absorbed into the blood through the skin, which can lead to alcohol poisoning. Therefore, use water instead of alcohol.
  4. 4 Take medication. If the fever makes you feel very unwell, take an antipyretic medication, such as paracetamol or ibuprofen. Read the instructions carefully before starting treatment. Follow the recommendations for adjusting the dose of the drug.
    • Paracetamol effectively lowers fever and reduces pain. If you have liver disease, do not take acetaminophen without talking to your doctor.
    • Aspirin is also an antipyretic agent for adults.This medication should not be given to children because of the potential for Reye's syndrome.
    • Note that antipyretic drugs will make you feel better, but they work symptomatically without addressing the root cause of the fever. If you think you have a bacterial infection, it is very important to see a doctor who can prescribe the treatment you need.
  5. 5 Set aside enough time to rest. Help your body cope with illness. Observe bed rest. This does not mean that you have to stay in bed all day. However, you must not overexert yourself.
    • Stay home if possible. Take a day off from school or work. Your body needs rest. Also, if you have an infectious disease, you will not infect your colleagues or classmates.

Method 2 of 4: Change your diet

  1. 1 Drink plenty of fluids. High temperatures dehydrate the body. When a person is dehydrated, unpleasant symptoms are observed. Your body will be able to successfully fight off disease, and you will feel better if you increase your fluid intake.
    • The body's water requirement depends on many different factors, including body weight and activity level. Most people need to drink 9 to 13 glasses of water every day.
    • Of course, it's best to drink water when you're sick, but you can also drink juices, diluted sports drinks (1 part water and 1 part sports drink), or rehydration solutions.
  2. 2 Eat right. Eating easily digestible foods that are rich in nutrients can help you fight disease and stay strong. Try to eat more fruits and vegetables. Avoid unhealthy foods.
    • Lean proteins and healthy fats from sources such as olive oil are very important for the body.
    • Eat foods that contain probiotics, such as yogurt. This will make it easier for your body to fight the disease.
    • You can also take a multivitamin to improve overall health, or vitamin C and omega-3 fatty acids to strengthen the immune system and reduce inflammation. Be sure to check with your doctor before taking any supplements, especially if you are taking medication.
  3. 3 Follow a liquid diet. You don't have to include only liquid foods in your diet. However, try to design your menu in such a way that it consists mainly of liquid dishes. This will help you stay hydrated and improve digestion. Fruit-flavored ice cream and soups are good options when you are sick.

Method 3 of 4: Use home remedies

  1. 1 Drink herbal tea. There are a wide variety of herbs that help the body fight infection and reduce inflammation. Buy a herbal tea or make your own. If you have a high temperature, you can make teas with the following ingredients:
    • Green tea
    • Cat claw
    • Reishi mushroom
    • Milk thistle
    • Andrographis paniculata
  2. 2 Take homeopathic remedies. If you have a high fever, you can try homeopathic treatment. However, use this method only if you can do without medical attention or antibiotic treatment. Also, be sure to check with your doctor before starting treatment, especially if you are on medication. Homeopathic remedies that help lower fever include:
    • Aconite
    • Apis melifika
    • Belladonna
    • Bryony
    • Ferrum phosphoricum
    • Gelsemium

Method 4 of 4: Treat the cause of the fever

  1. 1 Pay attention to the symptoms. You can quickly get rid of the fever by identifying the cause. Pay attention to any symptoms you experience along with a fever.If you notice symptoms that are not typical of a viral infection, such as a sore throat or sore ear, see your doctor for a diagnosis.
    • See your doctor right away if you experience symptoms such as confusion, difficulty breathing, blue lips or nails, cramps, a stiff neck, or severe headaches.
    • In children, high fever can cause so-called febrile seizures. As a rule, they do not cause serious health problems and very rarely indicate the presence of pathologies. However, seek medical attention as soon as possible if your child has a febrile seizure. Call an ambulance if the seizure lasts longer than a few minutes. If possible, take the child to the emergency room when the seizures stop.
  2. 2 Take antibiotics. If you have a bacterial infection, such as sore throat or a urinary tract infection, your doctor will prescribe antibiotics. Take your medicine as directed by your doctor. The fever, along with other symptoms, should go away within a few days.
    • Do not take antibiotics if you have a viral infection, such as the flu or cold. Antibiotics are ineffective in treating viral infections.
    • Take antibiotics as directed by your doctor, even if your condition has improved significantly. Symptoms of improvement do not mean that the body has cleared the bacteria. Completing the full course of treatment will create conditions for the bacteria that make it difficult for them to become resistant. Otherwise, the development of antibiotic resistance and an exacerbation of symptoms of the disease may occur due to incomplete eradication of the pathogen.
  3. 3 Find out when temperatures are considered too high. Generally, fever is a symptom that shouldn't be a serious concern. However, if you have a very high fever or it lasts for a long period of time, then this is a reason to see a doctor. If you or your child has a high fever, seek medical attention as soon as possible.
    • Seek medical attention if an infant's temperature (up to 3 months) is 38 ° C or higher.
    • Get medical attention if your baby's temperature (3 to 12 months old) is 39 ° C or higher.
    • Seek medical attention if an older child or adult has a temperature of 40.6 ° C or higher.
    • At a very high body temperature (42 ° C), brain damage can develop, leading to death, if the patient is not treated promptly.
    • Seek medical attention if the fever persists for longer than 48 to 72 hours. If a child under two years of age has a high fever for longer than 24 to 48 hours, seek immediate medical attention.
  4. 4 Treat chronic illness. Chronic autoimmune and inflammatory diseases such as lupus, vasculitis, and ulcerative colitis can cause fever. In this case, consult a doctor who will select the necessary treatment for the underlying disease.
    • If you have a chronic medical condition, see your doctor every time you have a fever.
    • A fever can also be the first sign of a serious medical condition such as cancer, so be sure to see your doctor if you have frequent fever.
  5. 5 Get the treatment you need if your temperature rises as a result of environmental influences. A significant and persistent rise in temperature is often observed after heatstroke or hyperthermia. In this case, it is necessary to cool the body as quickly as possible.
    • Other symptoms of hyperthermia include weakness, nausea, confusion, dizziness, and mental changes.
    • If a person has heatstroke, it is necessary to call an ambulance or get him to the hospital as soon as possible.
    • While waiting for medical attention, you can try to lower your body temperature. Take off excess clothing, wipe your skin with cold water, stay in a cool, well-ventilated area, and drink plenty of cold drinks.


  • If your child is old enough to describe his condition, listen carefully. He can best describe his condition.
  • Remember, fever helps the body fight infection, so don't try to get rid of the fever completely. Of course, if you are feeling very bad, it makes sense to bring down the temperature. But, as a rule, in most cases this is not required.


  • Very high temperatures can damage the brain, but this only happens if temperatures exceed 42 C.