How to get rid of marmots

Author: Joan Hall
Date Of Creation: 2 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Get Rid of Rock Chucks / Yellow Bellied Marmots
Video: How to Get Rid of Rock Chucks / Yellow Bellied Marmots


Thanks to marmots (North American woodchuck (Marmota monax) After months of hard gardening, you may end up with a mess of half-eaten vegetables. This article will teach you how to get rid of marmots, but before doing anything, it is imperative that you study the laws in force in your area for the protection of wildlife.


Method 1 of 2: Filling the burrow with foamy ammonia

  1. 1 To get rid of the groundhog, choose a sunny day. Sunlight encourages marmots to escape from their burrows.
  2. 2 Take about two and a half cups of ammonia foam.
  3. 3 If you can't buy foamy ammonia, make it yourself.
    • Take a glass container. Add about a quarter cup of water.
    • Add about 2 tablespoons of detergent (or soap) to the water and stir.
    • Take two cups of regular ammonia (available from your pharmacy) and add to the detergent / soap solution. We got a substance very close to foamy ammonia.
  4. 4 Pour the mixture into the hole in the burrow where the marmot lives. Pour it so that most of the liquid flows deep into the hole.
    • It is recommended to wear protective gloves when handling this substance.
  5. 5 Move away from the burrow. Sometimes marmots begin to climb out if they were inside. If there are cubs, then the process takes longer, since the mother marmot will first find a new home, then take the young with it.
  6. 6 Check from time to time to make sure the marmots have left their home.
  7. 7 If you still see some activity the next day, repeat the process.
  8. 8 Continue the procedure while you observe marmot activity, but do it at intervals from several hours to one day, and only on sunny days so that the marmots can easily find a new home for themselves.

Method 2 of 2: The Humane Trap

In some areas, the solution may be to trap marmots and then resettle them. However, before doing this, you need to familiarize yourself with local laws, since this method is prohibited in some American states.

  1. 1 Buy or rent a humane "good" trap. You can buy it at stores such as Lowes or Home Depot. These traps are inexpensive.
  2. 2 Set the trap approximately 50 feet from the groundhog burrow entrance.
  3. 3 Place lettuce, apples, bananas, or other fruits at the back of the trap.
  4. 4 Check the trap in the morning and early evening. When the marmot is caught, put on gloves and place the cage in the car on a piece of cardboard.
  5. 5 Release your marmot in the woods a few miles from your home.
  6. 6 It will take a week or two to capture all the marmots, but your conscience will be calm, since not a single marmot will be harmed.


  • Epsom bitter salt can be scattered around the burrow and into the burrow itself to scare away marmots. This is an easy method, but must be reapplied after rain or splashing water.
  • Remove everything from the ground - tall grass, trash heaps, tall weeds, etc. Marmots love these hiding places, so this will help keep them away from your garden.
  • Scare off marmots with moving objects. Place moving objects around the areas you would like to protect. These can be CDs hanging from branches, turntables that spin in the wind, waving small stuffed animals, etc.
  • Plant some alfalfa to lure the marmots and distract them from eating your crops. They would rather prefer alfalfa than anything other than apples.
  • Fence off the garden space. This is another method of protecting the garden. The fence should be buried in the ground and high enough. Fencing can be a humane and rewarding opportunity to live in harmony with your local wilderness.
  • Pour used kitty litter into the hole in the burrow. This will prevent the groundhog from opening it again. Add water turning the litter into mud and cover the top with sticks and a few inches of mud. Avoid stepping into wet litter of litter. Marmots will remove stones and sticks and dig the entrance to the hole again. Since wet clay is sticky and dirty, they will leave this entrance. But they can dig another entrance a few feet away, and it will be very good if this entrance is behind the fence of your garden.


  • The chemicals may be illegal to use against wild animals. Read the information on the label. Also research your local wildlife and pest control instructions before taking any action.
  • Handle ammonia with care. Read the instructions on the package.
  • Do not take any of the described actions during the winter, as the animals cannot find a new home quickly.
  • Poison gas cartridges can be used, but they will kill the groundhog and must also be handled with extreme care. Since they contain carbon monoxide, they should never be used near human habitation or yard buildings.