How to get rid of the unpleasant smell of leather products

Author: Carl Weaver
Date Of Creation: 2 February 2021
Update Date: 28 June 2024
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Video: 6 Quick, Easy Ways to Remove Bad Smells from Leather | How to remove bad odor from leather Sofa


Leather is a material obtained by tanning animal skins. It is used in the manufacture of clothing, furniture, shoes, wallets, belts and many other products. Although leather is a very durable material, it is much more difficult to clean than natural or synthetic fibers.Leather can absorb a variety of strong odors such as smoke, food, sweat, perfume, mold, or the so-called "new leather smell" that occurs during the tanning process. Getting rid of these odors is not easy, but sometimes the result can only be achieved by trial and error, but if you still have doubts, you can give your skin for professional cleaning so as not to spoil it.


Method 1 of 2: Using the tools at hand

  1. 1 Be sure to dry damp skin. If the skin is damp or covered with mold, the dampness must be removed as soon as possible. Moisture can damage the skin and contribute to a characteristic odor that can be very difficult to remove later. Here are some tips on how to dry your leather product properly:
    • Place the garment in a sunny place, avoiding direct sunlight, as otherwise the skin may crack and fray. Choose a spot near a window covered with curtains or blinds.
    • Dry your skin with a hairdryer with minimal heating. Do not bring the hair dryer too close to the skin, or it may start to crack or peel. Blow dry your skin from a distance to evaporate moisture from the entire surface and avoid water stains.
    • Dry your skin dry with a clean, dry cloth, especially if you're trying to dry leather shoes, clothing, or a wallet. Do not use alcohol or deodorant products such as perfume, as they can penetrate the skin through the pores and ruin it. Your best bet is to simply wipe the product well with a dry cloth.
  2. 2 Wrap the leather in newspaper or wrapping paper. The spongy properties of newsprint and packaging paper indicate that these materials are capable of absorbing any unpleasant odors. Make sure that both the product and the newspapers used are completely dry. The loose texture of newsprint is much softer than, for example, office paper, so it absorbs odors much better.
    • Place the leather item in a box filled with crumpled newspaper sheets. Close the box and let sit for one to two days.
    • Check if the newspaper has absorbed any unpleasant skin odors. You may need to leave the product in the newspaper for a while.
  3. 3 Cleanse your skin with a vinegar solution. The acid in the vinegar will help you fight off odors, and the smell of vinegar, which may seem unpleasant on its own, will fade along with other odors.
    • Before using any acidic cleaner on a leather product, test it on a small, inconspicuous area of ​​the skin to see if the acid will discolor it. Mix equal proportions of distilled white vinegar and water. Select a small area on the garment and apply the liquid cloth to the skin. You can get down to business if the skin is not discolored or cracked.
    • Use a clean cloth to wipe the surface of the leather product with this product.
    • You can also spray your skin with a spray bottle and wipe it clean with a cloth.
    • If the odor is very persistent, try soaking the garment in the vinegar solution for 5-10 minutes. Make sure you dry your skin well after your procedure to avoid dampness and mold.
  4. 4 Use baking soda for cleaning. Baking soda is an excellent odor absorber. In addition, it is absolutely safe to use with the skin. You will need baking soda and a leather-sized pillowcase or zip bag.
    • Place the item in a pillowcase or bag. Sprinkle a thin layer of baking soda on the surface of your skin. You can also sprinkle a little baking soda inside to remove odors and inside the product.
    • Tie the top end of your pillowcase or zip up your bag. Leave the product in the baking soda overnight or overnight.
    • The baking soda can be removed with a napkin or vacuum cleaner with a small attachment. Peel the baking soda out of your skin gently so as not to scratch it.
    • Repeat the entire procedure with baking soda until the smell disappears.
  5. 5 Weather the odors naturally. Due to the natural properties of leather, the smells absorbed by it, from cigarette smoke to the smell of "new leather" after tanning, will fade away on their own over time. Instead of trying to drown out the smell with perfumes or deodorants, which can only prolong the time for unpleasant odors to fade away, simply wear the product more often. If the odor is tolerable, wear leather clothing or shoes every day to ventilate your skin.
    • Wearing it will also soften the texture of your skin, open up your pores, and effectively remove bad odors.

Method 2 of 2: Using professional tools

  1. 1 Buy a leather cleaner. Professional cleaners can be found at any hardware store, or even purchased from a shoe store. Use only special leather cleaners.
    • You will need a clean, dry cloth to wipe the leather product. Most cleansers will remove odors from the skin, preserve its natural color and shine, and protect the skin from damage.
  2. 2 Treat your skin with a special conditioner. After cleansing, the leather needs to be treated with conditioner. This allows you to remove unpleasant odors, preserve the color and shine of the skin. Here are some options for products to use as a conditioner:
    • High quality linseed oil: This is a very effective natural oil for processing leather garments or other leather goods. Do not use cheap oil, it is of little use. Rub the oil into the skin with a tissue until it is absorbed.
    • Shoe polish: the oldest, and at the same time one of the best, ways to treat leather. Use a liquid cleaner on shoes, clothing, and leather wallets. You can also use the cream in jars if you need to treat leather boots or boots. If we are talking about natural leather, then it is worth buying a product containing carnauba wax and other natural substances.
    • Professional leather conditioner: You can buy it at a hardware store. Most conditioners are sold as a spray. Spray conditioner all over the skin to absorb into the leather. Conditioner will remove odors and add shine to the leather.
    • After using it, the product will need to be rinsed several times. In addition, the product can cause streaking and sticky surfaces to appear on the garment.
  3. 3 Please note that the product can also be professionally cleaned. If, after all the tried and tested products, the smell still does not disappear in any way, you should probably seek professional help. Depending on the type of leather and the persistence of the smell, your product will be cleaned, processed and odors removed, and for a small amount of money