How to get rid of bad morning breath

Author: Clyde Lopez
Date Of Creation: 20 June 2021
Update Date: 24 June 2024
Get rid of morning breath
Video: Get rid of morning breath


There is hardly a person who likes bad breath in the morning.Bad breath, a type of halitosis, is the result of decreased saliva production during sleep, which creates a favorable environment for bacteria to grow in the mouth. Each of us faces such a problem from time to time. Yes, there is no way to wake up with an incredibly fresh and pleasant breath, like a flower bouquet, but there are ways to improve your breath.


Part 1 of 3: Maintain Your Oral Hygiene

  1. 1 Brush your teeth regularly. Brush your teeth in the morning and evening before going to bed and after each meal for two minutes. Basically, for cleaning your teeth, you need a medium-hard brush and a toothpaste with calcium compounds.
    • It is a good idea to buy an electric toothbrush because these brushes are more effective at removing plaque than manual (regular) ones. In addition, many models of electric toothbrushes have a built-in timer to ensure that brushing takes the recommended two minutes.
    • Consider carrying a travel kit (a small tube of toothpaste and a toothbrush) with you when you go to school or work so you can keep your oral hygiene all day long.
    • It is recommended that you replace your toothbrush with a new one every three months, and also after you have been ill.
  2. 2 Brush your tongue. After brushing your teeth, be sure to run the bristles over the back of your tongue. Some manual brushes have a special ribbed surface on the back of the head for cleaning the tongue - you can use it. Do this regularly to get rid of dead cells and bacteria that are causing the unpleasant odor. The principle is the same as when brushing your teeth.
    • You can get a very convenient and inexpensive tool - a tongue scraper, which is sold in most pharmacies.
  3. 3 Use dental floss regularly. Dental floss penetrates the interdental spaces, where a regular toothbrush cannot reach, which allows you to remove food debris from there. If you do not use such a floss, food will remain and decompose in these interdental spaces, thereby creating a favorable environment for the growth of bacteria.
  4. 4 Use mouthwash. Mouthwash also penetrates areas that a toothbrush cannot reach: it cleans the inside of the cheek, the back of the throat - all this makes it possible to get rid of bacteria that would otherwise remain in your mouth, multiplying and causing unpleasant odor. ... Put some mouthwash in your mouth (as much as recommended on the package) and rinse your mouth for 30-60 seconds.
    • Since alcohol dries skin and mucous membranes, and dry oral mucosa is a favorable environment for bacteria to grow, it is better to choose a mouthwash that does not contain alcohol.
    • If the cause of bad morning breath lies in the condition of your teeth, mouthwash will mask the problem, not help solve it. Therefore, it is very important to regularly see a dentist - he will help identify the cause of bad breath if something is wrong with your teeth.
  5. 5 Try antibacterial toothpaste and antibacterial mouthwash. If regular toothpaste combined with dental floss is not enough, it may be worth using special oral hygiene products that are designed to kill the microorganisms that form in the oral cavity overnight.
  6. 6 Get regular checkups with your dentist. Routine check-ups are an important part of oral care and maintaining optimal hygiene levels.If you are often bothered by bad breath in the morning, see your dentist for a physical examination and determine the likely cause of the problem - cavities, a periodontal infection, or acid reflux.

Part 2 of 3: Eat Right

  1. 1 Eat a healthy, balanced diet. Food has a significant effect on the freshness of your breath: in the body, food is digested and absorbed into the blood, the blood, in turn, enters the lungs, which means that this smell is then released during breathing. Foods such as garlic, onions, and spicy foods can lead to bad morning breath.
    • Fruits and vegetables are an essential part of a healthy diet to help get rid of bad breath.
    • To freshen your breath, try chewing on a sprig of parsley. Parsley contains a lot of chlorophyll, which helps to get rid of unpleasant odors and freshen the breath.
  2. 2 Avoid low-carb diets and starvation. When it comes to fresh breath, such eating patterns are absolutely discouraged. When a person does not consume enough carbohydrates, his body begins to process adipose tissue. This leads to the production of ketone bodies - it is these chemical compounds that cause the so-called "ketone respiration", which is popularly called simply bad breath.
  3. 3 Don't skip breakfast. For breakfast, it is better to choose products that stimulate salivation - due to this, the mucous membrane of the oral cavity will be sufficiently moist, and the moist mucous membrane creates an unfavorable environment for the growth of bacteria that cause an unpleasant odor. Get up early and fight bad morning breath by making yourself breakfast first.
  4. 4 Try drinking tea instead of coffee. Coffee has a strong smell that lasts for a long time in the oral cavity, because cleaning all surfaces of the tongue after coffee is quite difficult. To quickly wake up and invigorate, it is better to drink green tea.

Part 3 of 3: Live in a way that keeps your breath fresh

  1. 1 Stop smoking. Tobacco products cause dryness of the oral mucosa and contribute to a local increase in temperature - as a result, this creates a favorable environment for the rapid growth of bacteria, which leads to bad breath.
    • Smoking also increases your risk of developing gingivitis, a disease of the gums. In turn, damage to the gums plays a large role in bad breath and bad breath.
  2. 2 Be responsibly drinking alcoholic beverages. Alcohol contributes to dryness of the oral mucosa, therefore, if you decide to drink a little alcohol (especially in the evening), drink a glass of water before each serving of alcohol - thanks to this trick, the oral mucosa will remain hydrated.
  3. 3 Drink plenty of water. Bacteria thrive in dry and stagnant environments, so drink plenty of water and other fluids throughout the day to help prevent bad breath the next morning.
    • It is especially important to drink water before going to bed, because at night during sleep, the oral mucosa dries up very much, because we do not drink or eat anything for hours.
    • Aim to drink 8 glasses (240 ml) of water a day. If you are not used to drinking so much water, add a little milk or 100% fruit juice to your diet if desired for a change.
    • Fruits and vegetables contain a lot of water, so they are a good source of fluids for your body (in addition to water). In addition, vegetables contain a lot of fiber, which helps the body to get rid of toxins, which also play a significant role in the appearance of bad morning breath.
  4. 4 Chew sugar-free gum. Xylitol is a sweetener found in most sugarless gum and mints. Among other things, it reduces bacteria that cause gum damage and bad breath. Chewing gum with xylitol and any flavor not only kills bacteria that cause unpleasant odors, but also gives your breath a pleasant aroma of your choice.
    • Chewing gum for 20 minutes after a meal will stimulate saliva production.
  5. 5 Review the labels for any medications you are taking. Some medications, such as insulin, can cause bad breath on their own. Other medications (such as antihistamines) dry out the lining of the mouth, which can cause bad morning breath. If you have any doubts about any over-the-counter drugs you are taking, discuss this with your doctor.
  6. 6 Rinse your mouth in the morning. Pour into a glass of medical alcohol (just a little), add water there and put the resulting solution into your mouth. Rinse. (You can use your regular mouthwash instead.) Then spit it out. Then take a full glass of clean water and rinse your mouth with it, then spit it out. Repeat the procedure if necessary.


  • Bad morning breath occurs due to dryness of the oral mucosa. Therefore, if you suddenly wake up in the middle of the night, try taking a few sips of water or at least rinsing your mouth for a few seconds to moisturize the oral mucosa.
  • Snoring increases your risk of bad morning breath. The fact is that breathing through the mouth, and not through the nose, throughout the night contributes to even greater dryness of the oral mucosa.
  • The cause of unpleasant morning breath can be xerostomia - chronic dryness of the oral mucosa. Xerostomia can result from something seemingly insignificant, such as frequent breathing through the mouth (called mouth breathing symptom) and not drinking enough water. Xerostomia can also occur for more serious reasons, which include diseases of the salivary glands and diseases of the connective tissue (for example, Sjogren's syndrome).
  • Eating ice cream, banana, or peanut butter can help.


  • Children usually sleep much longer than adults, so they often wake up with bad breath. If your child has symptoms other than bad breath, it is a good idea to see a pediatrician to rule out conditions such as tonsillitis.