How to get rid of black dots

Author: Alice Brown
Date Of Creation: 25 May 2021
Update Date: 20 June 2024
Black Dots on the Nose? Here’s How To Treat Them!
Video: Black Dots on the Nose? Here’s How To Treat Them!


Blackheads are the result of clogged pores with sebum and dead skin.Blackness is not dirt - sebum and dead skin turn black when oxidized in the air. There are many ways to get rid of blackheads, from self-medication to medical procedures. If you do something wrong, it will only worsen the situation, so be careful and do not lose your head. Sometimes every person gets acne, and everyone's skin is different, but it's possible to find a treatment that's right for you.


Method 1 of 5: Homemade Remedies With Natural Ingredients

  1. 1 Assess your options. If you want to use natural ingredients that you can find at home to get rid of blackheads, there are many homemade recipes that include, for example, egg white or lemon juice. If a recipe doesn't work for you, try another recipe.
    • There is no guarantee that this or that product will work for you, because people's skin is different and reacts differently to ingredients.
    • If you have very sensitive skin, be careful - it is better to use less concentrated products described here.
    • If any product irritates your skin, stop using it.
  2. 2 Egg white mask. Egg white tightens pores and removes blackheads. Separate the white from the yolk, massage into your face by patting it, and then apply the egg white to your face. To do this, either use a clean cloth or do it with clean, dry hands. Let the first layer of the mask dry and then apply the second layer. Apply 3-5 coats in total - let the previous coat dry before applying the next coat. Then wash and dry your face.
    • You can apply each layer of the mask to a clean, dry cloth. Remove the cloth (layer by layer) before washing.
    • Do not swallow raw egg white!
  3. 3 Lemon juice. Lemon juice causes pores to shrink quickly. Simply apply lemon juice to blackhead areas and you will notice how quickly it works. Soak a cotton swab with lemon juice and blot the blackheads with it. Do this several times a week before bed, and in the morning wash your face and apply moisturizer to your face.
    • Lemon juice is a very potent ingredient, so dilute with a little water for sensitive or dry skin.
    • Lemon juice greatly increases your skin's sensitivity to sunlight, so don't go outside without rinsing the lemon juice off your face (otherwise, blisters may appear on your skin).
    • It is not recommended to use lemon juice for people with dark skin tone, as it can lead to discoloration.
  4. 4 Warm honey. Honey has antiseptic and antibacterial properties, so it is suitable for treating acne, and its stickiness allows you to get rid of blackheads. Heat some honey in a skillet or place a jar of honey in hot water. When the honey is warm (but not hot so as not to burn the skin), apply it to the areas of the skin with blackheads and blackheads. Wait 10 minutes.
    • Remove honey using a damp cloth.
    • You can leave the honey on your face overnight, but make sure it's dry; otherwise, you run the risk of sticking to the pillow.

Method 2 of 5: Homemade remedies that include artificial ingredients

  1. 1 Boric acid solution. Boric acid dissolved in water is great for getting rid of blackheads. Boric acid can be purchased over the counter. To prepare the solution, mix one and a half glasses of hot water and half a tablespoon of boric acid. Dampen a clean cloth with the solution and use it to dab blackheads and blackheads on your skin. Wait 15-20 minutes for the solution to take effect.
  2. 2 Iodine and Epsom Salt. This product removes sebum and dead skin from pores. Epsom salt is an excellent exfoliant.Combine a teaspoon of Epsom salts, four drops of iodine, and half a glass of hot water. Stir until the salt dissolves and the temperature of the solution drops. As soon as the temperature of the solution is acceptable for applying it to the skin, soak a cotton swab in the solution and dab the area with blackheads with it. Let the solution dry.
    • Wash and dry your face.
  3. 3 Baking soda and water. Baking soda is great for removing blemishes, but it is also used to treat acne, as baking soda is a great exfoliant. To get rid of blackheads, you only need a fraction of the amount of baking soda used to remove the stain from the carpet. Mix a teaspoon of baking soda and enough water to make a paste. For this method, just enough mixture will fit in a cup. Apply the mixture to the skin in a circular motion.
    • Rinse off the mixture thoroughly with warm water.
    • After you wash off the mixture, be sure to use a moisturizer.
    • After using the baking soda / water mixture, apply a solution of equal parts apple cider vinegar and water to your skin to help normalize your skin's pH level.
    • Baking soda is very powerful, so use a baking soda / water mixture no more than 1-2 times a week.
    • If after the first application of a mixture of baking soda and water you do not notice any improvement or your skin is irritated, stop using this remedy.

Method 3 of 5: Over-the-counter products

  1. 1 Determine your skin type. Depending on your skin type and sensitivity, select the appropriate skin cleanser available from a local store or pharmacy. There are two main types of such products: benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid.
    • The listed ingredients may cause an allergic reaction; if this is your case, discard the chosen remedy.
  2. 2 For more sensitive skin, a salicylic acid product is suitable. If your sensitive skin is prone to irritation and dryness, buy a product that contains salicylic acid. To do this, on the packaging of the product, find the ingredients that make up it. Salicylic acid is intended for sensitive skin, rarely causes redness and flaking, and acts more slowly than its stronger counterparts.
    • Choose a product that contains not only salicylic acid but also glycolic acid.
  3. 3 For normal skin, get a benzoyl peroxide product. If you have less sensitive skin that doesn't tend to dry out, buy a product that contains benzoyl peroxide. This ingredient softens the sebum that clogs the pores and causes it to be pulled out of the pores. These are the fastest-acting products you can buy in the store, but they don't work very well on your skin.
  4. 4 Buy an alpha hydroxy acid product. Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHAs) include glycolic acid and are effective in exfoliating the skin. Glycolic acid is found in exfoliating and exfoliating products. This acid dissolves dead skin, which leads to unclogging pores and getting rid of blackheads.
    • Use alpha hydroxy acid products the same way you use benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid products, and always read the specific recommendations for each product.
    • ANA increases the sensitivity of the skin to the sun, so avoid sun exposure if using a glycolic acid product.
  5. 5 Use face cream. It is necessary to use not only cleansers, but also a face cream that contains benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid. The longer the cream stays on your face, the better, but follow the recommendations for using the cream, as overuse of it can lead to skin irritation. Typically, the cream is applied for no more than 10 minutes.

Method 4 of 5: Steam and Other Methods

  1. 1 The steam expands the pores. To get rid of blackheads, pores need to be enlarged. The hardened sebum is sticky and not easy to remove, so it is best to enlarge the pores to remove it successfully. To do this, hold your face over a bowl of hot water for 10-15 minutes.
    • Place a towel over your head so that the steam gets directly onto your face.
    • You will feel that the steam helps to enlarge the pores.
  2. 2 Remove blackheads with a special adhesive. This method does not irritate the skin. Applying a patch to remove blackheads is a temporary solution, but it is great in cases where you do not have the opportunity to carry out long-term treatment. It is recommended to combine the application of the patch with the use of cleansers and exfoliators.
    • For best results, use the cream for several nights in a row before applying the patch to enlarge the pores.
  3. 3 Don't crush blackheads. This can lead to inflammation or infection and will certainly not stop the appearance of acne.

Method 5 of 5: Medicines

  1. 1 If you are unable to get rid of acne and blackheads, see your doctor. For problem skin, see a doctor or dermatologist. The doctor will accurately determine your skin type and prescribe the appropriate products that you can make yourself or buy from a store or pharmacy.
  2. 2 Use a prescription drug. In some difficult cases, dermatologists prescribe medications. This treatment is not suitable for people who only get acne from time to time. Remember that medications are expensive and contain many chemical ingredients, so be sure to check with your doctor or dermatologist before taking them.
    • Your doctor may prescribe a drug that contains salicylic acid (the same acid is found in store-bought products). These medications help clear clogged pores.
    • Alternatively, your doctor may prescribe a drug that contains benzoyl peroxide. These drugs kill bacteria that cause acne.
  3. 3 You may need to take antibiotics and topical treatments. Your dermatologist may prescribe oral antibiotics along with topical therapies. However, this treatment is carried out only in the most severe cases.


  • Use only one of the methods described here to avoid damaging your skin. Remember, overuse of cleansers and exfoliators can only make your acne worse.
  • Keep your nails clean. This will help keep dirt from underneath your nails on your face (especially if you like to squeeze blackheads).
  • Wash your face daily with mild soap or cleanser.
  • Avoid touching your face to avoid greasy skin.
  • After using these products, wash with cold water to tighten your pores and prevent them from becoming clogged.
  • Keep your hair clean. Otherwise, hair oil will get on your face and clog your pores.
  • Always use a non-greasy moisturizer to avoid clogging your pores even further.
  • Wash your face once a day, but it is better to do it twice a day, morning and evening. In this case, acne will disappear within 4-5 days.
  • Change your pillowcase daily to avoid new blackheads.
  • Sometimes a pore tightening agent can help prevent acne breakouts.


  • Severe treatment can make your acne worse. You will end up with an inflamed red pimple where you think the black dot was (although other people haven't seen it).
  • Use warm honey if you have chosen it as a remedy. Remember that hot honey can cause blisters on the skin.
  • If any product causes skin irritation, read the recommendations for using this product (as a rule, recommendations are given on the packaging of the product) and stop using it immediately.
  • Avoid getting any products in your eyes. If this happens, immediately flush your eyes with water.