Get healthier hair with olive oil

Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 26 July 2021
Update Date: 21 June 2024
Olive Oil For Hair: Does It Work?
Video: Olive Oil For Hair: Does It Work?


Treat frizzy and damaged hair with olive oil to nourish and repair it. If you have thick hair or your hair has been chemically treated a lot, olive oil can help replenish the moisture deficiency and restore your hair to health. Read on to find out how to make your hair healthy with a simple olive oil treatment.

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Part 1 of 2: Applying olive oil

  1. Don't use olive oil more than once a week and apply it before showering. Choose a day or evening on which you have no obligations. You leave the olive oil in your hair to get the most out of it, and your hair may still be a little greasy even after you rinse the oil out.
    • Do not shampoo your hair before using olive oil. The treatment works better if your hair is clean, but it has not been shampooed. Shampoo has an astringent effect and washes all oil from your hair.
    • You can wash and condition your hair before using olive oil. However, the treatment works best if you apply the oil first and then rinse your hair.
  2. Heat a small bowl of olive oil in the microwave. You can also use a pan on the stove, but you will need to keep a close eye on the oil to make sure it doesn't get too hot. The olive oil does not need to be very hot, as long as it is warm enough to become more fluid. The oil can then penetrate your hair better.
  3. Consider mixing the olive oil with almond oil and egg. This can make your hair shine even more and it helps to replenish the nutrient deficiency. You can also mix the olive oil with other essential oils such as almond oil, tea tree oil and jojoba oil. Try to make a mixture with the following ingredients:
    • An egg. Consider using the whole egg and not just the yolk, as the egg white contains substances that renew and repair hair. Using the protein is even more important if you have acne or other skin problems.
    • A teaspoon of raw almond oil. This step is not mandatory, but it helps to smooth out your skin and hair. This is especially important if you are using fairly acidic olive oil.
    • A spoonful of olive oil. You can even use 1.5 or 2 spoons.
  4. Spread the olive oil on your dry hair. Pour the oil over your head and massage it into your hair from your scalp to the ends of your hair. Use a generous amount and don't be skimpy on the oil.
    • Make sure to do this in the bathroom or any other place that is easy to clean. Ideally, you will be in the shower, in the bathtub or outside and do not wear clothes that should not contain oil. Chances are you will spill some oil.

Part 2 of 2: Rinsing out the oil

  1. Let the olive oil sit in your hair for 30-60 minutes. Wrap your hair with a plastic bag or foil so that the oil stays in your hair. If you have long hair, tie it on top of your head to keep it slightly warm (just like bleaching hair). The bag or foil protects items and surfaces from the oil when you sit down and also retains some heat. The heat allows the olive oil to penetrate your hair well and your scalp is also hydrated.
    • To speed up the process, put a shower cap or wrap around your hair and take a warm shower. The steam and heat will cause the olive oil to penetrate your hair faster.
  2. Rinse the olive oil from your hair. After you have let the oil soak in your hair for half an hour to an hour, it is time to rinse your hair. Remove the bag or foil from your hair and untie your hair. Get in the shower and rinse your hair with warm water.
    • Don't shampoo your hair now. Shampoo washes the oils from your hair, negating the moisturizing effect of the olive oil. Conditioner is fine to use.
  3. Let your hair air dry. Your hair may feel a little greasy while drying, which is why it's a good idea to do this on a day off. This extra step will make your hair even healthier, especially if you often treat your hair with warm tools. If you've done everything right, your hair should feel a bit fuller and smoother.


  • Don't do this too often, or it could make your hair greasy. Once a week is fine.


  • Be careful not to let olive oil drip from your hair onto the floor. You can slip and injure yourself. Make sure all olive oil is flushed down the drain when rinsing. Of course you don't want the person taking a shower after you to slip.