How to fix your whole life

Author: Virginia Floyd
Date Of Creation: 12 August 2021
Update Date: 22 June 2024
FIX YOUR LIFE! | Joe Rogan
Video: FIX YOUR LIFE! | Joe Rogan


Have you ever looked back on the past weeks, months or years and noticed constant problems or mistakes that happen in life at regular intervals? Did you get the feeling that you are at a dead end and do not know how to get out? You are not alone with this problem. Everyone makes mistakes - due to lack of experience or introspection, isolation, mistaken advice, or lack of mentors to point in the right direction. The good news is that these errors can be fixed. Man is able to re-create himself and build his life, as well as learn from mistakes.


Method 1 of 3: Understand What Brings You Joy

  1. 1 Explore your passions. If you enjoy life, you don't have to fix too much. Surely at the moment you are not too happy with your life. You need to go back to the starting point and understand what you need to do in order to feel joy and satisfaction. So, take a paper and a pen to do the next exercise. Provide written answers to questions such as:
    • "Why am I here?" Assess your current purpose in life and the variables that contributed to your current situation. What decisions should be made or swept aside in the future?
    • Make a list of 20-50 things that bring you joy.
    • "The best thing that happened in my life?"
    • "What five aspects of my personality do I like?"
    • List three personality traits or traits that another person might describe you.
    • "I'm dreaming…"
    • Tie all the answers together. How can you change your current goal to make your dreams come true? How to surround yourself with things that give you joy? How do you show others the positive traits or abilities that you see in yourself?
  2. 2 Think about when and how you lost sight of your passions. Now that you figured out what exactly brings you joy, look back and try to understand what made you forget about such aspects.
    • For example, sometimes our goals and aspirations do not align with those of our parents or family. People tend to give up their hobbies for the sake of others. Such an act is capable of bringing short-term joy, but later a person will be unhappy, since his deepest needs will remain unmet.
    • Consider the following example. You may have enjoyed helping people before going to university. After completing your studies and starting a career, you may have given up your passion in favor of earning good money and paying bills.
  3. 3 There is no need to diminish the importance of society and finding your optimal place. This leads to the fact that a person takes the path of a cyclical need for success, since it is important for society and personal consciousness to be as useful as possible in life. The opportunity to be useful should be appreciated, not constant employment.
  4. 4 Put your values ​​and hobbies at the forefront of any life situation. As you might have guessed, a person abandons his hobbies at the moment when he begins to put other people's hobbies and values ​​above his own, prioritizes less important aspects over his true beliefs. It can be fixed. If you prioritize your deepest values ​​or plan your day in a way that brings you satisfaction, then you will begin to experience this feeling more often. Research shows that the ability to prioritize positive emotions is more effective than the constant pursuit of happiness.
    • Check out the list of things that make you happy. Consider how you can incorporate these points into your daily life. That way, you start doing things that give you joy and peace of mind whenever you get the chance.
    • For example, if you are very fond of nature, you can go out every day in the morning or evening with your dog, partner or friend.
  5. 5 Live in the present. Strive to live in the present, not the past or the future. Obsession with the past or worries about the future deprive a person of the present. Begin to actively build your own happiness here and now.
    • Pause throughout the day and think about the present. Take a few deep, cleansing breaths. Assess your surroundings and how you feel. What do you see, smell and hear? What is your body feeling? Continue breathing deeply and strive to focus only on the moment.

Method 2 of 3: Assess what needs to be changed

  1. 1 Do not hurry. The goal of fixing your whole life is too ambitious. Understand that meaningful change doesn't happen overnight. Even giving up one bad habit takes time. Don't build false expectations and move step by step.
    • Remember that the first step to solving a problem is to understand the essence of the problem. Don't be fooled and evaluate your habits to fix your life.
    • Start small to believe in global success. Pick one aspect of your life that you want to fix, one at a time. Pay full attention to this aspect until you see tangible progress, and then move on to the next aspects. It may turn out that positive changes from one area of ​​life will begin to penetrate into other areas even without your active participation.
  2. 2 Explore the behaviors that create problems. You need to carefully study all the factors that lead to problems in order to fix your life. It is difficult for a person to admit that he himself is an obstacle to his own happiness. Nevertheless, such an awareness will empower you, because only you can change your life for the better. Find out what kind of repetitive behavior is making you feel dissatisfied with life.
    • People who are chronically dissatisfied with life often share the same habits. For example, they tend to:
      • play the role of a victim;
      • drown out problems with alcohol, drugs, food, sex and other activities that cause addiction;
      • Feel the inability to change your emotional state;
      • neglect your own health;
      • build unstable relationships.
  3. 3 Evaluate how your thoughts are conducive to failure. Every person may have negative thoughts. If you are constantly unhappy with your life, then the reason may lie in the way of thinking. Daily cyclical thoughts can paralyze and make you feel like you are not able to change your life for the better. Consider the eight negative thought types of chronically disgruntled people. Have you ever thought so?
    • Internal denial of the possibility of success: "I can not ..." or "I am not capable of ...".
    • Obsession with negative moments of the past: constant mental return to your failures or stressful situations.
    • Expecting the worst: You assume the worst outcome in every situation, or you always think that "the glass is half empty."
    • Critical comparisons with others are not in your favor: you think others are more attractive, wealthy, successful and happy.
    • Victim Role: You see yourself as a weak person who is unable to cope with difficult situations or difficult people.
    • Failure to forgive yourself: You constantly blame and reproach yourself for past mistakes.
    • Shifting Blame: You tend to blame others for your failures.
    • Fear of failure or error: Excessively high standards and a tendency toward perfectionism.
  4. 4 Analyze your relationship. If you are not comfortable with your life, it can be helpful to assess your social circle. Ideally, you should surround yourself with positive, inspiring people who value you as a person. Such a relationship is essential for happiness. If a relationship is draining you, depriving you of motivation, or indulging in bad habits, then you need to think about such a relationship.
    • Adults need to accept responsibility for their role in toxic relationships. Only you are able to free yourself from the shackles. If you stay in such a relationship, then you need to recognize that by this decision you are sacrificing your own well-being.

Method 3 of 3: Make useful changes

  1. 1 Improve your health. It's hard to enjoy life if you neglect your own health. It is clear that poor diet, lack of sleep and activity negatively affect health and lead to problems with being overweight, but all of these can also lead to depression, anxiety and even premature aging. Start taking care of your health to improve your well-being and enjoy life. Helpful hints:
    • start eating right;
    • exercise regularly and stay asleep;
    • maintain a healthy weight;
    • quit smoking;
    • drink less alcohol;
    • get regular checkups.
  2. 2 See a psychologist to get rid of addiction. It is difficult to get rid of substance abuse, gambling addiction or sex addiction without the help of a specialist. See a psychologist to take the first step towards problem solving.
  3. 3 Start thinking positively. If you wake up every morning with the thought that life is terrible, then over time you will be convinced of this. Change your view of the world and your own life with these small steps:
    • Congratulate yourself on every success, however small. Support yourself in everything. Start saying “I can” instead of “I cannot”.
    • Be patient. If you hope for instant positive changes, then such an attitude in itself can cause trouble. Give yourself time to fix your life. You also need to focus on the daily positive changes.
  4. 4 Watch your thoughts. Negative thoughts lead to a bad mood, while positive thoughts set you in a positive mood. Always notice when you start thinking bad so that you can switch to real and positive thoughts. How to change your way of thinking:
    • Monitor your self-talk to spot negative and useless thoughts.
    • Turn negative thoughts into more real and useful statements. For example, the thought: “I failed the interview! I'll never find a job! " - can be changed to: “I will not know the result of the interview for a few more days. Perhaps I did better than I think. You need to be patient and wait for the results. "
  5. 5 Express gratitude. You don't need to dwell on failures or dissatisfaction with your life. Notice the positives, like a roof over your head, caring friends, and a secure job.
    • Keep a gratitude journal. You can use a regular notebook or mobile application. Promise yourself to take notes several times a week and point out the things you are grateful for. Write down events that turned out better than expected, things and deeds without which you cannot imagine your life, and also mention people who come to your aid.
  6. 6 Learn to take care of yourself. Take time for yourself regularly. Life will not be fulfilling if you live like a squirrel in a wheel. Take time for yourself and do things that bring peace.
    • It is important for emotional health to monitor your mental health. Try to regularly find time for activities that help reduce your stress levels. For example, you can read, play with your pet, meditate, do yoga, or draw.
  7. 7 Create a reliable rear. Maintain healthy relationships with people that boost your self-esteem and fill your life with joy. If your life lacks such people, then start looking for new friends. Meet people at work or school, in a church or volunteer organization, in a hobby club, and more. Step out of your comfort zone and talk to the person you see every day but know nothing about.


  • What would you do if you could guarantee the success of your endeavor? If you believe in the ability to achieve positive results, then you will begin to try new things more often. Start new business with this way of thinking, and soon you will be pleasantly surprised by the results!
  • Focus on small things like small milestones that can be quickly implemented. Each goal achieved will strengthen your belief in success and motivate you.
  • Think of life as a grand adventure. Concentrate on your travel experiences and your destination will appear on its own.


  • It will be REALLY difficult, but you need to believe that the willingness to go through the hardships to the stars will be your best decision and accomplishment.
  • If you have been thinking negatively, it is very likely that you have surrounded yourself with negative friends who will find it difficult to accept positive changes in your life. Give them time and show your new, positive mindset. If they do not accept your changes or try to drag you to the bottom, then it is better to find new friends and leave such relationships in the past, like all other negative aspects of life.

What do you need

  • Paper and pen
  • Support from family and friends
  • Willpower