How to interpret Psalm 22

Author: Sara Rhodes
Date Of Creation: 18 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
MY GOD, WHY HAVE YOU FORSAKEN ME? | Bible Study | Psalm 22
Video: MY GOD, WHY HAVE YOU FORSAKEN ME? | Bible Study | Psalm 22


22 Is Psalm one of your favorites? Well, this article offers a comment, one phrase at a time. You can inspire yourself or inspire someone else with the Word and test the truth of these comments, expressing reverence for God and His plan for each of us ...


  1. 1 Read and study Psalm 22, and pay attention to God's quiet voice:
    1. The Lord is my shepherd, I will not need anything.
    2. He rests me on the green pastures and leads me to the still waters.
    3. Strengthens my soul. Guides me on the paths of righteousness for His name's sake.
    4. If I go through the valley of the shadow of death, I will not fear evil, because You are with me; Your rod and your staff - they comfort me.
    5. You have prepared a meal before me in the sight of my enemies. He anointed my head with oil; my cup is overflowing.
    6. So may goodness and mercy accompany me all the days of my life, and I will abide in the house of the Lord for many days. "
  2. 2 Read phrase by phrase. Reflect on each line.
  3. 3 Think about how this applies to your life, in different spheres of influence, from mountain peaks to dark valleys. Here's an example of values:
    • "The Lord is my Shepherd" - This means a one-on-one relationship, as a person with a person, and not just with a large flock!
    • "I won't need anything" - This is the source of your needs: your Shepherd gives you the way, the truth and life!
    • "He rests me in the green pastures" - This is a splendid state of satisfaction - a real rest!
    • "Leads me to calm waters" - Pleasant and peaceful recuperation!
    • "Strengthens my soul" - This is the provision of inner renewal and healing!
    • "Guides me on the paths of righteousness" - This is guidance and instruction in following God's will!
    • "For the sake of His name" - This gives the highest meaning of life!
    • "If I go through the valley of the shadow of death" - This is about trials in hard times, right up to death!
    • "I will not fear evil" - This is confidence in protection from above even in the most difficult circumstances!
    • "Because You are with me" - This is the constancy and faithfulness of the Shepherd!
    • "Your rod and your staff, they comfort me" - This is God's protection from enemies!
    • "You have prepared a meal in front of me in the sight of my enemies" - This is confidence in support and hope in dangerous times!
    • "He anointed my head with oil" - This is care, dedication and sanctification!
    • "My cup is full" - This is His bounty pouring out on us!
    • “So may goodness and mercy accompany me all the days of my life” - This is the blessing and power of grace, “God's love” through faith, and not just words!
    • "And I will abide in the house of the Lord" - This is a house and protection from the Lord!
    • "Many days" - Now and always - forever!
  4. 4 Determine what matters more to you:
    • Simply: "What do you have" in life?
    • Or: "Who do you have" in life?
  5. 5 Be open to God's will by following Bible principles.
  6. 6 Seek God while He can be found. This means that you should not wait for problems to fall on you - look for Him in advance.
  7. 7 Look for the wisdom described in the Bible and knowledge that does not scoff at faith. And also listen to your common sense (and not the careless, angry or stupid part of yourself) in serious matters; believe that Christ will never leave you, but will send comfort and guidance through the Holy Spirit.


  • If the Lord is your Shepherd, He will certainly "intervene" in your life ... What does this interference look like? If you ask for help, be prepared that He can change your plans if they are not in line with His will. Are you open to this kind of life (following the Shepherd?)
  • "Worship the Lord (respect and honor Him) in all your ways in the splendor of holiness." (Psalm 95: 8,9) This passage will help you to understand even more the reality described in Psalm 22.
    • What does enough mean ?: "But the Lord said to me: 'My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.' And therefore I will much more willingly boast of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may dwell in me." [Meaning of boasting: “I am weak, but He is strong in me!”] (2 Corinthians 12: 9) Therefore, I can withstand Him and His strength.
    • All the honors and all the praise must return to Him: "Yes, by the power of God, by His grace, I can do whatever is necessary."


  • Don't ask the Lord Christ to direct your path, If only you are not ready to really follow Him.
    • Jesus called His disciples to follow Him. "Do you not say that the harvest is still four months away? And I say to you, lift up your eyes and look at the fields, how they have become white and ripe for the harvest" ... (John 4:35) Realize that in the Body of Christ there are different members - some are strong, while others are struggling with weakness; you can help someone, do not forget that there are people who shift their burdens onto the shoulders of others, tyrants, liars and morally unstable individuals. Your paths may cross and you will have the opportunity to offer them a different life.And the Shepherd will never leave those who chose His path, especially in times of hardship and loss, staying with Him until the very end - knowing that the soul will be resurrected in a new life, in the place prepared by Him.
  • Remember: Divine grace is enough - throughout your life to follow Him.
    • You can seek Christ and experience a "rebirth", become His follower - through trust, obedience to Him, doing His will and spreading the gift of hope for the desperate.