How to play World of Warcraft

Author: Bobbie Johnson
Date Of Creation: 1 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
A beginners guide to World of Warcraft
Video: A beginners guide to World of Warcraft


World of Warcraft (also known as WoW) is a worldwide popular MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game). If you don't know about MMOs, or WoW, or just want some tips on how to improve your gaming experience, see Step 1.


Part 1 of 4: Getting Started

  1. 1 Make sure the system specifications of your computer are suitable for WoW. Even if this game does not require the latest computer configurations, it is best to make sure that your computer can handle the game.
    • Operating System: Windows XP and above are great for WoW.
    • Processor: This is the brain of your computer, in other words, the performance of your system and the game will depend on it. Make sure it is at least Pentium D or higher.
    • Graphics Card: When it comes to gaming, the graphics card is the most important component of your computer. The better the video card, the more spectacular your game will look, the more enjoyable your pastime will be.
    • RAM: 2 GB is the standard, preferably more.
    • Internet: If you are playing an online game, you need a good Internet connection to avoid lags (lag is a delay in the game that results from slow or inconsistent data transfers from the player to the game server).
  2. 2 Select a server. Before you start playing, you must select a game server (realm). Game servers determine the style of your future game.
    • PvE: Player vs Environment, a good option for beginners. You can only focus on your levels and pay less attention to group play.
    • PvP (PvP): Player vs Player (PvP, Player versus Player). You can take part in PvP in combat zones. If you want to level up, sometimes participating in PvP, then this type of server would be a good choice.
    • RP (RP): By choosing such servers, you can take part in role-playing games while playing on PvE servers.
    • RP-PVP (RP-PvP): on this server you can enjoy role-playing game and, at the same time, take part in PvP.
  3. 3 Create your character. The exciting part of starting your game is character creation, with 10 races and 9 classes to choose from. Each class has certain bonuses. Try to choose not only by appearance, but also by the characteristics of the classes.
    • Choose a faction. Your faction will essentially determine the races you can choose from.
      • Alliance: This faction is dedicated to nobility and honor. Most of the characters in this faction are people living in kingdoms known for their wars, magic and skill.
      • Horde: This group of outcast creatures are fighting for their right to territory in Azeroth. The appearance can be very varied, unique and even intimidating.

Part 2 of 4: Finding Your Way

  1. 1 Start your adventure. After you create your character, a short background story will open before your eyes. As a result, you will find yourself in the center of the events of the world around you, which will help you to understand the essence of the upcoming tasks.
  2. 2 Study the movements. Buttons for movement in WoW practically do not differ from other games. You can use your keyboard or mouse to move your character.
    • Mouse: You can use the mouse buttons to move your character.
      • Holding the left button: rotates the camera, without moving the character itself.
      • Hold down the right button: rotates not only the camera, but also your character.
      • Scroll: Zoom in and out of your camera. You can use first person view.
    • Keyboard: If you play a lot and have quick reflexes when using the keys on your keyboard, this method of control will be just for you.
      • WASD: Basic keys for moving your character. You can also use the arrow buttons.
      • Q and E: for diagonal movement.
      • Space: for jumping.
      • Swimming: you can use the space bar to float and X to dive.
      • Num Lock: Auto Run.
      • /: Turns running on and off.
  3. 3 Explore the game interface. The game interface does not differ much from other online games. It is convenient and easy to use. You can see information about your character and pet in the upper left corner, the minimap is in the upper right corner, chat in the lower left corner, and the control panel is in the lower center of your screen.
    • Character and Pet Info shows simple stats for your character, pet, clothing and reputation with different factions.
    • Minimap: The most useful utility at the beginning of the game. She helps with finding assignments and completing them. You can also use the functions of time, calendar, mail, zoom in and out on the mini map. You can use the main card by pressing “M”.
    • Chat window: you can change the chat window. You can use the "undock" function and move the chat window to any place convenient for you, as well as change the size and type of font, create new windows for chats with certain players.
    • Control Panel. Skills and spells are located here. You can assign a button to a specific spell, thus, it will add convenience to you during PvP and completing tasks. You can add panels. Menus and other options can also be found there.

Part 3 of 4: Group play

  1. 1 Chat with other players. WoW is a game that makes it easy to communicate with other players. In online games, you have more fun playing with your friends. One of the UI details is the friend list.
    • Friends tab: Shows added friends. There you can see the name, location, status, level, class and time of the last stay in the game.
    • Ignore Tab: Shows the list of players you have blocked.
    • Pending Tab: Shows Friendship Requests.
    • Add Friend: Click this button to find the players you want to add as friends.
    • Send message: here you can create a message for your friends.
  2. 2 Join a guild. Another option for communicating with people is joining a guild. A guild is a fellowship of World War II players. One of the benefits of joining a guild is helping with difficult tasks.
    • First of all, try to join a guild.
    • Pay attention to the guilds that are recruiting new players.
    • Find out more about the guild you want to join. Check the forums and decide if the guild suits your interests.
    • If you find a guild you want to join, ask someone from that guild to invite you.After that, someone from the guild will send you an invitation notification.

Part 4 of 4: Exploring the World

  1. 1 Fight successfully. The button bar is your main tool for successful battles, all your skills are located there. You can move your skills to other buttons on your panels. If you want to test your fighting skills, participating in PvP is a good way to do it.
    • First you need to choose a target and then use the skills.
    • You can activate auto attack by pressing “T”.
    • If you want to disable the auto attack, go to the interface - battalion commander - and uncheck the Auto attack option.
    • To change your skills, you can right-click on the skill you want to apply. Also, you can use hotkeys to activate your skills.
    • Remember, by attacking a monster, you start a fight.
    • Novice players will have access to low-level weapons (with low damage). With the growth of the level, more and more new weapons with characteristics higher than the previous ones will be available to you.
    • Characters can regenerate health while resting or eating.
  2. 2 Take tasks (quests). By completing tasks, you will level up. The higher the level, the more skills you will discover. When you first enter the game, you will appear not far from the computer character with an exclamation mark above his head. Click on it and accept the proposed task. When you click, the details of the task will appear, as well as experience and rewards for completing it. After completing the quest received, you can look at the minimap and see where the question mark is located to return the completed task. You can also press “L” to view the list of tasks.
    • Collecting tasks: a computer character will ask you to collect a certain amount of materials to complete the first task. You can look at your minimap to see where to go. If you are in a dedicated area, try to look around and find shiny objects, click on them.
    • Monster Quests: To complete this type of quest, you will have to kill monsters. If you have taken such a quest, you can find a list of the monsters you need under your minimap. Some tasks involve killing monsters and collecting loot.
    • If you notice that the exclamation mark has disappeared, most likely the task is in progress.
    • After completing your assignment, you must return to the character who issued it to you. Click "Complete Quest" to receive your reward and move on to the next quest.
  3. 3 Learn how to be resurrected. If you got into a mess with a lot of monsters and could not protect yourself, your character will die. Your outfit will be damaged. Your character will appear in the form of a spirit, and in order to return to the world of the living, you need to run up to your character's body.
  4. 4 Keep playing. This is a fun and relatively simple game. Don't give up, level up your character. Complete tasks and move towards new adventures.


  • Leveling up with a pet is much easier. Classes such as sorcerers and hunters use pets during the game.
  • Knowing the history of the world of Warcraft can help you complete tasks and make the game more interesting.
  • You can lower the video settings in the game to reduce lag.
  • The higher the level, the more difficult the tasks and quests, and in such a situation, being in a guild or a group of friends can be useful.
  • Upon reaching level 10, you will have the opportunity to participate in the Warsong Gulch battlefield, where teams of the alliance and hordes participate in battles to capture the flag.
  • Try to prepare yourself for traveling to another territory.
  • The Quest helper addon can help you complete the quests.
  • You can change the settings of your camera.
  • You can block guild invitations and friendships.
  • You can use automatic loot raising by activating this option in the menu.
  • The cursor changes depending on the computer character. A paper cursor means that the CG can give directions to the game.


  • Red names of monsters mean aggression, in other words, be careful and try not to attract a large number of them.
  • Dark water on the mini-map shows deep places where your character can suffocate.