How to play the castonets

Author: William Ramirez
Date Of Creation: 21 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Play Castanets Part One
Video: How to Play Castanets Part One


Castanets can be made from different materials. Many people prefer plastic castanets, which are sold at carnivals and which parents do not like to buy for their children. You can make very high quality castanets from fiberglass or rosewood. It all depends on what kind of sound you want. Most castanets are made in the form of shells with small ears, in which holes are drilled. A cord is passed through these holes to connect the two halves of the castanets. The cord is tied in a knot that can be adjusted. Fingers are inserted inside the assembly.


  1. 1 Before picking up the castanets, determine which of the castanets is Macho, and which is Hembra (male and female castanets). Female castanets usually have a special mark. The male castanet sounds much lower in tone.
  2. 2 Traditionally, castanets are held so that the middle finger of each hand is threaded into the knot. This is still played in some regions of Spain; in some other regions, castanets are worn on the thumb of each hand. Macho dresses on his left hand, and Hembra on his right. The knot should be on the joint of the thumb. Keep your fingers curved slightly around the castanets.
  3. 3 Castanets can produce 5 basic sounds.
    • The first sound is called TA. It is created by tapping the ring finger, the middle finger of the left hand, on the castanets.
    • The next sound is called RRI. To create this sound, hit the castanets in your right hand with your little finger, ring finger, middle finger, and then your index finger.
    • The third sound is PI. Hit the right castanet with your ring finger and then with your middle finger. This sound is identical to the TA sound but is played with the other hand.
    • The fourth sound is PAM. Also called CHIN. Hit the castanets against each other to get the sound.
    • The last sound is PAN. It is used to complete a rhythmic sequence. Hit both castanets with your ring and index fingers at the same time.