How to ignore insults

Author: Florence Bailey
Date Of Creation: 25 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Handle ANY INSULT | The BLACKOUT Method
Video: How To Handle ANY INSULT | The BLACKOUT Method


Feeling offended? What do you do when you are insulted, angry, or portrayed in a bad light? Instead of tucking your tail between your legs or saying something that will further provoke the situation, try these tips.


  1. 1 Don't react. Keep your facial expression completely neutral and just shake your head.
  2. 2 Ask the person why they are harassing you. This implies that you have been harassed for no reason (i.e. you did nothing to upset the person).
  3. 3 Take responsibility for your actions. If this person answers you, and he has good reasons to be offended, then solve the problem on the spot. It may not be easy for you to do this, but be honest with yourself. You will gain respect for your directness. For example:
    • You: "What have I done?"
    • He / She: "Yesterday you offended me, walking with your friends, all of yourself, pretending to not notice me."
    • You: "Didn't I see you?" (Look surprised.) "Man, I don't remember that. Are you sure I saw you?"
    • He / She: "You were looking right at me, you goof."
    • You: "Seriously? You know, we talked about (include what you talked about) and I was very focused. And I probably didn't notice you. Look, I'm really sorry about that, I didn't want you Let me call the guys / girls, I know they will be ashamed too. " Call your friends, explain that your actions offended this person, and apologize. Try to get them to apologize too if you can.
  4. 4 Keep in mind that anger, pain, and insecurity are at the root of most of the abuse. If you have offended someone, even unintentionally, they may respond with anger and insults, especially if they cannot express their thoughts. Moreover, some people like to draw attention to the shortcomings of others in order to hide their own. Do not respond rudely, just do not take insults to heart, and you will very simply get out of this situation.
  5. 5 Respond with humor. If you are not guilty, and you have been insulted, then answering with humor, you can disarm the person. For example, if someone calls you a pig, you might say “Really? I've always thought of myself as a fat man with the right proportions. ” Or, with delight, “Oh, thanks, I like piglets!”. More often than not, this approach will stop further insults, or your bully will be shocked by your insolence.
  6. 6 Leave (and don't come). If you tried to figure out the reason for this behavior, and did not find, and tried to excuse yourself with a joke with him or her, and everything was in vain, and he or she continues to pester you, then just leave. And until that person chooses a new goal (and this will happen), do not approach him.
    • Decent options for your departure are to say nothing and leave, or to say “Ha, okay, I have to go!”; "Okay see you later."; or simply, "I'm sorry, but I have to go."
  7. 7 Make the bully feel bad about the words. Very often, you don't have to do much to make this happen. Listening to an insult, smiling and shrugging, or responding very softly can change the public's mind. For example:
    • Bully: "Hey loser! Where did you buy these clothes? In the store. Want to be cool?"
    • You: (in a calm and humble voice) "Actually, these are the clothes of my older brother (or sister). Since my father lost his job, our family has not had extra money for clothes, we are trying our best. Me I know it's not very modern, is it? Well, come on. At the moment, we can't afford anything else. "
    • Bully: (With a sneer.) "Oh, poor child, he can't afford other clothes. I'm going to pay now. Or not."
    • You: (Modestly.) "I'm not looking for sympathy. You asked me a question and I answered. (It is desirable that others hear this.)
    • Bully: "If I were you, I would force my parents to buy me other clothes or go to a different school."
    • You: (Exhaling) "I don't want to upset my dad any more. So I won't ask for expenses like clothes. In fact, at the moment I'm looking for a job to help my family."
    • Others: "Hey, leave him alone. She / he hasn't done anything to you."
    • Bully: "Okay, okay. You can all pull yourself together and take pity on the poor child! I went. See you, losers!"
      • And this, most likely, will put an end to the current situation. More often than not, bullies look for the weakest target in a group of people, so that others can join their point of view or bullying. When other people stand by your side and protect you, bullies won't want to continue.
      • Bullies are very often insecure people, and if a group of people comes up to you, then do not respond with humor and do not insult.


  • Don't take insults personally. Some people are just rude.
  • Do not respond in kind, do not yell or raise your voice, because this is exactly what they need.
  • Talk to them, but never trust. Perhaps this is their way to get to you.
  • Show them that you don't care about their insults. Pretend they are invisible and you don't know them.
  • Do not respond with insults. This will add fuel to the fire.
  • Grinning, pretending to be above them, or completely ignoring them are not good ideas. Answer with humor, more often than not, this is the best way. If the bully is behaving indecently, you can simply ignore him.
  • If the bully insults you, say ‘Thanks for the compliment!’ And smile so they know you’re not offended by their words.
  • Ignore the bully!
  • Compliment him / her the next time you insult.


  • If you respond, even to apologize, and the harassment continues, then beware of further developments. For some people, insults are not enough. If you think that insults can turn into physical violence, then tell someone.Tell a teacher, friend, or your parents. They can help.