How to store cigars

Author: Gregory Harris
Date Of Creation: 9 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Care for Cigars for beginners
Video: How to Care for Cigars for beginners


Whether you are an avid cigar fan or just interested in them, knowing how to store cigars properly will be very important to you. Proper storage will keep your cigars fresh and alive. Once you know how to store cigars, you will be better able to keep your cigars in optimal condition for a long period of time.


Method 1 of 4: Short-term storage of cigars

  1. 1 Decide on the climate quickly. A good cigar, like a living creature, breathes: it must be in a stable, controlled climate, otherwise it can dry out within a few hours. If you come for a good cigar, but do not want to smoke that day, you need to take some preventive measures to make sure that the cigar stays fresh until the moment you plan to smoke.
    • However, if you are in Arizona or Alaska, aridity may have to deal with storage issues if you intend to store cigars for more than 24 hours.
    • Good cigar tobacco is grown in tropical climates with humidity levels anywhere between 65 and 72%. Cigars are made from whole rolled tobacco leaves, and the texture must remain oily and moist. Cigars that are not stored at the optimum temperature and humidity can dry out, crack or mold.
    • If you are an avid cigar fan and want to store them in large quantities for a long period of time, you need to purchase a humidor for storing cigars. Proceed to the next step.
  2. 2 Store a small amount of cigars in an open plastic bag until you feel like smoking. If you have a cigar or two but are unable to smoke at this time, it is best to store them in an open zipped bag with a slightly damp towel in the mouth of the bag. The package should be placed in a dark place with a temperature of about 21 degrees.
    • Humidor packs are commonly sold at many cigar retailers. In such packages, cigars can remain fresh for several weeks. In a good cigar store, the salesperson will usually ask you how long you intend to keep your cigars, and may suggest one of those bags. Take an interest and talk, it's worth it - you will learn a lot.
    • The towel should be clean and only slightly damp, preferably using distilled water. Check the bag after a few hours to make sure no moisture builds up inside. If so, open the bag wider and pull the towel back a little. Dampness can cause cigars to grow moldy.
    • Alternatively, you can use a plastic cup for storage, covering it with a slightly damp, almost dry towel and maintaining the required temperature.
  3. 3 Keep cigars wrapped in cellophane or in a case during transport. If you received a cigar in a cellophane wrap or cedar or other type of case, it is very good to preserve its cigar until you start smoking. Cellophane will allow air to enter the cigar, while other types of cases and covers will protect the cigar during transport.
    • The opinions of cigar connoisseurs differ: whether it is necessary to remove the cigars from their cases during long-term storage or not to break the packaging. For short periods of storage, this question is irrelevant. All cigar smokers agree on one thing: when storing cigars for more than one or two days, they must either be smoked or placed in a humidor.
  4. 4 Do not keep them in the refrigerator. There is a common misconception that freezing or chilling cigars is an effective way to keep them fresh. There is no more false belief than this if you do not want to get a cigar that tastes like everything in the fridge. Even if the cigar is overheated, or too humid, or not humid enough, never keep it in the refrigerator.
    • Storing cigars in an enclosed space is not the best option, as they must breathe. Do not put cigars in a plastic box with a sealed lid or refrigerator unless you want to ruin them. Cigars that are stored in a plastic box with a damp towel are likely to become more saturated with moisture and may even develop mold over time.
    • If you have absolutely no place to store your cigars in 70/70 conditions, store them in a relatively cool place in your home during the summer if you live in a warm climate, or keep them in the kitchen (the warmest room in the house) in a cool climate during the winter. Spray water periodically with a humidifier to maintain the required humidity level. This is certainly not ideal, but this way you can save good cigars with grief in half. And it was better to just smoke them.
  5. 5 Ask for a box at a cigar store. If you do not plan to use cigars when buying cigars and know that you do not have a place to store them, seek advice from the seller and ask if he has old cigar boxes, preferably cedar, for a fee or for free. ... Sometimes they can be given to you just like that. Placing the cigar box in a cool room will create a good storage environment.

Method 2 of 4: Choose a humidor

  1. 1 Decide on the price. Humidors are available in a variety of sizes, styles and price ranges. You don't need to rob a bank to buy a quality humidor that will perfectly keep your cigars fresh. On the internet or cigar store, explore options in your price range.
    • Get ready to get a beautiful temperature controlled glass cabinet for less than $ 60 or $ 70.
    • Typically, the biggest cost difference is determined by the quality of the temperature and humidity control elements. The best option would be to buy a humidor of the smallest suitable size with the highest quality parts.
    • Using good quality cedar crates is the best and most reliable way to store your cigars, however, if you are not a fan of the highest quality cigars, you can make your own humidor out of the materials provided. Continue to the next method if you want to make your own humidor.
  2. 2 Determine the number of cigars you are likely to have on hand. There is no point in buying a 7-tiered box that can hold a couple hundred cigars if you are going to smoke one cigar now and another later. Try to determine how many cigars you plan to keep on hand at all times and get the smallest appropriate humidor.
    • Tabletop humidors can hold about 25 cigars, while larger cases can hold over 150. Multi-drawer humidors can be organizational solutions that allow you to store multiple boxes of hundreds of different cigars in different locations in the humidor. These are the most expensive options, costing several hundred dollars.
    • Travel humidors are small, sturdy plastic cases that can hold 10 or 15 cigars at a time. If you're going on the road and your collection consists of several cigars, or if you just prefer a small and sturdy option, the travel humidor can be a cheap alternative to more expensive tabletop pieces.
  3. 3 When buying a humidor, make sure it is lined with cedar. It is very important that the humidor you purchased has a cedarwood lining to help regulate the humidity and ventilation of the humidor. Plastic or metal humidors, even with the right humidifiers, will not be able to maintain the optimum temperature as much as a cedar humidor. Such a box looks beautiful, has a great smell and maintains the right temperature and humidity.
  4. 4 Choose a humidor humidifier. Most humidors come with humidifiers, but knowing the differences between the types and methods of humidification can help you make a more informed choice.
    • Sponge humidifiers - the most common and cheapest. They are usually attached to the inner lid of the humidor and wetted with propylene glycol, often called "PG", which regulates the moisture in the box. This liquid is usually sold at cigar retailers and costs between $ 6 and $ 10 per liter. Xikar and Cigar Mechanic are popular brands of moisturizer fluid.
    • Humidor balls Made from moisture-sensitive silica, they are very durable, easy to use, and can be periodically refurbished to maintain proper moisture. A bag of humidor balls costs between $ 18 and $ 20, but you will most likely never need to replace them, just refurbish them. To use, soak them in distilled water and spray them periodically with this water to maintain moisture. The ideal way to store the balls in a humidor is to place them in a new lady's stocking.
    • Digital humidifiers - quite expensive, but they are the most effective. You can install an electric humidifier of the required specification, install and forget.
  5. 5 Buy a hygrometer and calibrate it. Hygrometers are used to measure humidity levels in humidors. They are available in both analog and digital versions and can be installed inside the humidor or outside. Some humidors come with clock-shaped hygrometers, which are mounted on the front of the humidor for convenience. Digital hygrometers do not need to be set up and analog hygrometers need to be calibrated before use to ensure they show the correct readings.
    • To calibrate the hygrometer, place it in a plastic bag that contains a cap of about a tablespoon of salt. Close the bag and stand for 6 to 12 hours. When you take the hygrometer out of your bag, it should read 75% humidity. If not, use the calibration screwdriver at the back of the hygrometer to set the value to 75% and the instrument is ready for use.
  6. 6 Acclimate the humidor to create the required microclimate. Before loading your humidor with cigars, it takes about 7 days to moisturize it and create an optimal microclimate. This is a simple process, but important enough to prepare the humidor and create the best storage conditions for your cigars.
    • To acclimate the humidor, prime the humidifier of your choice, either by wetting a sponge, by dampening the balls, or by setting up a digital humidifier, and reinstall it in the humidor.
    • Pour about a glass of distilled water into a clean cup and place it in the humidor, then blot the sides of the humidor with a slightly damp towel. Don't rub, just blot very gently.
    • Close the humidor and leave it alone for about seven days, observing the temperature and humidity levels. At the end of the week, you can take out the cup of water and the humidor is ready to be loaded with cigars.

Method 3 of 4: Making a humidor at home

  1. 1 Find a suitable container. Home humidors can be made from plastic boxes, old ammo storage cases, or cigar boxes.Although these devices will not be able to keep cigars fresh for a long time as a humidor, they will be quite effective in the medium term. This is a good choice if you plan on storing your cigars for more than a week, but don't want to buy a humidor.
    • Once you have selected a container, wash it with warm water and antibacterial soap and let dry completely. The container must be large enough for all the cigars to lie flat on the inside.
    • Make sure the container closes completely with little air circulation. This will preserve the aroma of your cigars and prevent the smells from mixing. If the container is sealed, cigars should be given access to fresh air at least every two weeks.
  2. 2 Moisten the container. Just like with a store bought humidor, you need to find a way to keep your home version at around 70% humidity. Place a jar of Xicar moisturizing gel or beads previously soaked in distilled water in a container (the water must be drained).
    • As a last resort, you can put a slightly moistened small household sponge in the corner at the bottom of the container. This will ensure that the required humidity remains in the closed container. Close the cigar container lid tightly.
    • At your local cigar store, ask if they have cedar dividers from old cigar boxes and if they could share them with you. You can use them to create storage cases for individual cigars or to line the walls of your home humidor. This will help regulate humidity.
  3. 3 Store container in a cool, dark place. Control the temperature at the storage location to be within 70 degrees Fahrenheit (21 degrees Celsius). Keep a thermometer close to check the temperature and smoke cigars whenever possible.
    • Check your cigars periodically to make sure they don't suffer from excessive moisture or become too damp or wet. Observe that there are no signs of mold or moisture droplets in the humidor. If this happens, remove the humidifier or ventilate the humidor.

Method 4 of 4: Storing Cigars in a Humidor Long-Term

  1. 1 Store the humidor at an appropriate temperature. The humidor can only control the humidity level, so you will need to control the ambient temperature. Humidors should always be kept in rooms with a temperature of 20-22 degrees Celsius.
  2. 2 Keep cigars of the same type with other cigars. The lack of a unified point of view and the increased interest among lovers of large collections raises the issue of storing various types of cigars. If you have 15 Maduros and many other different cigars of different strengths and tastes, can they stay close to each other for a long time? Yes and no. Store naturally flavored cigars next to similar cigars, and flavored cigars along with flavored ones.
    • Sometimes it is allowed to mix the flavors of some cigars with the flavors of others, but this is not possible with all cigars. A good rule of thumb is, of course, to separate (remember those cedar partitions in a cigar shop?) Any flavored cigars you might have from natural tobacco cigars. For example, a cognac-flavored cigar, being in the same space as a natural tobacco cigar, can give it the same taste. Although, in general, natural cigars, regardless of strength or flavor, can be found together.
    • If it becomes necessary to store different cigars in one box in a humidor or in a humidor without compartments, it is recommended to store them in cedar cases or self-made cases from old cedar from a cigar store.
  3. 3 Consider the aging features of stripped cigars. Another controversial issue for the world of cigar collectors is whether to keep cigars wrapped in cellophane or "naked" without packaging. If you have a quality humidor that can effectively keep your cigars in top condition over a long period of time, it is recommended to remove the cellophane, although this is largely due to your preference.
    • If you plan to smoke a cigar for a month, it is better to leave it in a cellophane wrapper for this time, and if you want, even longer. Most often, cigars are left in the containers and wrappers in which they arrive, especially in cedar packs.
  4. 4 Change cigars that you plan to store for more than a some places. To prevent the air in the humidor from becoming musty, it is a good practice to move the cigars at least once a month. If you are a heavy smoker and constantly move your cigars, pulling out some and replacing them with others, you do not need to stick to a moving schedule. But if you are a collector of exquisite cigars that you have stored for a long time, it is better to periodically change their places.
    • In general, cigars should be stored on a flat surface to promote air circulation. Do not store cigars on top of other cigars. Store cigars in a humidor with as much space as possible.
  5. 5 Maintain a humidifier depending on the climate. It is good practice to check the hygrometer at least once a week to make sure the humidity level remains stable, and to change the liquid in the humidifier every couple of months, depending on the climate in which you live.
    • It is a good idea to calibrate the hygrometer every six months by taking it out of the humidor and placing it in a bag of salt for inspection to make sure it gives an accurate reading. Most storage errors are due to faulty hygrometers.
    • It is a good idea to calibrate the hygrometer every six months by taking it out of the humidor and placing it in a bag of salt for testing to make sure it gives an accurate reading. Most storage errors are due to faulty hygrometers.


  • If you decide to buy a humidor, please test it before purchasing. Lift humidor lid 7.62 cm and release. Listen for the hiss of air coming out. If the lid does not pop, then the humidor is made of sufficient quality and the tightness of the seal is ensured in it.

What do you need

  • Water
  • Humidor
  • Sponge or paper towel
  • Humidifier
  • Hygrometer