How to steam cauliflower

Author: Joan Hall
Date Of Creation: 4 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Steaming CAULIFLOWER - How to steam CAULIFLOWER demonstration
Video: Steaming CAULIFLOWER - How to steam CAULIFLOWER demonstration


Cauliflower is a very nutritious vegetable and, if cooked correctly, is still very tender and delicious. Cauliflower can be cooked in many ways, but steaming it retains most of the nutrients it contains. You can steam the cauliflower on the gas stove or in the microwave. Here's how to do it.


It turns out about 4 servings

  • 1 head of fresh cauliflower, weighing approximately 500 to 700 g
  • Water
  • Salt
  • Ground black pepper
  • Butter


Method 1 of 3: Preparing the cabbage

  1. 1 Choose fresh cauliflower. Fresh cauliflower should be white and wrapped in crispy, bright green leaves.
    • Pay attention to the cut of the cabbage stem. The head of the cabbage may be dirty and frayed, but the main stem should be white. Its color is the best indicator of how fresh a vegetable is.
    • The apical inflorescences of the cabbage should be close enough to each other. If this is not the case, it could be a sign that the cauliflower has already begun to deteriorate.
  2. 2 Cut off the leaves. Take a sharp knife and cut off all the green leaves around the cauliflower head. Cut them as close to the stem as possible.
    • I would like to point out that cabbage leaves can also be cooked as long as they are fresh. They are especially good for vegetable broths, but they can also be used with stews or fried foods, or eaten raw in salads.
  3. 3 Cut off the main stem. To make it easy for you to separate the inflorescences, cut off the stem in front of the place where it begins to merge into them.
    • The stem can also be used for vegetable broth.
    • You can, of course, separate the inflorescences from each other without cutting off the stem, but it will be much more difficult for you to do this.
  4. 4 Separate the inflorescences from each other. Turn the head of the cabbage with the main stem facing up. Take a sharp kitchen knife and cut the buds apart.
    • Cut off the buds where they start to grow from the main stem. Cut them off at a 45 degree angle.
    • Also cut off any spoiled buds. This cabbage tastes bad and lacks many nutrients.
    • Note that small cauliflower heads can be cooked whole. You don't need to split it into separate inflorescences.
  5. 5 Cut large buds into small pieces. Larger buds take longer to prepare. Therefore, cut them into smaller pieces.
    • The less time you spend cooking cauliflower, the more nutrients you retain in it.
  6. 6 Wash the cabbage. Place the flowers in a colander and rinse them under cold water. Then blot them with clean paper towels.
    • There may be dirt between the inflorescences. If you notice it, then gently scrape it off with your fingers. You do not need to brush the inflorescences with a brush.

Method 2 of 3: Cooking Cauliflower on a Gas Stove

  1. 1 Fill a large saucepan with water. Pour about 5 cm of water into a large saucepan. Bring the water to a boil over high heat.
  2. 2 Place the steam basket in a saucepan. The basket should not touch boiling water.
    • If you don't have a dedicated steam basket, you can cook in a metal colander. Just make sure the colander doesn't fall into the pot.
  3. 3 Add cauliflower to the basket. Gently spread the inflorescences in an even layer.
    • It is desirable that the inflorescences lie in the basket with the tops up.
    • If possible, place the cabbage in one layer. If this does not work, then try to spread the inflorescences in the basket as evenly as possible.
  4. 4 Cook for 5-13 minutes. Cover the pot with a lid. The cabbage is done when you can pierce it with a fork, but it shouldn't be too soft.
    • The pot must be covered with a lid. This is necessary so that steam builds up in the saucepan, in which the cauliflower will cook.
    • If your cabbage inflorescences are of normal size, then check the cabbage immediately after the first 5 minutes. If the buds are still too hard, cover the pot and continue cooking. It usually takes 7 to 10 minutes for the cauliflower to cook.
    • Large buds can take up to 13 minutes to cook.
    • If you decide to cook the whole head of cauliflower at once, then it can take 20 minutes or more to cook it.
  5. 5 Serve warm. Remove the cabbage from the steam basket and place it on a plate. Season with salt, pepper, and oil as desired.
    • You can also sprinkle soy sauce on the cabbage, sprinkle with grated cheese or spices such as paprika, lemon pepper, or parsley. How you want to enjoy this healthy vegetable is up to you. So get creative with this question.

Method 3 of 3: Microwave the cauliflower

  1. 1 Place the cauliflower in a bowl or plastic microwave container. Spread the inflorescences as evenly as possible.
    • If possible, put them in one layer. If this does not work, then at least spread the inflorescences as evenly as possible.
  2. 2 Add some water to the container. For normal cooking, you need approximately 2-3 tablespoons (30-45 ml) of water.
    • There should be about 2.5 cm of water at the bottom of the container. The idea is that there is just enough water to generate steam. Too much water is not needed, otherwise we will get cabbage boiled in water, and not steamed.
  3. 3 Cover the container. If a lid is included with the container, close it. If there is no lid, cover the container with microwave foil.
    • If you bought a container or dish without a lid, and you do not have a special film, then you can cover them with a ceramic plate. But just make sure that the plate completely covers your container of cabbage.
    • The dishes with cabbage must be covered so that steam accumulates in it, which will help you cook your cauliflower.
  4. 4 Cook the cabbage for 3-4 minutes. Place the cauliflower dish in the microwave and cook on high power. The cabbage is done when you can pierce it with a fork, but it shouldn't be too soft.
    • Check the cabbage for doneness after the first 2 1/2 minutes. If necessary, continue cooking for another minute and a half.
    • Be careful when removing the lid from the cookware.Keep utensils away from your face to avoid scalding from the steam.
  5. 5 Serve warm. Place the cabbage on a plate and sprinkle with salt, pepper, or a lump of butter on top.
    • You can also sprinkle soy sauce on the cabbage, sprinkle with grated cheese or spices such as paprika, lemon pepper, or parsley. How you want to enjoy this healthy vegetable is up to you. So get creative with this question.


  • Use fresh cabbage within five to seven days. Keep it in the refrigerator with plastic wrap.

What do you need

For preparing cabbage

  • Sharp kitchen knife
  • Cutting board
  • Colander
  • Sink
  • Paper towels

For cooking cabbage on the stove

  • Plate
  • Large saucepan with lid
  • Steam basket or metal colander
  • Fork
  • A spoon
  • Plate

For microwave cooking

  • Microwave
  • Microwave utensils
  • Plastic wrap, lid, or ceramic plate
  • Fork
  • A spoon
  • Plate